Are your children drinking it? | Vital Football

Are your children drinking it?

Juan Mourep

Vital 1st Team Regular

A brave teenager has pleaded with parents to prevent their children from drinking energy drinks after her craving for them left her suffering a severe heart condition.

Dion Parratt from Corby, Northamptonshire, now requires constant monitoring after the caffeine-laden beverages reduced her blood pressure to a dangerously low level.

In a brave Facebook post, the 18-year-old wrote: "This is what happens when you spend your childhood drinking energy drinks. Before you drink rock stars and them cheap energy drinks think about what your doing to your body.

I know they focus on the caffeine content, but the sugar content is just as damaging

After regular consumption of these drinks you will also suffer withdrawal, that alone is enough reason not to drink them.

Mentioned it before, saw a kid in a pushchair with an energy drink, forget which now but pretty sure it was a Monster.

I wasn't quick enough to go to the mom and ask her if she knew what she was doing.

Idiocy... frightening really.
I used to work within Child Protection (still do to a certain degree) and the frightening idiocy of many people out there is a wonder to behold!
Sad isn't it? All for the want of a bit of education and a bit more common sense.

Seems to me that the tail wags the dog too often these days.
It would be nice if primary schools offered a few joint classes involving parents and their children on the basics like cooking and domestic tasks.
I don't worry too much about caffeine - in fact I quite like a couple of large espresso's during the morning. However, sugar is a big no for me. Coke, Fanta, lemonade its all disgusting stuff, full of sugar. I have to look very hard before I buy anything - you wont believe how much sugar they put in things. Natural Greek Yoghurt with pomegranate, it sounded pretty nice for a mid morning snack but after reading the ingredients, it contained sugar. Cant they just make it without adding sugar? Bottle of spring water with lemon, out of the fridge, it has sugar in it...Why? I like the sharpness of lemon and I like water - why do I have to buy them separate and make my own? Just give me what you say it is Yoghurt + Pomegranate, Water + lemon. If someone wants to start a new business, then there must be a killing to make by just doing foods without the crap.

As for the high energy drinks and kids = SHOCKING!
No sane person would give a child energy drinks! Then the world is full of very insane people and you dont have to be locked up to be insane. I mean FFS-it's basic common sense not to give a child energy drinks, or you would think so
I caught Sophie drinking a bottle of Lucozade Sport on the way home from school once and went nuts at her. You'd have thought I'd just caught her toking on a crack pipe. lol

I hope she got the message.

Off topic but when i went to pick up my car from the garage recently the waiting room had a vending machine in it.

There was a family in there being served before me. Fat Dad, fat mom, fat 5 year old girl, and a sweet little toddler, must've been about 18 months old.

The toddler was asking mommy for money for the vending machine. So mommy gave money to the 5 year old to sort out the goods..... she put the money in and bought a pack of skittles for the 18 month old, to which mommy shouted at the 5 year old!!!!

"What are you doing?!?!?!"

I thought, thank god, they don't let the poor baby eat skittles. But she then continued...

"Why are you buying him skittles? He's already had 2 packets today, you should have got him some chocolate instead"

I cried a little inside.
:21: :21: :21:

Again, all for the want of some education.

They should follow through on the suggestion to put how many tsp's of sugar are in products then people can make up their own minds.

kefkat - 25/1/2016 00:50

No sane person would give a child energy drinks! Then the world is full of very insane people and you dont have to be locked up to be insane. I mean FFS-it's basic common sense not to give a child energy drinks, or you would think so

Many go to the shops and buy their own, they should be on restricted sale, there should be Gov guidelines, but as stated by many, this is a lack of education for parents and for kids in school.

Natalie showed me a picture on Facebook the other day of a baby of someone she used to work with.

Apparently only a couple of months older than Buddy, so about 11 months old, and the picture was of him eating a Mars Bar.

Seriously parents like that should be locked up.

You can say what you like about my diet, but Buddy eats like a king. I micromanage his meal times so anally it's untrue, everything is fresh, everything is low salt. Everything is healthy. He doesn't even know what chocolate is and I'm hoping he won't be finding out for a few years yet.

it just baffles me the way some people can feed their kids crap at such a young age.
DeanoVilla - 25/1/2016 16:05

Natalie showed me a picture on Facebook the other day of a baby of someone she used to work with.

Apparently only a couple of months older than Buddy, so about 11 months old, and the picture was of him eating a Mars Bar.

Seriously parents like that should be locked up.

You can say what you like about my diet, but Buddy eats like a king. I micromanage his meal times so anally it's untrue, everything is fresh, everything is low salt. Everything is healthy. He doesn't even know what chocolate is and I'm hoping he won't be finding out for a few years yet.

it just baffles me the way some people can feed their kids crap at such a young age.

Agrees with you. I wouldn't say my diet was particularly perfect even when the children were babies/toddlers/young however I was the same as you. I wasn't overweight then, though. That's only happened in the past 5-7 years

They didn't know what chocolate was until the age of 3. Then they only got ''decent'' (note the inverted comma's Juan :14: ) chocolate. In other words lollipops and those types weren't allowed near them and they only got it once a week.

When I used to meet the children from school I would have fruit with me. I had parents saying to me, 'I can't afford fruit' and 'I would say 'how much has that chocolate and rubbish cost you?' You could guarantee it was the same price or more as the fruit I had bought.

My eldest still has no fillings. My daughter has only 1 when she got as an adult. My 2nd lad not too bad considering he refused to go to the dentist for 3 years from 18 on and alot was to do with his chaotic behaviour and undiagnosed bipolar.

He goes regularly now. My youngest none either, which he was plum disgusted at a few years ago as it became ultra cool to have fillings at school a few years ago. Give me strength.

Children are what they are taught. Yes they will push it when they are in their teens when we have less control over things however the right boundaries over everything including food set them up for life as they always come back to it.

All of mine can cook properly which is still fairly unusual even for their generation of 80/90's babies
kefkat - 25/1/2016 00:50

No sane person would give a child energy drinks! Then the world is full of very insane people and you dont have to be locked up to be insane. I mean FFS-it's basic common sense not to give a child energy drinks, or you would think so

The school kids just buy them. There is no age limit or warning.

The advertising and marketing for such drinks is very clever, young children can see their favourite sports stars/teams and the advertising plastered everywhere. Posters up at bus stops, or in the high street, on the TV & in magazines/news papers.

Nowhere do we see warning signs or dangers exposed for drinking them.

The money made is huge & its a big market. Glucose is cancer's best friend!