European Super League | Page 24 | Vital Football

European Super League

So this super league that Perez thinks will ‘save football’’s not going very well is it?!! Football is doomed! Perez out!
Will never ever happen, some sick twisted way they’ll be applauded, but would you take a cheating ex back ??

On another note I do like this, Spurs getting roasted.

I would go through all this again to hear the Tottenham bashing. I’ve always strongly disliked Spurs, we all have that one London we just despise and for me it’s been Tottenham.

I started a “Laugh at Spurs” once that ran to tens if not hundreds of pages when the humourless Yid army saw it. Classic.
I wonder if the supposed clause they had to pay to pull out was real. I suspect it was a load of hot air and part of the negotiation or very small amounts for the clubs in the grand scheme of things. Whoever that fine was paid to (if it was legit) are either geniuses because they knew this wouldn’t take off or absolute mugs for even attempting to support it.
The rumour is that Man City and Chelsea were merely tagging along rather than ring leaders. Doesn’t really excuse them but at least they’ve been the first to change their minds. I hope they get punished for their involvement in this rather than the PL and FA bottling any action which I suspect will be the case.

As for the others, presumably the ones really pushing for it I hope they are heading for expulsion from the league - even if it’s just temporary basis if nothing else
This is just bizarre, seems like some sort of smoke screen.

If reports are correct it was mainly headed up by Man U and Liverpool and it seems they cleverly passed the promotion baton to Real Madrid's nutjob.

I'd say it's telling it's English clubs bailing first given the reaction, as let's not forget you don't get 6 billion funding from JP Morgan for a laugh and Spain already saw the first injunctions on punishments go through in Court earlier today.
Hopefully with Man City and Chelsea withdrawing the whole shooting match will come tumbling down.

The clubs that signed up for this Super League have to be punished. Don't know what that punishment should be but it should be a sufficiently severe deterrent for any clubs considering anything like this again.

Hopefully this should put an end to anything like this for at least a generation or two.
So, will there be sanctions? Or will, for the sake of peace, withdrawal, maybe with a sorry, be enough?

Not sure. History would suggest the governing bodies prefer compromise. But maybe the best chance of killing this off for the future is to put the boot in now. I'm sure there's justification. Just maybe there's a realisation that we don't need these clubs. They need us.