Baroness Thatcher has died | Page 4 | Vital Football

Baroness Thatcher has died

1. She supported the retention of capital punishment (good me too)

19. She opposed anti-apartheid sanctions against South Africa and described Nelson Mandela as "that grubby little terrorist" (great place to live now isnt it? The ANC have got rid of the townships, and people black and white are living in harmony arent they?)

36. Crime rates doubled under Thatcher (lol the UK is far safer now isnt it?)

6. She gained support from the National Front in the 1979 election by pandering to the fears of immigration (maybe she had a point in hindsight?)

10. The poll tax (still here last time i checked, did labour get rid of it?)

25. She had the lowest approval rating of any post-war Prime Minister (i doubt if she does now..)

33. She opposed the inclusion of Eire in the Northern Ireland peace process( peace you mean let the terrorists and murderers out of prison and make them MP's)

Two thirds of the Uk coal industry (mines) were closed in the sixties . The majority of the ones left became unprofitable due to intransigence by unions and men to accept change , some closed for geological reasons .
The official monthly blurb sheets issued by the NCB would show if my memory serves me right that out of all the coal mines in Nottinghamshire only 2 ran at a profit . Most were white elephants .
Mind you I only worked within the industry for 20yrs so probably know fook all.
We had "heavily subsidised, loss making" Miners, Dockers, Engineering Workers, Printers, almost none of those industries exist now.

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Fixed for you.
whatters - 9/4/2013 16:27

Two thirds of the Uk coal industry (mines) were closed in the sixties . The majority of the ones left became unprofitable due to intransigence by unions and men to accept change , some closed for geological reasons .
The official monthly blurb sheets issued by the NCB would show if my memory serves me right that out of all the coal mines in Nottinghamshire only 2 ran at a profit . Most were white elephants .
Mind you I only worked within the industry for 20yrs so probably know fook all.

thank god for some sense...

i wish she was back in charge now, to tell the EU to fook off, to deport the islamic terrorists, to close the doors and stop us being the dumping ground for every foreign criminal and sponger to walk right in, to put british people first for a change, to give this country some backbone and spine. Its a crying shame to see what labour have reduced us to.
Marco Polo - 9/4/2013 15:49

They were striking because of ridiculous pay and conditions they had to endure to keep you lot with power.

Progress in the south, poverty in the north.

There are ways to progress, bring people with you dont just destroy whole towns. Disgusting that you feel its ok. We are all humans and should be helping each other. to say "meh" its progress is insulting.

No, they were striking because the government were going to close 20 out of 91 pits.

makes me laugh seeing spotty 20 year olds celebrating her demise when they know fook all about it, and were not even born. Its like me celebrating the death of harold mcmillian. Idiots.
Perhaps if the Commie Scargill had called a National Ballot as his own Union rules stated he should, the Miners would have got more sympathy

Even that Welsh Windbag Kinnock has stated on the news just now that Maggie was quite happy to do a deal and end the Strike if Scargill would negotiate

He wouldn't !!

He thought he could bring down Maggie as they had Heath and Callaghan but she beat him and bloody good job too

Blame Scargill MP not Maggie
Marco Polo - 9/4/2013 17:32

Didn't realise this was a right wing Forest forum yuck

It isn't its a respect other peoples opinion forum .

Not who shouts loudest is the winner , leave all that to Ed Balls and his bully boys
Newbury Red - 9/4/2013 16:32

Marco Polo - 9/4/2013 15:49

They were striking because of ridiculous pay and conditions they had to endure to keep you lot with power.

Progress in the south, poverty in the north.

There are ways to progress, bring people with you dont just destroy whole towns. Disgusting that you feel its ok. We are all humans and should be helping each other. to say "meh" its progress is insulting.

I'm t
No, they were striking because the government were going to close 20 out of 91 pits.
I'm talking about the strike in the 70s that he mentioned
payola1980 - 9/4/2013 16:20

1. She supported the retention of capital punishment (good me too)

19. She opposed anti-apartheid sanctions against South Africa and described Nelson Mandela as "that grubby little terrorist" (great place to live now isnt it? The ANC have got rid of the townships, and people black and white are living in harmony arent they?)

36. Crime rates doubled under Thatcher (lol the UK is far safer now isnt it?)

6. She gained support from the National Front in the 1979 election by pandering to the fears of immigration (maybe she had a point in hindsight?)

10. The poll tax (still here last time i checked, did labour get rid of it?)

25. She had the lowest approval rating of any post-war Prime Minister (i doubt if she does now..)

33. She opposed the inclusion of Eire in the Northern Ireland peace process( peace you mean let the terrorists and murderers out of prison and make them MP's)

You believe that then you are vile
whatters - 9/4/2013 17:43

Marco Polo - 9/4/2013 17:32

Didn't realise this was a right wing Forest forum yuck

It isn't its a respect other peoples opinion forum .

Not who shouts loudest is the winner , leave all that to Ed Balls and his bully boys

Ha ha read the thread mate you called me a tw@t for my opinion!!!! Hypocrite!!!!!!
Marco Polo - 9/4/2013 17:52

payola1980 - 9/4/2013 16:20

1. She supported the retention of capital punishment (good me too)

19. She opposed anti-apartheid sanctions against South Africa and described Nelson Mandela as "that grubby little terrorist" (great place to live now isnt it? The ANC have got rid of the townships, and people black and white are living in harmony arent they?)

36. Crime rates doubled under Thatcher (lol the UK is far safer now isnt it?)

6. She gained support from the National Front in the 1979 election by pandering to the fears of immigration (maybe she had a point in hindsight?)

10. The poll tax (still here last time i checked, did labour get rid of it?)

25. She had the lowest approval rating of any post-war Prime Minister (i doubt if she does now..)

33. She opposed the inclusion of Eire in the Northern Ireland peace process( peace you mean let the terrorists and murderers out of prison and make them MP's)

You believe that then you are vile

Vile? There's not one thing i have said there that isn't the truth. You have gone from slagging off the team with your famous "get rid" mantra, to being a typical leftie ,tree hugging bullshit merchant, who thinks that everybody is lovely, and we should all hold hands and sing "we are the world" whilst we are overrun by cockroaches.

You are a pathetic spineless non -entity.
And you are selfish and unloving, just like thatcher. Spineless? Far from
It, just not cruel and out for myself.

Marco Polo - 9/4/2013 21:18

And you are selfish and unloving, just like thatcher. Spineless? Far from
It, just not cruel and out for myself.

ha ha ha :19: :19: "boo hoo. selfish and unloving" Get a backbone man for gods sake! wheres your balls? your spirit?
"so cruel" ha ha ha
I rest my case. You're the sort who will beat their kids at connect four to teach them a 'life lesson'.

Not sure we can be friends.
Marco Polo - 9/4/2013 21:56

I rest my case. You're the sort who will beat their kids at connect four to teach them a 'life lesson'.

Not sure we can be friends.

Ha are ridiculous. A figure of fun. I won't lose any sleep over the friendship. I preferred you when you only had the words "get" and "rid" in your vocabulary.