The Politics Thread | Page 125 | Vital Football

The Politics Thread

With the way Boris is blustering tonight (I'm watching the recording not live) he might have added two years to the process in his efforts to dodge a straight answer.
Under-18s are helping to pick the next Tory leader and prime minister, despite the party refusing to let them vote in general elections, sparking accusations of hypocrisy.

Labour and the Liberal Democrats have attacked the Conservatives for allowing youngsters as young as 15 to take part in the leadership race – while refusing to lower the voting age for the public to 16.

From what I know they were the best two to replace Cable, but Swinson will get more of a youth vote - she definitely needs to keep Davey involved.

At least there is a party I can now consider voting for, but Swinson needs to get into the bulk of policy now, not just Brexit and Climate Change.
The centre ground is there to be taken. Anyone see Blair interviewed on Newsnight? He is right about the centre ground.
I have never felt so worried.

How has it come to this ?

1/ Cameron decided to shut the UKIP and anti E.U Tories up by promising them a referendum.

2/ Cameron never expected to have to keep that promise as he didnt expect to win a majority.

He expected to still be in bed with the coalition. The Libs would never have agreed to it so he thought he was safe.

3/ The best laid plans of mice and men then happened and a referendum had to be called

4/ Leave won which he never expected as didnt anyone else

5/ The rest is history and s complete cluster fcuk
We have a two party political system that will always return a Labour or Tory government. I am a strong believer that voting for a minor party will not change this and I will always vote for the one that I think will be the lesser of two evils. The thought of Corbyn and his lot getting elected frightens me more than Johnson. And voting for one of the minor parties could allow Labour to win a majority and see them get in even though most people wont want them. So faced with this I will vote for the Tories at the next election which I think will come sooner rather than later. It does'nt mean I want Johnson but this is the reality.
The Lib Dems won't have a better chance of taking over in my humble, that's why Swinson NEEDS to propose a wide ranging plan of what they stand for and not just Brexit to make them viable.