2013-14 Priority Membership | Vital Football

2013-14 Priority Membership


Vital Football Hero
Just went online to renew my Supermembership at £20 (now called Priority Membership) whilst I was thinking about it. Asked for £1.50 web fee so clicked off. Will ring and let them NCFC cover cost! Not being mean, but that is yet another amount on top of overpriced membership and match day tickets. There may well have been a credit card fee to add as well but I didn't hang around long enough to find out!! Will be coming over to Norfolk again before end of June so may be cheaper to make a personal visit to Canary Store!! :behave:
A bit of a rip off is this Priority rubbish . It should be free to become a Member of the club . What's more there is hardly any priority at all . It a pure lottery where you are in the phone queues , and even then you can still miss out as I did last game of last season v Villa