Good Morning Thread | Page 910 | Vital Football

Good Morning Thread

I've no evidence to quote Geoff, but I'd be surprised if the average female skull was as big, thick and protective of the brain as men's. Even neck muscles play their part in absorbing impact and women play with the regulation ball. What argument would you put to the contrary?
More body fat & less lean muscles. It's a fairly well known fact in professional sporting circles.
I've no evidence to quote Geoff, but I'd be surprised if the average female skull was as big, thick and protective of the brain as men's. Even neck muscles play their part in absorbing impact and women play with the regulation ball. What argument would you put to the contrary?
Lack of evidence and the fact that I've never heard any such concern from sporting bodies or medical practitioners. The issue of men suffering sport-related concussion is now a highlight but the issue does not prevent them playing. What's the difference for women. The human race has never moved forward with a 'but what if it's bad' philosophy.
More body fat & less lean muscles. It's a fairly well known fact in professional sporting circles.
Fair point, Steve, but don't sportsmen and women work on their physicality in order to strengthen their body in a way that allows them to perform effectively and safely .... training, diet, muscular development, etc. Non sporting people, men or women, would not be as strong, physically, but they don't need to be. Bodies can be developed. We're good like that.
Fair point, Steve, but don't sportsmen and women work on their physicality in order to strengthen their body in a way that allows them to perform effectively and safely .... training, diet, muscular development, etc. Non sporting people, men or women, would not be as strong, physically, but they don't need to be. Bodies can be developed. We're good like that.
What exercises or diet would you recommend to protect or prepare the brain from repeated impacts Geoff? This activity is something new in the long evolutionary history of the human race and yes the sporting bodies are worried about it.
What exercises or diet would you recommend to protect or prepare the brain from repeated impacts Geoff? This activity is something new in the long evolutionary history of the human race and yes the sporting bodies are worried about it.
What exercises or diet would you recommend to protect or prepare the brain from repeated impacts Geoff? This activity is something new in the long evolutionary history of the human race and yes the sporting bodies are worried about it.
As far as boxing is concerned I'd recommend not doing it. It's never made sense to me. It's almost an extreme sport, given the risks.
I remember my first couple of terms at secondary school. As is normal the second years wanted to induct all newcomers into the school. Usual thing like sticking your head down the toilet and flushing it. Anyway I avoided these characters as best I could but they kept on trying! I decided to enter the school boxing championships having never boxed before. I got to the final amazingly but got beaten (same the next year too!) anyway once these second year characters could see that I could handle myself, guess what, I had a peaceful life!

As for females, I am reminded of my mum, a Yorkshire woman so mild mannered with a rod of steel up her back! She recounted the story of her being bullied at school when about 13. One day she got pushed too far and smacked the chief bully in the teeth. Surprised bullies probably didn’t properly describe it but she was never ever bothered again!

The moral of the stories I think is. Always teach your children to learn how to handle themselves for any potential time of need!
Haha 54 that's a ditto Boxing wise for me.

At school our PT teacher put me in the ring wiv the school bully, me beat him, simple as that, then came the normal "see you outside the Maths lab after school" 4.05pm, think the whole bloody year was there, me n him faced each other, taking our Ties n Blazers off so as not to shame the School, result him on the floor, bloody nose etc, wiv his hand up no more please, that's the day I realised I could well handle myself.

After that my 2 Bruvs, one RIP am afraid, got me to sort out the Bullies they encountered, so duly done lol!

It was discovered I could lead wiv either fist/hand/arm, Ambidextrous or Authordox, so went on to Box for the School and for 10 years in Service.

The other thing I learnt other than respect for others was that I bloody hate/detest Bullies and still do.

My 5 kids have all learned about School Yard justice, which seems to be a big NO NO these days.
Being an east ender I learned not to confront face to face the bullies especially if they were bigger than me boxed etc. so always clumped them from me a coweard if you want but I thought that was th most sensible way of shutting them up/dealing with the shits! worked on most occasions.....especially as they did not know who actually clumped them good and proper ....I was aways taught to use my wits and intelligence by my dad ha ha
Being an east ender I learned not to confront face to face the bullies especially if they were bigger than me boxed etc. so always clumped them from me a coweard if you want but I thought that was th most sensible way of shutting them up/dealing with the shits! worked on most occasions.....especially as they did not know who actually clumped them good and proper ....I was aways taught to use my wits and intelligence by my dad ha ha

What happened?
Well they obviously knew it was me so life became easy ..funny clumping a bully teaches them you aint an easy target and most of them are cowards themselves ....the clump from behind shocked the bully boy(s) ..... also as I was a good footballer in the school team and was respected for that ...fight back any way you can was my motto...dont let them get away with it....R.E.S.P.E.C.T!