BLADES v Spurs at BDBL | Vital Football

BLADES v Spurs at BDBL

Rod Currie

Vital Football Legend
Well last game of a awful season and also the Germaine(Ayamonte) derby.I will be givin the departin players the reception they deserve especially Bashambauer,Norwood & Baldock.I think we will get beaten 3-2.UTB
Honestly - Mr Spurs in generally sulky about this one - predicting a 1-1 draw with us scoring first of course. My other Spurs fans are similarly cagey - pathetic really when you consider how much more they have spent.

I really don't care anymore. Hope all that go have a fun day in the sunshine and give our departing players the send-off they deserve. The result doesn't matter.

Goodbye and good riddance Premiership - its not been a pleasure.
Looking forward to this one, purely and simply to say goodbye to 3 great servants to the club (don’t know how Wes and Lowe have managed to get lumped in with them 🫤) still hoping they come out first to accept the plaudits so I can fck off before the rest of the shower come out,couldn’t really care less about the result it would be nice to win but can’t see it myself, I’ll be as interested in the city result as I need them to get an ante post bet in 🤷‍♂️
Presume Anel's already left the Club - what an absolute loser. I hope he's happy with himself - but in truth he's lost all our respect and that should matter.
Today is about Baldock, Basham and Norwood. The players with the bad attitude will hopefully be gone soon. The 3 legends deserve a great send off.
Memories.....last game last season was my grandaughter Emilie 's first visit to BDTBL we both enjoyed the day.

I didn't have the desire to travel down today...... Let's go out with a bang !

The players who have served us well deserve a cheer or two ..... the rest can fc uk off!
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They shouldn't be throwing Wes and Lowe in with those 3. If they're doing that, then they shouldn't bother at all. It's just being polite, isn't it.

Hopefully Anel and Souza are left out altogether so they can't taint anything. Souza at least won't be starting because if he does then we owe more money on the transfer fee. Might as well take the chance to leave him out altogether. Holgate can come in for Anel. One of us can take Souza's place on the bench.

I'm hoping we put on a performance out of pride and to ensure a respectable last game for those departing. But I look at Spurs' front 3 and worry they'll rip us apart. They're exactly what we can't cope with - pace and dribbling. It could easily be something like 2-5. But I'll say 1-3 or 2-3.
I've seen a rumour that Oli McB is on't bench today and the BLADES have offered him anutha deal on less terms.I'll mek sure i'm in for 3.40pm to give the departin players a gr8 round of applause,well certainly BASH,Ollie&George.UTB
I've seen a rumour that Oli McB is on't bench today and the BLADES have offered him anutha deal on less terms.I'll mek sure i'm in for 3.40pm to give the departin players a gr8 round of applause,well certainly BASH,Ollie&George.UTB
Wes pulled off some great saves last season to keep us in games so I'll wish him well and also Lowe who had some good games too.
If McBurnie's back already then I'm suspicious. It was supposed to be a lengthy injury. He might have rushed himself back despite not having recovered, in order to be visible as 'fit' to any potential suitors. It would help his case a lot.
If McBurnie's back already then I'm suspicious. It was supposed to be a lengthy injury. He might have rushed himself back despite not having recovered, in order to be visible as 'fit' to any potential suitors. It would help his case a lot.
Now that's a thought.
Cos now I,m an Armchair supporter I can only look at the seasons piss poor resu lts to criticise and comments of you lads/ lasses who witness in person the obvious pathetic performances of some of the players. Very sad to hear the less than 100% total commitment of anyone wearing a Blades shirt and having the audacity to pick up their ridiculous over the top wages. Good job these crazy days players don,t have to rely on the old win bonus days to boost their just above average earnings to make being a pro footy player worthwhile. Like everything in this ONCE great country the team and football in general is now completely f..ked and as for breaking their bollox to get into Europe, I don,t give a flying f,,k cos from personal experience, the ***** don,t like us anyway!
Well that was that - a sadly feeble end to the season. Out of our depth physically and mentally....lost virtually all the 50:50 battles.

I am not sure what Wilder is up to at the Lane, apart from empire building, but sincerely hope he has not been given a free pass, because the last 5 months have been very poor under him.
I think the consensus is that we'll only be able to judge Wilder next season because we're so far out of our depth at this level. The quiet part being that Wilder is also probably out of his depth at this level. Then there's him being able to bring in his own players. There is then the hope that he's the best man to take us into next season and rebuild because he knows what we need, etc. It's quite hopeful but under The Arab's ownership we genuinely seem out of better options. I just hope Wilder doesn't become an accepting yes man because then we really would be fucked.
Three that went up, the three going back down, says it all really about the current state of football. Premiership a waste of space for clubs without huge endless financial backing just to survive there. Man City, 4 titles in a row confirms that only the super dooper rich will have success and they will more than likely complete the double next week to top it off. Sport? f..k off! Just big business for the lucky few who just basically compete in their own too far to reach selves with the rest just making up the numbers to give the false impression of a competition. Really sad that the game that we love has stooped to the depths of despair that clubs such as ours are condemned to the life of eternal also rans. The only shining light for me is that at least we have the chance to do the double over the pigs, so Blades don,t f..k that up!
I think there's a growing appetite for structural change in football. The PL is very much a closed shop. It is currently very boring. Many teams are simply there just to make up the numbers. The teams hoping to be promoted will rarely even be able to aspire to that. It is just pointless. It is unsatisfying. But there's the money, right? Well, if we're anything to go by, no. I think we represent half the reality. I think minimum wage bills required to compete have outpaced the growth in the prize money/parachute payments. But that doesn't explain the financial black hole that seems to exist exclusively at SUFC.

I think there will be some kind of structural change within the next 10 years. Fuck knows what they'll come up with. To be honest I don't think there's any good option. Keeping it as it is but somehow levelling the financial playing field would be the best option but that'll never happen.
On another note, I was wondering when we'd have our 'medical emergency'. Today was finally the day. We've been overdue. Hopefully the person is OK.