Good Morning Thread | Page 911 | Vital Football

Good Morning Thread

Good grief, what happened to good old customer service? It has just taken me over half an hour of answering questions and going through security checks on the phone to get to speak to a human at my credit card issuer just so I could query why I've not had a statement from them for March. :censor:
Good grief, what happened to good old customer service? It has just taken me over half an hour of answering questions and going through security checks on the phone to get to speak to a human at my credit card issuer just so I could query why I've not had a statement from them for March. :censor:
That's the kind of thing that almost makes me suicidal. What the hell do we have to do to speak with someone .... any fucking one!!

Anyway, TQ, how good was Williams against Ronnie. That doesn't happen very often. And what's with Ronnie's new outfit.
That's the kind of thing that almost makes me suicidal. What the hell do we have to do to speak with someone .... any fucking one!!

Anyway, TQ, how good was Williams against Ronnie. That doesn't happen very often. And what's with Ronnie's new outfit.
Yes Geof, Williams played really well throughout the tournament, he absolutely demolished Mark Allen in the semi-final. I think Ronnies new gold shirt looks really classy with the black trousers and waistcoat.
Morning folks, wevver so so, cloudy wiv a bit of wind round these ere parts.

Just had a letter/application form from the DVLA regards them avin a chat wiv my Dr who ever that might be!

Summat to do wiv the "Official Secrets Act" cos apparently they have see whether I can drive again once the 6 weeks, non driving, of taking it easy after my PM opp' has finished.

Its bloody 3 pages of this and that, the only thing I noticed they haven't asked is how may times a day I take a dump lol!

Enclosed wiv my question docs was one for my Doctor also, so its up to me to get it to the bloody surgery, lazy twats.

The world we live in, don't make me laff!
Morning folks, wevver so so, cloudy wiv a bit of wind round these ere parts.

Just had a letter/application form from the DVLA regards them avin a chat wiv my Dr who ever that might be!

Summat to do wiv the "Official Secrets Act" cos apparently they have see whether I can drive again once the 6 weeks, non driving, of taking it easy after my PM opp' has finished.

Its bloody 3 pages of this and that, the only thing I noticed they haven't asked is how may times a day I take a dump lol!

Enclosed wiv my question docs was one for my Doctor also, so its up to me to get it to the bloody surgery, lazy twats.

The world we live in, don't make me laff! many times a day do you take a dump?
Hows about this folks, I mentioned how it seems after 19years, way to long, of taking ATENANOL (Beta Blokka)

I have done as Mrs PY did, a bit of research regards that bloody stuff, NHS wise,
it seems that I should have only been on it for a max of 2 years, that's math's wise 17years different to me, I have to ask fcuking why was I on the stuff for so bloody long?
Answer....Crap Surgery!

Ok its getting better daily but am still getting these Dizzy spells etc.
Jeez the come down/withdrawal from this stuff is fcuking horrendous.

Well have to go, she who must be obeyed, Sarnt Major Mrs PY has spoken! lol!
Hows about this folks, I mentioned how it seems after 19years, way to long, of taking ATENANOL (Beta Blokka)

I have done as Mrs PY did, a bit of research regards that bloody stuff, NHS wise,
it seems that I should have only been on it for a max of 2 years, that's math's wise 17years different to me, I have to ask fcuking why was I on the stuff for so bloody long?
Answer....Crap Surgery!

Ok its getting better daily but am still getting these Dizzy spells etc.
Jeez the come down/withdrawal from this stuff is fcuking horrendous.

Well have to go, she who must be obeyed, Sarnt Major Mrs PY has spoken! lol!
FFS Pomp....what a jokemate Visit your local drug den wiv wot you have left ! Might as well make a few bob they will buy anything shaped like a tablet mate!
Was away all weekend , up in Peterborough, with family we only see at funerals ..

Thus time it wasn’t a funeral , but the scattering of ashes .

Lovely weekend , lovely place , called Ferry Meadows .

We have already decided that our ashes , me and my wife , are going to be scattered on the beach in Feurtenventura , and my wife’s sister and her husband are going to have a holiday at our expense to walk along the beach .

But where we went over the weekend was just beautiful, out on a boat on a river with the most amazing birds , ducks , swans , flowers, plants , trees , all sorts of wildlife ..

The boat had an electric motor , and it was just so silent and calm .

I did end up with my aunt all over me though , when the boat spun around on the wind , and the wind was in the wrong direction .

She would have thought that was funny .
Was away all weekend , up in Peterborough, with family we only see at funerals ..

Thus time it wasn’t a funeral , but the scattering of ashes .

Lovely weekend , lovely place , called Ferry Meadows .

