A-Z of Spring (Again) | Page 2 | Vital Football

A-Z of Spring (Again)

N NEW - a lot of 'new' things are seen in spring from flowers appearing, leaves on trees to baby animals being born.
O - Orchis mascula. The Early Purple Orchid is one of the first to bloom in Spring and is surprisingly common on the limestone crags round here.
Q - Quince. Traditional fruit tree/bush which flowers early in Spring. The yellow fruits make preserves or jams that have a unique flavour. I love it.
T TULIPS - from Amsterdam. They are grown from bulbs. I have off-white ones (though when I bought them they were black) and red ones in the front garden and various colours in pots at the back, though they have about finished now.
U - Ulex, also known as gorse. Yellow flowers in Spring and a distinctive smell of coconut. Common on the crags hereabouts.
V VERNAL EQUINOX is the time when the sun does something which I can't remember - it was 20 March this year. Also called the Spring Equinox.
W - Warmth. Might not feel like it but apparently Spring warmth is bringing out plenty of wildflowers. I'm still lighting the fire and putting the heating on though!
Z - Zephyr is a gentle breeze named for Zephuros, Greek god of early Spring breezes.