Dave Shipperly | Vital Football

Dave Shipperly


Noooo. Big Ship was one of my early hero's. And 64 is no age.

You gave many of us fans so much pleasure Dave, and many opponents so much pain.

I can just imagine the Pearly Gates parting as big Dave approached, much like oopo defences used to when he decided to venture forward with the ball towards the RE.

RIP. I remember the stories of him running with the dustbins in the Summer's before pre-season training. What a bloke! :21:
Recently put him in a list on this board as one of my top 10 favourites.

Best memory is of a stupendous performance by him v Palace at home when we were wiped 3 - 0 (circa 76/7?) and but for him it could have been double figures.

I used to love bawling out "biiiiiiiiig Shiiiiiiip!!!!!!!!

64 - oh dear, I haven't got long to go then.
Gills1958 - 23/1/2017 12:04

Recently put him in a list on this board as one of my top 10 favourites.

Best memory is of a stupendous performance by him v Palace at home when we were wiped 3 - 0 (circa 76/7?) and but for him it could have been double figures.

I used to love bawling out "biiiiiiiiig Shiiiiiiip!!!!!!!!

64 - oh dear, I haven't got long to go then.

The 0-3 home drubbing was Boxing Day (27th actually) 1976. Ship's was the only Gills player that turned up!

A fonder memory was the corresponding game 2 years earlier when we beat them 3-1. Big Dave was one of the scorers that day.

RIP Ship's. Thanks for the memories.
gills69 - well done, I knew it was around Xmas time.

I remember the 3-1 for Dave Wiltshire scoring, I believe.
One of my ever lasting earliest Gills memories was Ship thundering up from the back when we got a corner.The Ship calls from the Rainham End it was almost like a gladiator going into battle and I am sure it felt like that for many sides up against him.
Sadly missed condolences to his family and friends, a real Gills legend.
Looking at his Wikipedia page hardly a few lines doesn't do the guy justice maybe someone with a bit of knowledge about his playing days can put that right.
The this on the OS which at least gives a little more about someone who clearly made a real mark at the time.

I hope that there will be something done to remember him at the Wimbledon match.Charlton maybe could do something when we play them invite family sort of thing.Perhaps Keith Peacock could help sort something.
Yes RIP Dave, great centre half in the classic old fashioned mode. I wonder what happened to his son Neil, who played at quite a high level?
Characteristically warm and generous tribuete from Sir Keith on Charlton's site. My strongest memory of Big Shipp was a brief exchange in the social club at Gigg Lane after an away game. My friend Dave offered the opinion that he had been unlucky to receive a booking.

" Nah mate, thoroughly deserved. " replied the big man and with that he appeared to inhale the dainty half pint in his hand and was off.
He was always in the thick of things and an imposing character in defensive. Greatest set of sideburns too.
Condolences to his family and RIP.
We're asking fans to take part in 60 seconds' applause for Dave Shipperley in the fifth minute of tomorrow's game.

I don't like this clapping during games (distracting for the teams) so do it before the match if at all.

Big Ship was in my top 10 favourites but these pre-match (or during match) shows of respect are beginning to mushroom. At this rate we'll have several per game in a few years' time.

Will cheating Sam get one when he dies for being England manager with 100% record? :21: