Divorce Equality | Vital Football

Divorce Equality


Vital Football Legend
Team Tracey Wright: Why women deserve to be supported by their exes

By Rachel Royce

There is an unhealthy obsession in this country with making mothers of young children go out to work. It is happening in the benefits system and now, it seems, it is happening in the Court of Appeal.

Tracey Wright, the mother of two daughters, aged 16 and 10, has been told by Lord Justice Pitchford that it is “imperative” she find a job. Ruling on her ex-husband’s attempt to reduce maintenance payments, the judge added for good measure that, once a child was seven, any mother could reasonably be expected to seek work.

The Court of Appeal makes it all sound so easy for first wives. In some of the newspaper reports yesterday, a particularly nasty phrase was used about Tracey Wright – that she was looking for a “meal-ticket for life” from her ex-husband, a millionaire racehorse surgeon to whom she had been married for 11 years until their divorce in 2008. The original settlement of a mortgage-free £450,000 house and £75,000 in maintenance and school fees might seem generous but my sympathy is entirely with her. Starting out again in the workplace at 51, must seem like a daunting prospect for the former riding instructor who lives with her 10 year old daughter. And I have found over and over how few allowances are made for lone mothers with children.

Because she stuck to her guns, and went to court to challenge the initial ruling last year, Tracey Wright has now been forced to sell her house to pay her legal bills of around £100,000. That means her two children (her 16-year-old is at boarding school) will have been uprooted twice in their young lives – first from the £1.3m seven-bedroom matrimonial home in Suffolk to the smaller house in Newmarket that she bought after the divorce in 2008, and now to somewhere miles away near Tracey’s mother in York.


What say you Vital Villa?

The woman who wrote the article would make a pretty shitty feminist talk about painting women as helpless...
It's a tough one to call. Each case has to be considered on it's own merits I feel.

In this particular case, perhaps a £450,000 house, £75,000 per year maintenance and school fees paid sounds enough and therefore selling the house to pay for legal fees to get more does seem a little greedy?......

I don't find it particularly tough, already had more than she deserves and lost the house through greed, gold digging lazy bitch.

It's about time that men weren't taken to the cleaners by scheming, money grabbing women, get your fat arses back to work.

I would say it is 100% greedy...

I totally disagree with the woman who wrote the article and her situation... She wanted to remain in the industry and I respect it but reality is she picked it over her kid... Not consciously but her choice to move away and not take potentially decent jobs in other fields near home is a poor choice...

You are right though each case has its merits and some people get shafted... Particularly the mother who really has to fend for herself and her kid alone... Friend of mine back home is a real star refuses welfare and works a couple part time jobs so she can maximise seeing her kid, does a college degree and is working with people with addiction... She is 24 and its amazing to see...
CDX_EIRE - 25/2/2015 02:49

Friend of mine back home is a real star refuses welfare and works a couple part time jobs so she can maximise seeing her kid, does a college degree and is working with people with addiction... She is 24 and its amazing to see...

:1: :1: :1: Now that's a real woman!

This woman is a riding instructor.
Why doesn`t she instruct people to ride then ?
I`m sure there are plenty of blokes that would like to be taught how to ride by a 51 year old experienced riding instructor.

Neigh,it`d be a mare !
You have a very valid point there Club.

Even at my age, I wouldn't mind being taught to ride by a 51 year old woman..... oh yeah!

The system is very much in favour of the parent with the children, which to a large degree is right, but it can go too far.

There are men close to the poverty line, whilst the wife lives in relative luxury, and all because they are too lazy to get off their arses and get a job.

I don't see why most mothers can't work part time, at least.
In every system some people will get shafted, that's the nature of a system, there is no such thing as "one size fits all" but in general, I see no reason any single parent can't look for work once the kids are established at school.

The fact that she is 51 doesn't make her helpless, it just means that she needs to sell herself differently than as 25 year old would. And yes, it might mean she has to accept a job on realistic, every day ages.....the poor thing, otherwise she can be happy living as, essentially, a kept woman.

I know many people who would accept living on £75k per year with a free house thrown in and, correct me if I'm wrong, maintenance is tax free as it's already been taxed once. £75k tax free......the poor thing!

Looks like total greed as Juan says and yup, agreed Juan, £75k tax free would do nicely....
Might surprise some of you, however I agree. Total greed on the woman behalf. A house and £75 k a year plus school fees is very generous