Big last few days (none football) | Vital Football

Big last few days (none football)


Vital 1st Team Regular
Moved our daughter to Manchester Uni last Saturday, quite an emotional day but you'll be pleased to know I 'manned up' .
Son (17.5yrs) passed his driving test yesterday, at the first attempt (I'm the only one in the house that didn't pass first time :2: (2nd)). Cost a sodding fortune in insurance (£1600 for the year). Not seen the bugger since :19:
It only seems like yesterday that the buggers were tots.
Good times for both.
Aye DLG they're both good uns, a proper credit to Mrs B. I'm proud of the way both the buggers have turned out, could shake both of them almost every day but I reckon that's part of the parenting bit.
Son is currently out with his girlfriend (she's brill) Christ only knows how many miles he's done today.
Oh to be young again eh.
Nice to hear Birdys, especially when Mr and Mrs are there throughout. Not every teenager has this. As long as you are 'best of friends' now it is a great feeling, as I can testify.
As with ya on all accounts birds, big miss when they no longer need ya.
however don't worry it don't last for long and they are back for all sorts. Well played to all on here that have managed to rear some great kids.
consider your job done and go out enjoy time with the wife, it'll be the first time you had her back in 20 year.I love what mine have achieved over at times a difficult period of life for everyone but they made it and that does for me.
I would love to have had a dad to do all those first things with but sadly mine fucked off when i was 6, i did get a brilliant step dad but he didn't come along until i was 17, you should be proud of yourself and your kids Birdys and i am sure they appreciate all the support you have given them.
As above,probably the most difficult job in the world Birdys but the most rewarding,you sound like a good Fatha.My eldest just texted me & told me he loved me,still melts me.
Tis painful when they fly the nest.
Kahlil Gibran worth a look with his take on children.Meanwhile you & your lass enjoy the space.They'll be back.
Met my mrs way back in 1983 at school, we been together ever since and two good kids with long term partners that we all love.
Feck me if the Lord was to strike me down now I'd go happy and content.
My little un (not so little now) has just started at uni this last week. I am so proud of her. She turned down a place at Cambridge, and took a place at Kings College London instead. I love it that she has the confidence in herself to do this. She constantly surprises and amazes me. Same sentiments as you Bob. I've had myself a tough time the last few years (self inflicted) but the clouds parted a while back, and the sun is streaming through now.