FA Fine and Sanction | Page 7 | Vital Football

FA Fine and Sanction

Interesting choice of profile picture, Geoff Boycott, a man who was slammed for racism and sexism. Wonder what that subliminally says about you if he is one of your heroes?

As a wise man once said ‘don’t judge me and I won’t judge you’. It’s a shame you won’t get to read my goodbye but I wish you luck in your happy and prosperous life, Dave.
Well this advocate of self-policing isn't interested in rules.

Even if there were no rules about discriminatory abuse - and therefore no punishment to the club if it took place - I'd still be campaigning for it to be eradicated.

"Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men."

If someone told me to stop vaping because it's against the rules I'd consider them to be a bit of a prick. Yet if someone asked me nicely to stop vaping because it was impairing their enjoyment of the game I'd almost certainly stop.

Vaping and standing might be against the rules but the pail into insignificance when compared with racism, misogyny etc.

Why are some people wanting to talk about vaping and standing on this thread?! It makes no sense and is distasteful. Is there a hidden agenda here?
"Rules for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men".

Ok, I'll regard diving on the left as for guidance only and choose what speed I feel like driving at. 😱
"Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men".

Ok, I'll regard diving on the left as for guidance only and choose what speed I feel like driving at. 😱

I'll steal Buddha's thunder by pointing out, before he does, that those are laws not rules.

In reality breaking either can lead to undesirable consequences. eg. smoking and vaping within Priestfield is 'only' a breach of EFL rules but spectators breaking those rules could land the club in problems with an authority that we've already been in trouble with.
I'll steal Buddha's thunder by pointing out, before he does, that those are laws not rules.

In reality breaking either can lead to undesirable consequences. eg. smoking and vaping within Priestfield is 'only' a breach of EFL rules but spectators breaking those rules could land the club in problems with an authority that we've already been in trouble with.
Was a "tongue in cheek" remark from me.
Was a "tongue in cheek" remark from me.
I know.

I think the point we're both making is that breaking laws (or rules) is not something a wise man would actually do lightly.

The quote seems to be most used by those that like to pick and choose the rules they agree with and follow.
I know.

I think the point we're both making is that breaking laws (or rules) is not something a wise man would actually do lightly.

The quote seems to be most used by those that like to pick and choose the rules they agree with and follow.


I'll steal Buddha's thunder by pointing out, before he does, that those are laws not rules.

In reality breaking either can lead to undesirable consequences. eg. smoking and vaping within Priestfield is 'only' a breach of EFL rules but spectators breaking those rules could land the club in problems with an authority that we've already been in trouble with.

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It isn’t whataboutery in the slightest (you can find several definitions of whataboutery if you google it).

You made a bold statement that under no circumstances would it cross your mind to grass someone up so I was curious as to whether that was true. You didn’t answer the question and merely sought to deflect.

You say you have ‘always managed your circumstances’ to ensure you’re not around certain people yet there you were knocking a man out in the street and putting yourself at risk of your own murder charge.

Having said all that I fear I may have a hook in my mouth. There is more than a whiff of ‘Dave not missed’ about all this.
I do miss dave's 'fishing humour'.
I tried fan self-policing last season, and despite my good intentions and best endeavours, it didn't end well.
A member of the ASB (who made his feelings known every week) was very drunk, and exceptionally abusive, even by his own high standards, and due to the fact that there were two OAP season ticket holders behind me and three kids in front of me who were probably all under ten, after 75 minutes of it, the final straw was when he called someone a "black C", so I asked politely if he wouldn't mind using the F and C words a little less. Not an unreasonable request in my humble opinion. He then spent the remainder of the match taking his ire out on me, which is water off a duck's back to me so I simply let it wash over me. After the final whistle he preceded to follow me back towards the town centre, continuing his abuse and making all sorts of empty threats. Just before the pedestrian crossing at the station, he said he was going to follow me home and F up my family, so a line has now been crossed! I told my two mates I was with to stay out of what was coming next, turned around and knocked him out with one punch. Not proud of it, as although he was considerably larger than me, he was drunk, I was sober and I boxed at a fairly decent level for 15 years so it was a total mismatch.
So despite me being polite and going out of my way to avoid any issues, he was incouragable and seemed on a mission to be a total moron. I apologised to my mates for my behaviour and they assured me it was more than justified long before he threatened my family.
I worry that the idiots causing problems at the moment are of a similar ilk and well intentioned genuine Gills fans could get backed into a similar corner.
Ironically, at the next home game, he came up to me and apologised saying he had overdone it on the riot powder!!!!!!!!!!

Best story on here for yonks. Thought it worked out rather well too.
There’s rules and there’s rules.
We obey some (stop on red, go on green) because it’s obvious.
We obey some because, whatever we think of the rules, we accept the right of their source to make them.
We obey other rules because (in the words of Rab’s PO) it’s beer and skittles if we do, and a wheelchair if we don’t.

We disagree on where actual rules fit in all this.