Is it ok to be racist? | Page 2 | Vital Football

Is it ok to be racist?

I admit to having racial thoughts regarding a certain middle eastern group of people. That comes from being sent to Afghanistan and I doubt it will ever change. I am not unpleasant with them, I just don't trust them and will try and avoid them as best I can.

As for other races, they don't really bother me. I will dislike anyone if they are generally unpleasant people, doesn't matter what colour skin they have or which country they are from. Being brutally honest, with working in Scotland, the WORST bunch of people for being really unpleasant are the ENGLISH! many times an English person has made a complaint to try and get a free meal etc. One even tried to get the company to pay for damage to his motorcycle even tho the damage was already there. He soon wound his neck in when we said the car deck was being monitored and recorded on CCTV 24 hours a day.
Odin - 3/6/2014 01:57

Seeing someone of a different ethnic background and even noticing that they are different to you is racism of sorts.

It comes naturally to all of us.. there's a big difference to be a complete biggot or just having a few prejudices though. Anyone who says they don't have a few are complete liars.

No it's not. People ARE different. Afro Caribbeans have a different look to Eskimo's, who look different to Malaysian's, who look different to Peruvian's.

Are you saying everyone is racist because they can observe differences between face shape, features, hair colour and physique?

Racism is about discrimination toward an individual BECAUSE of their race, not because you have observed their ethnicity.

As for the topic itself, when growing up we use our minds to observe and record data, including what we come to know as the norm. This is a natural evolutionary skill that gives us the ability to survive. Living in the wild you would need to know your environment. Which plants are safe, which are harmful, which animals are a food source and which are a threat. The same applies to tribal threats from other villagers, to ensure the safety of the family/community, and hence preseve the natural line of procreation.

It's natural to observe differences, and be wary of any potential threat, but we have evolved enough now to be aware that a threat is not necessarily posed because somebody is of a different ethnicity.

There still remains that instinct, though I get saddened when I hear people generalise all of one type of race. Sure, there are people in EVERY race you care to mention who are bad, but to tar everyone with the same brush because of your fears is ridiculous.

People are entitled to their opinions and thoughts. God forbid we ever suppress free speech (entirely), but an inherently racist outlook is not healthy. Not for the person, nor for society.

I don't believe the creation of laws is the answer. You can't make everyone think a certain way, but education and inclusion should be the way to challenge peoples perceptions.

I also don't believe in a multi cultural society stripped of identity. It's normal that people have identites and can celebrate them. It's the most healthy thing that communities have their own culture, foods, clothes, looks, songs, dances,drinks, places to eat and drink, festivals, language, slang, beliefs etc.

We shouldn't be looking to break these up and create one giant, bland housing estate of a country devoid of personality.

When I go abroad I love to experience other peoples cultures. I love to see their local flags, their history, buildings, where they eat and congregate, what they wear, how they interact, what their personality is like, their outlook on life.

I don't think we should lose that, but because the world is so accessible now, and we have moved and settled in large communities elsewhere faster than our ego can evolutionarily accept, it causes problems.

We should be able to appreciate West Indian culture here, for example. Their colour and vibrancy, music and food. Same with Oriental and also ANY culture that brings something.

How many racist people are happy tucking into a Chinese takeaway or love 'An Indian'?

Maybe it's an idealised view, but we don't help ourselves as people, and I'm talking about people of all ethnicities here. Racism exists across all boundries. Maybe if we made an effort as a society we could experience some of the joys life has to bring instead of clinging to fears due to differences?
OldLeazes - 3/6/2014 07:54

I hope I'm not a racist, but some people try too hard not to be. As an example I'll cite the girl I was in college with who told me in all seriousness that "they" had not had the same chances as I had and therefore needed affirmative action to ensure parity. This was in relation to a black kid in our politics class who should not have been in the university. He simply didn't possess the critical faculties required for a rigorous university education. "Thick as a diver's clog" as my old man would have said. No matter how stupid he showed himself to be people made excuses for him. To my mind that is genuine racism. The kid wasn't up to it, so kick the fucker out. Never mind his colour. I was painted as the racist for suggesting as much, and also telling him to his face that he was an idiot. I happened to get a look at one of the lad's essays (ok I nicked it from his pigeon hole) and the level of written English was that of a fairly average 10 year old. Hand written, and the letters were printed individually when it was supposed to be typed. No citations, no bibliography, nothing. The content was laughable, but for some reason unknown to me his stupidity was tolerated. He also acted like he was some kind of South London gangster, rather than the dumb as shit middle class boy he really was.

