Ashley Fletcher | Page 2 | Vital Football

Ashley Fletcher

I, as the rest of you I imagine, know nothing about this guy as he has made zero impact in his professional career. After looking him up, I see that in 73 appearances, Ashley Fletcher has scored 8 times. 1 in over 9 ratio. That is absolutely atrocious for a striker. It would be a challenge to find a striker who cost more than £6 million, with a poorer scoring record than that over so many games.

People here are actually backing this signing over Hogan!? What are you guys smoking? Based on what evidence would this be a good signing? He would be our last choice striker surely. Behind Sharp, Clarke and McGoldrick. Heck, he’d also be behind Ched Evans, Clayton Donaldson and James Hanson.

Hogan may be a risk sure, but with our budget we aren’t going to get someone of his pedigree without accepting a bit of risk (due to his injury record). But if it’s a choice between Hogan or Fletcher it’s a no brainer. Hogan only has to be fit for a couple of games for us to match Fletcher’s yearly goal tally, based on previous record.

This would be a disaster if our striker search which has lasted all summer, concludes in signing this nobody (who evidently couldn’t hit the side of a barn door.)
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His stats may not be all that, but he's a tall, 22 y-o. He's done okay, nowt sparkling, but being played on loans to clubs who were doing shite. Last loan out at Sunderland for example.

I've no idea if he'd be a good addition, but I don't think we should be quick to write him off, especially if Tufty thinks he can work his magic on him.