Lee Anderson | Vital Football

Lee Anderson

He's a complex character, and its hard to trust anyone who jumps around from party to party, shedding their skin each time. On the other hand, its hard to argue that he was not speaking the truth. Sadiq Khan has baited and taunted the English population of London with all of his many stunts since becoming Mayor. He has wasted vast sums of tax payer money, and favours policy and delivery that supports the multicultural, diverse horror, the violent shithole that London has become. When the Tories wont even support their candidate standing against him, it underlines just what we have, the illusion of choice. Two parties who say they are different, when actually they are exactly the same.
People hate to hear the truth. This guy tells it as it
People hate to hear the truth. This guy tells it as it is.
Dave. The Tories are using the same election tactics as the always do. They’ve mad a cock up of running the country over the last 14 years in cost power Power bills ( whilst obscene profits are being made) inflation cost of living reduction in police and nurses. State of the NHS. Post office scandal. Water companies treating the public like the stuff they’re supposed to deal with. All this when the shareholders are reaping it in from massive profits being made. Let’s not forget Johnson, Hancock, Truss and the like!! To divert people thinking about all these things they will do what they did in the run up to the last election (and look what happened there) they will bring anti semitism, Islamophobia and benefits cheats to the forefront of the discussion. Set of devious, scurrilous, sods!!!
Dave. The Tories are using the same election tactics as the always do. They’ve mad a cock up of running the country over the last 14 years in cost power Power bills ( whilst obscene profits are being made) inflation cost of living reduction in police and nurses. State of the NHS. Post office scandal. Water companies treating the public like the stuff they’re supposed to deal with. All this when the shareholders are reaping it in from massive profits being made. Let’s not forget Johnson, Hancock, Truss and the like!! To divert people thinking about all these things they will do what they did in the run up to the last election (and look what happened there) they will bring anti semitism, Islamophobia and benefits cheats to the forefront of the discussion. Set of devious, scurrilous, sods!!!
And with all that's gone on and Liarbour were in charge we'd all be living in a land of milk and honey. Just look at the balance of deficits they left us with, once again, after their last term in office. Just a bunch of Marxist radicals. Haven't been the party of the working man in an age.
Everybody knows he's speaking the truth. Certainly everybody in politics.

Yet the extent they go to in lying to themselves and pretending he's said something outrageous is remarkable. They are immediately activated, as if it is their natural duty - their patriotic duty, when it is the absolute opposite of that. These people are collaborators in the continued destruction of London. It's not only London that Khan impacts either, it has a knock on effect on the rest of the country.

Khan is the biggest parasite in public life in this country. To say he needs removing is an understatement. And 'democracy' clearly won't remove him. If we were serious, if we cared about ourselves, he'd be removed - by whatever means. In fact, he'd have never got near power in the first place.

He focuses on draping everything in the language of 'caring' radical progressivism and his policies follow suit, but his real role is ridding London of any English identity and facilitating an Islamic takeover. He's an early stage door opener for the Islamic colonisation of London and by extension the rest of the country. Muslims understand that, even if they don't like all his policies, and will unquestionably continue voting for him - there's a reason they always vote left when outside their own countries. All the far left ideology is merely a necessary trojan horse that he may or may not genuinely believe in. Khan thinks all of this isn't transparent, and simply doesn't care about those who can see straight through it all - because he knows he's untouchable, with the entire establishment on his side. His despicable smugness should be the ultimate provocation. Yet we get the editor of The Spectator calling people the 'loony right' for suggesting the mere possibility of split loyalties. To the wet traitors like Fraser Nelson, the likes of Khan (and Humza Yousaf) are simply 'elected' officials like any other with no agendas and that they're Muslim is utterly irrelevant. In fact, it's a multi cultural success story!

We live in a truly warped time when a poisonous, ill intentioned foreigner like him is allowed free reign over our capital city without serious opposition.

And if you look at the overwhelming prevalence of Muslim councillors absolutely fucking everywhere else waiting in the wings you know a lot more cities and towns have the same things to come, if they're lucky enough to have not suffered them already.
A little thought experiment.....