That's not racist. However there is one explanation you didn't explore. The kid could have been severely dyslexic and didn't want anyone knowing. Something similar happened to me where I told someone they were thick as two planks and then it all came out.

Felt like a right **** afterwards and most of the group thought as much too.
He might well have been dyslexic mate, but that would only excuse the writing style, not the content. The kid I am on about was just not capable of discussing the subject in an intelligent fashion. His knowledge was not sufficient, and I struggle to understand how he ever made it into the place. The course I was on was massively oversubscribed, it was hard to get it there. On the odd occasion he did say something that wasn't completely cretinous his words were celebrated as if they had been spoken by Einstein. They were lowering the bar to accommodate his lack of intelligence. When we discussed the issue of slavery he was considered the expert simply because he had a black skin. I've seen this kind of inverse racism in the workplace too, and it does my nut in.
The way I see it there are ***** from all walks of life and all races. You have to judge a person on how you find them.

Living in the Middle East for the past two years I've seen all forms of appalling behaviour/attitude from pretty much every race going.

I also think people mix up stereotyping with racism. In my experience many nationalities live up to the perception. South Africans are generally abrupt and rude, Aussies are in your face, Pakistani's are the worst drivers on the planet (backed up by statistics), Brits are generally piss heads or firmly tucked up their own arses etc etc.
Isn't it the police force and fire brigade where you can only currently (or most certainly could at one point) only apply if you were a woman or of different ethnicity.

That to me is fucking disgraceful. Now if I'm in a burning building I couldn't give a fuck if you're purple, blue green or have 37 fucking heads as long as you're the best person for the job and not in there simply to improve stats.

I tell racist jokes and also laugh at them. I'm not a racist though as I'd never discriminate and often love to absorb new cultures etc.
I have always got on with 3rd world nationals from the asian sub continent, indians especially sikhs are the friendliest and seem more into the british way of life (whatever that is before the pc liberal ***** jump on me) but ive always found pakistanis and bangladeshi people to have a huge chip on their shoulder, maybe its a muslim thing or maybe its whats being taught in the home or place of worship fuck knows.
Think on this one.
Myself, Mrs B & our son (16yo) were at Meadowhall last Saturday and wandered into the food court for lunch. Son wanted something from Yangtse so got himself in the queue, I was loitering but noted that all the counter staff (at Yangtse) were Oriental in appearance. In fairness they may well be British but surely there is some sort of discrimination there. Personally it doesn't bother me a rats ass but???
They get round that rule by saying that all employees must be able to speak Chinese, Gujerati, Urdu or whatever.

By the same token you must be able to speak English if you work at McDonalds.
OldLeazes - 4/6/2014 18:37

They get round that rule by saying that all employees must be able to speak Chinese, Gujerati, Urdu or whatever.

By the same token you must be able to speak English if you work at McDonalds.

i assume that is firmly ' tongue in cheek' OL.
It is in bloody Sheffield :17:
Some of these right on types living in their safe houses would soon change their tune if they spent a night or two on the wrong streets mind. For me some people you get on with, and others you just don't take to.
Birdys - 4/6/2014 16:35

Think on this one.
Myself, Mrs B & our son (16yo) were at Meadowhall last Saturday and wandered into the food court for lunch. Son wanted something from Yangtse so got himself in the queue, I was loitering but noted that all the counter staff (at Yangtse) were Oriental in appearance. In fairness they may well be British but surely there is some sort of discrimination there. Personally it doesn't bother me a rats ass but???

wait, birdys is in sheffield?!?!
Some fat charva lass was pissin me off in the baths earlier,yappin & splashin.Thank fuck she wasn't East European.I'm not racist but..
Funnily enough some fat lass was pissing me off tonight at a spoken word performance evening I attended. Forcing her laughter out at the unfunniest ***** you could imagine. It wasn't a quiet laugh either, it was a shriek. At least she drowned out some of the poetry, which was truly appalling.

To top it all off the girl I was there to accomnpany with my guitar got there too late and missed her slot. Waste of an evening all round, but there was some half decent fanny there. Not a complete waste of time.