The Super John McGinn Thread | Page 96 | Vital Football

The Super John McGinn Thread

My son went on his first residentials trip with school last week.

Photos have just been published on the school website. Approx 100 photos of all the kids having great fun, and the very first photo you see when you open them is my boy doing his best John McGinn on the coach there! 😂

Cracked me up when I saw it.

When people start using similar language the group think is embedded. That's almost Emery's favorite word, love it.

“First half, we deserved to be behind at half-time, I think. I don’t know if that’s the right thing to say analysing it."

Think I've heard this phrase somewhere before, only with a Geordie accent as opposed to Scots.
“Second half, we had to be brave, we had to roll our sleeves up.
A few years ago, when we were promoted I think they interviewed him post game against City and he said something like 'they are a nightmare to play against...'

I'd be willing to bet that most of the City players were saying the same about him tonight post match.

What a performance.
Him and Mings represent the spirit of this club under recent years , from battling us out of the underbelly of the championship to now trading punches at the top of the premier league. Colossus last night , again !