If it had been white British people turning up in their thousands protesting ANY non far left cause in London every weekend, escalating tensions, grinding the city to a halt and running up enormous policing costs, would Khan have allowed them to continue in the same way the 'Palestine' people have? Would the police have treated them in the same way?

Let's go a bit further..... if these were anti immigration protests, would they have been dealt with in the same way? Would there have been no stronger intervention?

I don't think there's a single honest, half switched on person anywhere who doesn't know the answer, whether they want to admit it or not.

Double standards like these are beyond obvious and it takes a major, concerted effort from the establishment to make a non issue of it and keep people asleep. When bad things are happening everywhere you look, their priority becomes managing what the public see and think. See also the safe and effective vaccines.

We are run by cowards, traitors and scumbags who hate us. I dread to think how ugly things will become. But it might as well get as ugly as possible, as soon as possible.
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Problem is Chronic is that immigrants make up a large part of the electorate and need to be grovelled to. The country has gone woke and snowflake mad. Too many companies have bent over backwards to ensure equality but it is now out of control. Just watched the documentary about Bristol policing with the woman in charge as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Then the latest trouble there and who comes on but another bloody female Chief Inspector, and they wonder why Bristol is now lawless.. Same with Post Office yesterday about non delivery of mail, who is the chief who they put up front but another female wannabe. Nothing against female managers and I've worked with quite a few who have come up through the ranks and been excellent. It's just that they are putting third raters in to make themselves look like they are adhering to Equal Ops.
Really fear for this country in 50 years time.
Quote from Andrew Neil on Twitter:

The UK is drifting, unhappy, losing faith in previously respected institutions (like the police), buffeted by extremists (often allowed to run amok), dismayed by decline, angry at the inability of the political class to do anything about it, despairing that the Westminster politico/media bubble pursues an agenda, issues and priorities (look at the obsession with Lee Anderson) which are not most people’s — and had enough of being lectured to by a disconnected, de haut en bas chattering class. Yet we have a Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition incapable of speaking up for the moderate majority, who still have pride in their country and are desperate for strong leadership and guidance through the current morass — plus some hope/sign things will get better — all within the bounds of traditional British tolerance and fair play. This vacuum is dangerous.

I've had lots of bad male managers too - the truth is its not just the UK that are bending over themselves on the equality stuff. Its happening all over the West.
Andrew Neil says 'this vacuum is dangerous' meaning that it opens up space for the 'far right'. When at this stage, it is only the far right that can rescue us. He is part of the establishment, he is part of the problem. Containment is the name of the game for people like him. Fuck around at the margins of the issues without ever saying what truly needs to be said.
I've been complaining about the actions of the Police since February last year. I initially went to the police complaints dept completely fobbed off by them and through citizens advice i was told i could complain about the way they handled my complaint to the Police Commissioner. I did this officially in July 2023 and received an automated reply saying my complaint would be looked into and could take upto 10 weeks. I had not heard from them by the end of October so i sent a follow up email , I again received an automated reply stating they would be in contact within 21 working days. Asi still had not received any form of reply by the beginning of December i went to see my MP. She seemed really interested and helpful saying she would write to the Chief Constable and Alan Billings the Commissioner. She did and the replies she received were absolutely pathetic, this is how the commisioner replied to the email sent by the MPs staff
Hi Lisa.
Thanks for your email.
I note what you say.
As of today I still haven't receieved any further correspondence. It seems my MP accepts this as an acceptable response and therefore are taking no further action.
There is a lying Copper still patrolling Sheffield in his unmarked Range Rover causing damage to peoples vehicles and lying through his teeth and intimidating
people and still getting away with it.
I can't name him yet but when i can every outlet i can put it on i will.
Rant over it just pisses me off that the bent twat can get away with it.
I will carry on trying to get some satisfaction from the authorities, they seem to think i'll let it drop but theyv'e no chance
I've been complaining about the actions of the Police since February last year. I initially went to the police complaints dept completely fobbed off by them and through citizens advice i was told i could complain about the way they handled my complaint to the Police Commissioner. I did this officially in July 2023 and received an automated reply saying my complaint would be looked into and could take upto 10 weeks. I had not heard from them by the end of October so i sent a follow up email , I again received an automated reply stating they would be in contact within 21 working days. Asi still had not received any form of reply by the beginning of December i went to see my MP. She seemed really interested and helpful saying she would write to the Chief Constable and Alan Billings the Commissioner. She did and the replies she received were absolutely pathetic, this is how the commisioner replied to the email sent by the MPs staff
Hi Lisa.
Thanks for your email.
I note what you say.
As of today I still haven't receieved any further correspondence. It seems my MP accepts this as an acceptable response and therefore are taking no further action.
There is a lying Copper still patrolling Sheffield in his unmarked Range Rover causing damage to peoples vehicles and lying through his teeth and intimidating
people and still getting away with it.
I can't name him yet but when i can every outlet i can put it on i will.
Rant over it just pisses me off that the bent twat can get away with it.
I will carry on trying to get some satisfaction from the authorities, they seem to think i'll let it drop but theyv'e no chance
Stick to your guns pal it seems to be how companies and authorities deal with everything these day send you off on a paper trail and the majority give in eventually
Speaking of the Police and how standards like everything else in this broken country has gone down the pan. I was brought up in a country that taught me right from wrong. At home, at School, as a stroppy youth, step out of line and "SMACK!" the well proven "Pain Beats Brain!" syndrome and you took your medicine like a man, no squealing, crying or complaining, short sharp lesson was the way. Back in the day same in the military, in my time and the physical enforced rules and regulations would these days see the old and bold serving long prison sentences, same with policing. Harsh & Brutal but it works. Sadly now all gone hence the slow long demise of this "ONCE" Great country
Problem is Chronic is that immigrants make up a large part of the electorate and need to be grovelled to. The country has gone woke and snowflake mad. Too many companies have bent over backwards to ensure equality but it is now out of control. Just watched the documentary about Bristol policing with the woman in charge as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Then the latest trouble there and who comes on but another bloody female Chief Inspector, and they wonder why Bristol is now lawless.. Same with Post Office yesterday about non delivery of mail, who is the chief who they put up front but another female wannabe. Nothing against female managers and I've worked with quite a few who have come up through the ranks and been excellent. It's just that they are putting third raters in to make themselves look like they are adhering to Equal Ops.
Really fear for this country in 50 years time.
Won't have to wait 50 years Babylon is falling now.
I’m moving more and more OFF GRID and feeling better for it.
The iPhone has got the heave ho… and I’m back using the owd Nokia 8800.
Quote from Andrew Neil on Twitter:

The UK is drifting, unhappy, losing faith in previously respected institutions (like the police), buffeted by extremists (often allowed to run amok), dismayed by decline, angry at the inability of the political class to do anything about it, despairing that the Westminster politico/media bubble pursues an agenda, issues and priorities (look at the obsession with Lee Anderson) which are not most people’s — and had enough of being lectured to by a disconnected, de haut en bas chattering class. Yet we have a Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition incapable of speaking up for the moderate majority, who still have pride in their country and are desperate for strong leadership and guidance through the current morass — plus some hope/sign things will get better — all within the bounds of traditional British tolerance and fair play. This vacuum is dangerous.

I've had lots of bad male managers too - the truth is its not just the UK that are bending over themselves on the equality stuff. Its happening all over the West.
They don't speak up because for fear losing their jobs and reputation. It has come to something when White English people cannot express an opinion for fear of being called racist.
If Khan is what Labour are putting forward, they it may just cost themselves what should be a very easy election win.
Maybe when Putin/China/North Korea/Iran are out our door we will belatedly realise that we have to get our national identity back and pride in being English.
The only way we can do that is 2 years National service so these young work shy layabouts (I see their work ethic everyday) or entitled University students, get to see some real life and disipline before they are infected.