Coronavirus tipping point | Page 19 | Vital Football

Coronavirus tipping point

For any of our older members who are isolating and have limited access to outside space, The National Trust has announced it will open its parks and gardens completely free of charge. Parking will also be free. You just need to get there (and pack your thermos/sarnies).
Great move by them and gives access to healthy spaces where social distancing will be easy.
Just watched that twat Johnson on the tele - full of bluster and half truths. He states that London is adhering to the restrictions he suggested - not sure of what London he's living in, but around here (just outside Central London) pubs and restaurants are carrying on much as usual.

Listening to his replies, does he ever give a real answer? After taking out his huffing and puffing, that "everybody is doing a great job" - there's nothing left. Pure bullshit. Hard to find anything of real substance.
Just watched that twat Johnson on the tele - full of bluster and half truths. He states that London is adhering to the restrictions he suggested - not sure of what London he's living in, but around here (just outside Central London) pubs and restaurants are carrying on much as usual.

Listening to his replies, does he ever give a real answer? After taking out his huffing and puffing, that "everybody is doing a great job" - there's nothing left. Pure bullshit. Hard to find anything of real substance.

Not sure where you are, Rother , but as someone who delivers food to the hospitality market all over London ( pubs, restaurants, hotels, cafes, office block eating facilities) and I can assure you pubs and restaurants are not "carrying on as usual". Our company usually deliver approx 35 tonne of food every day on a average weekday, we delivered just over 3 tonne of food last night.

Don't particularly like Boris, but I don't think any politician in his current position would be trusted. It would be a thankless task tbh, whoever was PM IMO.
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Just walked to the tube, 2 people in 5 guys, Costa closed, no one in Starbucks or Prett and the Italian in Villiers st has just three waitresses, no customers 😯
Nobby, which tube station was that? I can confirm that commuter numbers are hugely down (I would say up to 80% at London Bridge) I was referring to local pubs and restaurants in my area (guess where that is). Spoke to the gaffer at my local, and as Captainreblue says, he's not ordering any new food or replacement beer (particularly real beer) as he was expecting to be closed down earlier today and is running stock down and will not be re-ordering in the near future. However, normal life generally continues to go on here (except for the absurd queues in the shops and the unfortunate, but necessary closures of the Doctors surgery).
Nobby, which tube station was that? I can confirm that commuter numbers are hugely down (I would say up to 80% at London Bridge) I was referring to local pubs and restaurants in my area (guess where that is). Spoke to the gaffer at my local, and as Captainreblue says, he's not ordering any new food or replacement beer (particularly real beer) as he was expecting to be closed down earlier today and is running stock down and will not be re-ordering in the near future. However, normal life generally continues to go on here (except for the absurd queues in the shops and the unfortunate, but necessary closures of the Doctors surgery).
I walked from The Strand, down Villiers st to Embankment tube, absolutely dead. I tried to upload some photos but "the file is too large " apparently. I took one in whitehall at 12.30 today. Normally the traffic is queued from downing st all the way up to Trafalgar square at that time of day but there isn't a single vehicle in the photo, bloody eerie 😯
FMOB They are ones to talk! How many dead do we have?

Well done the Tories. They have been listening to experts, not jumping into pathetic attempts to portray their selves as doing something that is in fact useless.
To be fair, we will probably reach that same point but it seems to be drip fed. I've heard that the italians have complained about the sudden nature of their restrictions and there was no time to prepare. Cant do right for doing wrong it seems.
I walked from The Strand, down Villiers st to Embankment tube, absolutely dead. I tried to upload some photos but "the file is too large " apparently. I took one in whitehall at 12.30 today. Normally the traffic is queued from downing st all the way up to Trafalgar square at that time of day but there isn't a single vehicle in the photo, bloody eerie 😯

I delivered to two Hotels in the West End today that had a combined total of just short of 300 rooms between them and just 6 of those rooms were occupied. All I delivered was fruit for the bar and staff rooms.
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Just watched that twat Johnson on the tele - full of bluster and half truths. He states that London is adhering to the restrictions he suggested - not sure of what London he's living in, but around here (just outside Central London) pubs and restaurants are carrying on much as usual..

Sounds from the replies following your post that it is central London that is adhering more to the suggested restrictions
Sounds from the replies following your post that it is central London that is adhering more to the suggested restrictions
Again, to bring balance, Rotherhithe is talking (I'm guessing) about the approximate area around Borough, south London which has a much higher residential population. Where I work is all hotels and businesses which are being avoided.
Where I live, restrictions are being observed but restaurants and bars are still ticking over although nowhere near as busy as usual because, I'm assuming, it's either that or stay in.
The Strand and West End, heavily reliant on tourists and white collar workers (who can work from home). Both would expect to be quiet. Areas in London where people live, do not seem to be affected to such an extent.
Just watched that twat Johnson on the tele - full of bluster and half truths. He states that London is adhering to the restrictions he suggested - not sure of what London he's living in, but around here (just outside Central London) pubs and restaurants are carrying on much as usual.

Listening to his replies, does he ever give a real answer? After taking out his huffing and puffing, that "everybody is doing a great job" - there's nothing left. Pure bullshit. Hard to find anything of real substance.
It is amazing how some people seem incapable of suspending political hostility and actually listening to BJ.
He said:
- He expects the serious stuff to last for up to 12 weeks - but only if people behave as advised.
The Govt does not want to compel people to avoid crowded areas - but they have (or will have) the powers to enforce if necessary.
There was a strong hint that Central London could be first to be restricted because of greater density.

- Testing for infection is approaching 10,000 per day - with an aim to reach 25,000 per day soon.

- A test for antibodies is being worked on, i.e. whether people have actually had the virus. This will give an instant result - as no sending to a lab.
This should give greater certainty as to who can go back to work.
IIRC, the aim would be to test over 100,000 per day.

- More ventilators are on order (as in most countries)

- Wards are being reconfigured to manage patients with and without the virus

Nobody has a crystal ball - even the scientists - so surely a few "expects" "hopes" or "intends" is reasonable ?
The Strand and West End, heavily reliant on tourists and white collar workers (who can work from home). Both would expect to be quiet. Areas in London where people live, do not seem to be affected to such an extent.

Think the dangers are that as Rother says, the impact of wider London may lead to lockdown of London as a whole, not just the West End and Central London (tourist and business areas are dead and almost deserted) Boris mentioned that if Londoners don't follow the advice being given he would "enforce Londoners being kept apart" which suggests the government don't think enough is being done across London by Londoners as a whole. Rothers version seems to back that up.
Johnson "expects the serious stuff to last for up to 12 weeks" and then was unable to say what was meant by this - was this the most affeted, dying or level going down. Once again speaks in general terms.

From what I have seen, people are gathering in large groups (eg retail outlets, where better to pass the virus on?)

A test for antibodies is being worked on - and when is this going to be ready?

More ventilators are on order - when will we get these? We knew about this back in early January and did nothing about it then.

I'm not knocking Johnson on political grounds, just his ineptitude and baseless reassurances he palms us off with.