Fractured clavicle..... (NG) | Vital Football

Fractured clavicle..... (NG)

Vodapadi Beef Sache

Vital Squad Member
Morning All

Out on the trails yesterday on my mountain bike and going well until I hit something then hit the floor hard onto my shoulder.

I am now strapped up after having an X-ray and confirmed fractured shoulder blade. This is bloody painful and difficult to manage given its affecting most things.

Anybody else had something similar on here ......
Ouch. I feel for you mate.

I am one of the clumsiest idiots going and I am constantly falling over something or cutting/scratching my skin while doing gardening jobs and bad DIY during the lockdown.

Problem with you extreme sports types is that you are going to hit the floor harder or collide with something at speed, with higher consequences.

Now off to make my mid morning latte....(y)
Morning All

Out on the trails yesterday on my mountain bike and going well until I hit something then hit the floor hard onto my shoulder.

I am now strapped up after having an X-ray and confirmed fractured shoulder blade. This is bloody painful and difficult to manage given its affecting most things.

Anybody else had something similar on here ......
Yes. In 2017 in Russia I slipped over on ice and fractured my shoulder and arm. Bloody painful. Russian health service looked after me well but my travel insurer was a nightmare trying to get repatriated to UK.

As a result I will never ever use Direct Line again or any of their stable of companies: UK Insurance Ltd, Green Flag. When I went on line to see if others had had bad experiences with DL I was shocked by the level of dissatisfaction.

On the injury it will never be 100% again and gives me some real gip on occasions. I wish you well and a good recovery mate.
1959 parachute jump, third and final jump of the week, feet touched the ground, rolled over to one side but instead of leaving hands on chute, outstretched right hand to break fall, oh dear broken collarbone.
Several weeks in splint and sling, wiping arse after a toilet sitting with the left hand took some getting used to as well as the sleeping routine.
Keep you chin up VBS and get well soon.
Morning All

Out on the trails yesterday on my mountain bike and going well until I hit something then hit the floor hard onto my shoulder.

I am now strapped up after having an X-ray and confirmed fractured shoulder blade. This is bloody painful and difficult to manage given its affecting most things.

Anybody else had something similar on here ......

I broke my wrist back in the early nineties , coming off my motorbike.
This has now come back in the form of something very similar to carpal tunnel syndrome. Sadly , the older we injure ourselves, the less chance of 100 % recovery.
Get well soon mate.
I crashed into a motorway bridge once. Many bits and pieces broken, lasting memory was the difficulty in wiping my arse. Some 35 years later, getting the same problem again :shrug:
Morning All

Out on the trails yesterday on my mountain bike and going well until I hit something then hit the floor hard onto my shoulder.

I am now strapped up after having an X-ray and confirmed fractured shoulder blade. This is bloody painful and difficult to manage given its affecting most things.

Anybody else had something similar on here ......
Managed the same in first year at secondary school, 2 days before the start of the summer holidays. Bummer. Playing cricket, failed to stop ball going for a four and ran into a tree by the boundary. I'd had my eye on the ball. Effectively rugby tackled the tree and bounced off it a bad second best. What a plonker. F#cked my summer holidays.

All the best Vopadi. I know how you feel.

Edit: on a positive note, pretty well full recovery and no long term problems, so be positive.
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All the best mate hope you have a speedy recovery. Come off a bike a few times but fortunately only minor damage. Strangely probably the worse was days before we played Wigan in the play off final. I went to that game with my arm in a sling.
I crashed into a motorway bridge once. Many bits and pieces broken, lasting memory was the difficulty in wiping my arse. Some 35 years later, getting the same problem again :shrug:
Re the problem wiping your arse I was going to say you can cross that bridge when you come to it. Then, perhaps not.

Sorry, couldn't help myself.
When I was moving home my friend at the top of the steps to my house (and me at the bottom) slipped and let go of the piano we were carrying. I ended up with a broken clavinova.
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