Chairman left yet? | Page 5 | Vital Football

Chairman left yet?

Apollyon - 6/5/2017 11:38

Old Red Fart - 6/5/2017 09:48

orbitalforest - 5/5/2017 21:04

da fuq - 5/5/2017 22:02

Anglo Saxon...that moment when people decide that a certain time in history constitutes to their specific family history...not before but forever after

Danish Viking me apex.

Danish Viking for me too and I've got that lousy Viking disease to prove it as well. Give yourself a few more years Orbs and the odds are that you'll cop the same problem.

Haemochromatosis? Me too! I live for my monthly drains

Thought it was anal warts?
Apollyon - 6/5/2017 10:38

Old Red Fart - 6/5/2017 09:48

orbitalforest - 5/5/2017 21:04

da fuq - 5/5/2017 22:02

Anglo Saxon...that moment when people decide that a certain time in history constitutes to their specific family history...not before but forever after

Danish Viking me apex.

Danish Viking for me too and I've got that lousy Viking disease to prove it as well. Give yourself a few more years Orbs and the odds are that you'll cop the same problem.

Haemochromatosis? Me too! I live for my monthly drains

Apollyon, I didn't realize that there was more than one Viking problem. Yours is due to an iron problem, mine is hereditary and results in some fingers being permanently bent, in my case 2 on one hand and 3 on the other. After two operations I'm no better off. Great for scaring little kids though.
Doesn't affect my brain. Well hope not.
It's called Dupuytren Disease and seems to occur later on in life.

stenroach - 6/5/2017 12:18

Apollyon - 6/5/2017 11:38

Old Red Fart - 6/5/2017 09:48

orbitalforest - 5/5/2017 21:04

da fuq - 5/5/2017 22:02

Anglo Saxon...that moment when people decide that a certain time in history constitutes to their specific family history...not before but forever after

Danish Viking me apex.

Danish Viking for me too and I've got that lousy Viking disease to prove it as well. Give yourself a few more years Orbs and the odds are that you'll cop the same problem.

Haemochromatosis? Me too! I live for my monthly drains

Thought it was anal warts?

I had those cleared up in the knocking shop in Cossall
Funniest thing of the whole Fawaz disaster for me were the fans who actually believed that this spoiled rich kid from Kuwait we had never heard of was a long term forest fan from his childhood :19:
Jimmy, you say you are in business, I certainly was and quite successful. I hear you talking about lies ,deceit , paying late and a host of the other things that go on in any business which to the layman is totally unexeptable. I can assure you that when the going gets tough and cash flow a@@@@st other things dries up you have to do all these things and I for my sins have. People I did business with did the same to me in spades, its called running a company, you against the world, nothing remotely personal in any way. So no I cant agree with you on this subject.

How is Fawaz blaming Forest being in embargo on SP and Faulkner anything to do with running a business?

How is tarring a player in his prime with a failed eye test medical excuse because you don't actually want to sign him anything to do with business?

It's the inherent character of the man that is weak, cowardly and dishonest for his own gain

Me and you don't run businesses like that

Takes a certain kind of personality and charlatan to pull stunts like that

I've no issue with ruthless business practise. I've got a big issue with outright lies and deceit

If you fook up in business then show some class and take it on the chin

Don't find a deceitful way to pass the blame away from yourself like he always does

jbacsta - 6/5/2017 12:20

Jimmy, you say you are in business, I certainly was and quite successful. I hear you talking about lies ,deceit , paying late and a host of the other things that go on in any business which to the layman is totally unexeptable. I can assure you that when the going gets tough and cash flow a@@@@st other things dries up you have to do all these things and I for my sins have. People I did business with did the same to me in spades, its called running a company, you against the world, nothing remotely personal in any way. So no I cant agree with you on this subject.

jbacsta, I'm not Jimmy but even so should remind you that to do well in any business you should safeguard against many of these problems. Otherwise you will suffer.
I don't care what business it is, the problems will crop up and to make a fist of it you must safeguard against them. Every business will get caught now and again but much can be done to prevent a real loss. I have a very good friend who didn't like to chase up his clients who owed him and of course he ended up going bankrupt. All because he hated getting on the phone and chasing. It's part and parcel of the job.

There's no way in the world that I'd have supplied Fawaz with anything but good wishes for his future. And even then I'\d have my fingers crossed.
Jimmy Gordon - 6/5/2017 13:52


How is Fawaz blaming Forest being in embargo on SP and Faulkner anything to do with running a business?