We have already decided that our ashes , me and my wife , are going to be scattered on the beach in Feurtenventura , and my wife’s sister and her husband are going to have a holiday at our expense to walk along the beach .

But where we went over the weekend was just beautiful, out on a boat on a river with the most amazing birds , ducks , swans , flowers, plants , trees , all sorts of wildlife ..

The boat had an electric motor , and it was just so silent and calm .

I did end up with my aunt all over me though , when the boat spun around on the wind , and the wind was in the wrong direction .

She would have thought that was funny .
Seems to be a popular choice Walt, a very good friend of mine died a few years back and his wife took his ashes to New Zealand and scattered them on a beautiful secluded beach that they came across on a trip there and fell in love with.

My dear ex mum-in-law passed a couple of years ago, many years after her beloved husband, and their ashes were put together and scattered in Pateley Bridge in Yorkshire which was her home county and a place that was loved by them both.
Seems to be a popular choice Walt, a very good friend of mine died a few years back and his wife took his ashes to New Zealand and scattered them on a beautiful secluded beach that they came across on a trip there and fell in love with.

My dear ex mum-in-law passed a couple of years ago, many years after her beloved husband, and their ashes were put together and scattered in Pateley Bridge in Yorkshire which was her home county and a place that was loved by them both.
There is a place at the foot of the remote Napier Ranges in the West Kimberley where the remains of an isolated police outpost, now crumbling to dust, sits just off the pindan track overlooking a Spinifex plain sweeping off to the horizon. Geikie Gorge is several kilometres in one direction and Tunnel Creek is several kilometres in the other. I’ve always felt a spiritual connection to the area, like no other place I’ve been. It helped me understand the connection Aboriginal people have with their land. I’ve told my children that this is where I want my ashes to be spread. I can think of no better place to spend eternity than in the rugged and magnificent Kimberley, also known as The Timeless Land.
I did tell them to make sure I was dead first.
Morning All, hope my chums 'Darn Sarf' weren't bothered too much by wind and floods.
Re Ashes, many years ago I was, standing with my 'former' father inlaw, not a bad guy, his daughter was the problem
Anyways, we were at a church service of some kind, I just can't remember, but it was an awful day, pissing it down, out comes the Sexton, with an ern, my father inlaw (at the time) said what are you doing, he replied, these ashes have been flown all the way from Australia to be poured on his late mother's grave.
He looked out, kicked em over they blew, away in the, storm
He, said 'near enough'.
Only in Northern Ireland... 🙄
Sunny, blue skies, in the South-West of WA and the next few days will see no change. Sounds good? It’s not! The last six months has seen the lowest rainfall on record. I imagine all the dams in the area are rapidly turning to dust bowls. We’re half way through Autumn already and I can’t remember the last time we had anything like a decent shower. As many other parts of the world have discovered, you can have too much sun. The question is, will water restrictions be increased before the rain comes. Really looking forward to winter. Just hope it's a wet one!
FFS Pomp....what a jokemate Visit your local drug den wiv wot you have left ! Might as well make a few bob they will buy anything shaped like a tablet mate!
That reminds me Greavsie , I have got to get a box full of pills back to the chemist .

Most of them still unopened , where they had been prescribed for my wife for the next two months , but weren’t suitable , or didn’t do what they were supposed to do , didn’t agree with her , the doctor changed them , the hospital changed them , were mis diagnosed , or , as in Pompeys case , pills that should only be taken for a couple of weeks before they cause damage but no one tells you ,
It is truly criminal the amount of blood pressure tablets she has been prescribed that cause side effects , like shortage of breath , water retention, skin reaction to the sun , indigestion , constipation , heart burn , then they give her other tablets to treat the side effects .
On a slightly different note , the latest thing in our surgery , if anyone ever bothers to answer the phone , is to ask “ what do you expect from this phone call today ? “
“ what outcome are you expecting from todays interaction? “…… they don’t make it easy for themselves do they ? They love opening themselves up to ridicule !

The greatest though , is the sign on the receptionist’s desk , saying you cannot ask her a question face to face , you have to go home and phone in .
Then your “Care Coordinator will be able to give you a dedicated service .”

My wife actually had a face to face meeting with a doctor last week , …I know ! …. It was the doctor that phoned her to make the appointment after being given a bollocking from the Physiotherapist for prescribing the wrong pills , the pills that were causing the problems that she was seeing the physio for .

As the appointment finished , he said to her he would like to see her in a couple of weeks time , and for her to make an appointment., on her way out . …. Nope …that didn’t happen .

That fact that my wife actually expected a bit of common sense service from her dedicated care coordinator during her interaction that day , was dismissed by a finger pointing to the sign .

Go home and phone me ! Priceless .