Good luck and thanks | Vital Football

Good luck and thanks

If it helps you at all, I am very happy to fund a match day video pass for you?

Thats very kind of you, but had a bad night last night, not sure that'll be awake long enough. Won't find out for another 7 weeks or so, to see if they got all the cancer.
Having an op on the hip must have hurt?
Was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and had the prostate removed last Saturday.
Eldest brother died from prostate cancer. 2nd brother then had his checked and discovered it had to be removed asap. Had it done and is fine now. So chin up Wallace, best thing to have done.
MIne being monitored yearly. Just a matter of time really, unless I die of something else first.
Eldest brother died from prostate cancer. 2nd brother then had his checked and discovered it had to be removed asap. Had it done and is fine now. So chin up Wallace, best thing to have done.
MIne being monitored yearly. Just a matter of time really, unless I die of something else first.

My dad died from it too, and his dad died with it (as opposed to from it), so likewise, I'm having mine monitored every year.

All the best Wallace, hope the op has been a success. And hope you're on the mend soon too, Norm