How is tarring a player in his prime with a failed eye test medical excuse because you don't actually want to sign him anything to do with business?

It's the inherent character of the man that is weak, cowardly and dishonest for his own gain

Me and you don't run businesses like that

Takes a certain kind of personality and charlatan to pull stunts like that

I've no issue with ruthless business practise. I've got a big issue with outright lies and deceit

If you fook up in business then show some class and take it on the chin

Don't find a deceitful way to pass the blame away from yourself like he always does

Jimmy , everyone with an ounce of sense knows business run on deceit, folks have been writing about for hundreds of years, as pointed out by a William Deresiewicz essay which informs of Bernard Mandeville “The Fable of the Bees.”

Mandeville argued that commercial society creates prosperity by harnessing our natural impulses: fraud, luxury and pride. By “pride” Mandeville meant vanity; by “luxury” he meant the desire for sensuous indulgence. These create demand, as every ad man knows. On the supply side, as we’d say, was fraud: “All Trades and Places knew some Cheat, / No Calling was without Deceit.”

In other words, Enron, BP, Goldman, Philip Morris, G.E., Merck, etc., etc. Accounting fraud, tax evasion, toxic dumping, product safety violations, bid rigging, overbilling, perjury. The Walmart bribery scandal, the News Corp. hacking scandal — just open up the business section on an average day. Shafting your workers, hurting your customers, destroying the land. Leaving the public to pick up the tab. These aren’t anomalies; this is how the system works: you get away with what you can and try to weasel out when you get caught.
I'm talking about the owner of our football club lying to us the fans blatantly to make himself look the good guy

And you are telling us fans we should just accept it because people tell lies in business

If I thought someone I was doing business with was telling me blatant lies and was untrustworthy I walk away from the deal

It's hard to walk away from your club but if the owner lies and shows deceit as blatantly as fawaz does and brings embarrassment on a monthly basis then we as a fanbase should never just meekly accept it

If you are happy to just accept what the club has become under his ownership that's your choice
Anyone who is in business knows the score, you do whatever is nessesary to survive. When things are good you prepare for the inevitable times they aren't, and when you mess up, you hope to scrape by.

If Forest had been successful under Fawaz, the winding up orders etc would have been tolerated, there is nothing unique in what Forest have been doing.
However that is the issue, we haven't been successful under Fawaz, far from it, so everything that normally happens in business, all the bad things, now inevitably also comes under the spotlight and compounds the negative feelings towards the business and the owner.

When he does eventually leave the club, the way the business was operated will not be the issue.
Assuming NFFC survives as an entity, the turning of Nottingham Forest into his own personal sporting club, using its history, its status within the sport, the fan base and the assets he was entrusted to look after for his own personal gratification has been been far more damaging to the fabric of the club than a few (ok a lot) of late payments or sharp business practices. That will take some recovering, as the name of the club is now tarnished beyond belief.

As a owner, Fawaz has been a disaster for Nottingham Forest.
As I remain unconvinced of how much this 'ownership' has dented his own personal wealth, I won't comment on how successful or otherwise the 'business' of owning Nottingham Forest has been for him.

It won't be a full house tomorrow, at least one seat will be empty in the directors box. I hope it remains that way until a new owner is in place.

Fawaz needs to be long gone. There's no doubt about it. The semantics are beside the point, and the reasons he needs to be gone are too many to bother listing out. Anyone with an open mind can see it, and those who still refuse (or pretend to refuse) to see it won't change their minds on it, ever.

And for what it's worth there's a difference between late payment and overdue payment, and WUPs aren't the norm in business. It's been the norm for Fawaz from day one. Decent folk will always try to be decent, and arseholes will always be arseholes. I know which camp I'd put Fawaz in.
LynxRed - 6/5/2017 16:06

Fawaz needs to be long gone. There's no doubt about it. The semantics are beside the point, and the reasons he needs to be gone are too many to bother listing out. Anyone with an open mind can see it, and those who still refuse (or pretend to refuse) to see it won't change their minds on it, ever.

And for what it's worth there's a difference between late payment and overdue payment, and WUPs aren't the norm in business. It's been the norm for Fawaz from day one. Decent folk will always try to be decent, and arseholes will always be arseholes. I know which camp I'd put Fawaz in.

Spot on.
Case closed.