Happy Revd Pete Day | Vital Football

Happy Revd Pete Day

Happy birthday rev dude, have a good birthday and best wishes to such a nice bloke, ain't seen you on here is ages hope all is well, UTV!
sirdennis - 8/6/2014 09:32

On a Sunday as well !!!

Happy Birthday Revd

:126: :126: :126:

Pete's birthdays are ALWAYS on a Sunday....
Have a good one, kind sir, and I hope the year ahead will be a good one for you and yours.
Meh, bit of an attention seeking exercise really, I never mention my birthday.
On holiday for those of you who don't know. Not posting whilst we away A quick once a day read. I said I would make an exception if there was a def takeover. However as it's the Rev's birthday I will make another exception.

Happy Birthday Rev :105: :105: :105:
Wow, thanks all. Spent the day watching our eldest run and throw. Got soaked by two massive cloudbursts. But great day never the less.
