How long have you been supporting the Villa. | Page 3 | Vital Football

How long have you been supporting the Villa.

No that was 2-1

I remember a game when Tony Brown scored that I think we won 4-1. I am sure Keith Leonard was playing so that must have been 1975 or thereabouts.
Think it might have been 3-1 remember Gidman smashing a free kick in to make it 3 i'm sure
First game was for the visit if Santos. Overwhelmed by the number of people. As we got close to the ground a copper said to my Dad, you won't get in. So we didn't try. Bitterly disappointed but Dad bought me a Villa badge from one of the vendors outside the ground.

First time I went in was 74 during our promotion run in from the 2nd Div to 1st
1976 was my first game our neighbours daughters took me down can't remember the team we played just loved the thrill of being held while sat on the wall over the stairs in the holte end . I was 6 so 43 years .
1979 first game vs Liverpool, taken by my aunt, uncle and 2 cousins, all reds. I remember seeing the pitch from the top of the stairs in the witton lane stand, it was magical. My old man has no interest in football and my villa connection starts from my mom's dad who passed away in 1975. I can remember back in the 70s most of the kids at Osborne were villa, a few glory reds and one nose. The 70s were magical and Ron Saunders is still the greatest villa manager ever. Andy gray is still the greatest.
We were in the old first division. Can't remember if it was Arsenal first or Chelsea at Villa Park. Must of been about 1967.

So the answer to this thread, is about 52-53 years.
It seems like 1957 was a vintage year for Villa births.
I was born in the front bedroom of our house in Erdington, so right in the middle of Villa territory and I only encountered supporters of a different 'persuasion' when I went to secondary school and they bussed in some unwashed from Washwwod Heath and Ward End!!
Erdington, George best fish shop, Owen Owen, Erdington baths, Erdington high Street, star taxis at the top of York Road, great memories.
Boxing Day 1989 - Aston Villa 3-0 Man Ure. I was 14 years old and my much older brother took me. He was a Villa fan as was my old man, but neither used to go much. I was an Albion fan of sorts, due to the fact that my cousins were all Baggies and I used to tag along with them from when I was a nipper. Weirdly, despite the fact that I was born in Aston and lived there until I was 12 and the fact that my dad and older brother were Villa, I’d never been bothered up until that first game against Man Ure.
I’m quite lucky really though, my paternal grandfather and all my uncles were bluenoses and the only reason my dad started to follow the Villa, was to irritate his brothers! Thank goodness!!
I’ve got two sons, 14 and 19 years old and neither were given a choice! I’ve taken them with me regularly since they were both about 3 years old, in fact I took the eldest along for a Xmas match tucked inside my fleece jacket, when he was about 12 months old! Happy days! Unfortunately the youngest had only ever seen us crap!
Well I started the thread, I was born in 1947 not long after the war ended and grew up with rationing. The main outlet for the men was football. It was where they could go and smoke and swear and be part of something, dont forget many had served in the WW2 and been part of a regiment. After leaving, football replaced what they had known in being part of something special. Yes I am one of the few who watched the FA cup final. There was only one house in our street that had a TV. A 12 or 14 inch black and white but still it was the technology of the day. They sat all us kids on the floor in front of the box so really we had the best view. The men all sat behind on the chairs and sofas and the women were at the back of the room. I have no idea how many were packed into that little room, but what an atmosphere. Since then I have seen us win just about everything else. Before I turn up my toes up I just want to see us challenging again at the top. Bloody hell what a ramble. We are the Villa, we are the best.
I’ve just realised what an old bunch you all are!!
I’m 44, but reading the 3 pages so far makes me feel like a nipper! ?
I have a vivid memory of being at a Villa v Palace game in the 60's, it was freezing cold and we scored 4. It is my first memory of a Villa game and I do remember it being a cup game. It stands out for me as I was close (Holte side) to the away fans who were standing in the Trinity Road stand and they had loads of flags on poles and made an incredible noise. It was in the days before segregation when you could walk from one end to the other and pay a 'transfer' fee at a gate inside the ground. I have just checked and we played Palace in the FA cup 3rd round on 6th January 1962. It must have been this game and I was there with my dad, I was aged just 7, 2 days before my 8th birthday. Amazing, I remember it like yesterday. UTV