Fear not...Mi5/6 are upping their game... | Vital Football

Fear not...Mi5/6 are upping their game...

I wondered whether World War 3 might just bring a reality check and have the effect of putting this incredibly trivial, insignificant bullshit well and truly in its place - the bin.

Fat chance. Too many freaks would lose their entire identity.

Or maybe they'll only carry on with this nonsense until they work out a sufficiently 'virtuous' position to take on Ukraine.....
Our lamentable fall into decadence, hastened by those who imagine that the rest of the world gives a monkeys about pronouns and privileges. Putin is a dreadful bloke, but I would welcome him with open arms if it meant we could sweep away this cretinous nonsense of woke. We deserve no better for forgetting that the Armed forces and the Intelligence services are there to defend and protect our nation. Where does that leave you.? Deep in the shit, when Uncle Vlad comes calling, thats where. Hard to protest about him coming across borders when you dont believe in them, isnt it..?
Antagonise people they'll get pissed off. WTF is the reason for Ukraine to be a NATO member. Don't fuck about with things that are already on a knife edge and probably will balance that way 100 years forward. Yet another WEST manufactured 'war' to be blamed on the opposition.

Why the fuck are the Yank ***** in Bulgaria. Fuck off. Oil again. This won't end well. At least their leader is old enough to Remember all the other wars in the last 100 years.

Yes, it would be a nightmare if we did get a grip and be strong.
The amount of woke snowflakes it might harm is incalculable.

Hurt feelings or bombed out of your home and worse?

It's a difficult call:mad:

FFS get a grip.
Listened to enough of that to wonder what fuckin language but once I figured it out, I was amazed that actually I might not be alone in thinking that NATO and the West caused this shit.

If I park my car on our disputed land will I end up on nightmare neighbours or whatever shit TV things you have like that.

So as I said before, Don't antagonise your neighbour for the sake of it. Don't try to make them look weak. They will hit back.. And Korea, China, and Russia look a pretty troublesome problem. Dunno what woke is, but WAKE UP
Antagonise people they'll get pissed off. WTF is the reason for Ukraine to be a NATO member. Don't fuck about with things that are already on a knife edge and probably will balance that way 100 years forward. Yet another WEST manufactured 'war' to be blamed on the opposition.

Why the fuck are the Yank ***** in Bulgaria. Fuck off. Oil again. This won't end well. At least their leader is old enough to Remember all the other wars in the last 100 years.

The great USA didn’t want any Russians in Cuba. 🤭
Churchill said speak softly, but carry a big stick. Our stick, if we even carry it at all, is nothing to be frightened of to the likes of Russia.

The only lever we have is that we've made London so accessible to the Russian billionaires, that they have bought half of it, money they wont want frozen. On the other hand most of them robbed the money in the first place, and may find that chat with Vlad a bit more difficult than you might imagine.
Nobody wins out of this. Apart from the loss of life the hit to the worlds economy will be devastating. As for the money in London the sooner we kick the Russians out the better. That includes the owners of Chelsea and Bournemouth. The Chinese will move on Taiwan next. I am sorry but we cannot just sit back and do nothing.
Nobody wins out of this. Apart from the loss of life the hit to the worlds economy will be devastating. As for the money in London the sooner we kick the Russians out the better. That includes the owners of Chelsea and Bournemouth. The Chinese will move on Taiwan next. I am sorry but we cannot just sit back and do nothing.

The sad truth BfL is that we need them more than they need us. We've had 20 years of this nonsense and not dealt with it. The Russians own London and the Chinese own our Universities, supported and abetted by politicians and the elites filling their own pockets, not a thought to the consequences. Look at how many Chinese students there are in Sheffield. Take those away and our local economy will be in a hole. Its a house of cards.
The sad truth BfL is that we need them more than they need us. We've had 20 years of this nonsense and not dealt with it. The Russians own London and the Chinese own our Universities, supported and abetted by politicians and the elites filling their own pockets, not a thought to the consequences. Look at how many Chinese students there are in Sheffield. Take those away and our local economy will be in a hole. Its a house of cards.
I agree but take away their largest customers ( the EU and USA) and China would really suffer. It could be the catalyst to bring more manufacturing back to the UK. There is one good thing the government cannot afford for Liberty steel to fold now.
'Sanctions' is going to be the joke word of the year.

Russia have long since factored all of that in and weighed it up. They don't give a shit. Short term relative hardship for huge permanent territorial gain and a 'grand' legacy for a dying tyrant? Easy choice.

Today has been quite shocking. Things can change quickly when the bodies start piling up. Full on military intervention from the West could fast become a necessity and an inevitability - if they weren't so utterly averse to fighting, at least. Although it is understandable to a massive extent - the thought of Europeans killing each other in great numbers over this is senseless and sickening.
its just fucking heartbreaking this world ,why do we have fuckin nut jobs in charge.WHY . cant someone poison cun.ts and have done with it. Just hope we dont ge dragged into a war wi them russians,its not like the one with the flip flop wearing iraqis. we.,ll get wiped out over there
I agree but take away their largest customers ( the EU and USA) and China would really suffer. It could be the catalyst to bring more manufacturing back to the UK. There is one good thing the government cannot afford for Liberty steel to fold now.

We gave our manufacturing capability away to the Chinese. Partly due to costs, but also partly due to the 'offshoring of CO2', (and partly to the cash that got stuffed in various pockets by Soros and Schwab) and the rest of the Globalists. Donald Trump got it. He pushed hard against China, but Biden has done exactly the opposite with predictable results.

There have been plenty of voices warning of this, but, you know, racists yada yada. The whole thing is just one big lie, repeated and repeated until everyone believes this nonsense. We have no noble politicians, people who want to make the world a better place. Just busloads of c***s who are busy filling their pockets. Viva la resistance..!
The Chinese regime are scum, but it's not pc to tell the truth. They are evil bastards with aspirations globally that the retarded peasant despot in the Kremlin could only dream of in a vodka inspired haze.
Putin is an Evil Bastard, but a strong one. We have weak as piss fucking leaders in the west. Bullies pray on weakness, I was bullied at school until I took a piece of fencing and beat the fuck out of a kid a couple years older in front of other kids. Never got bullied again. (imagine someone doing that now) Our leaders need to get the fucking baseball bats out and go hunting Putin. Send that message to China.