The REALLY Interesting Thread - all new for 2018 | Page 260 | Vital Football

The REALLY Interesting Thread - all new for 2018

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It's the Mechanical Art & Design museum. Aimed at kids really, it's got lots of metal and wooden err.... sculptures I guess, for want of a better term, that are made up of cogs and pulleys and lots of balls going round etc...

Great for kids. Lots of buttons to press and balls to play with.

it's only small, when we walked in I thought we'd be in there less than an hour, but 2 and a half hours later we still couldn't drag him out.

And there was me thinking it was a place that celebrated JF's life and times.
It used to be at the back of Lambs, funnily enough. Then they moved to larger premises. The guys who run it are decent, really pleased for them it's working out well. It's a great place.

Very decent.... bought Buddy a little Marble run as he was obsessed with all the marbles... only cost a fiver for this little plastic thing with some plastic balls in it. Told him it's coz Buddy was loving the marbles, so he went and grabbed him a handful of the real marbles and gave them him for free too. Must've been 10 of them and I think they were supposed to be 25p each, so really very good of him.
When your plans to enjoy soup for lunch are cruelly ruined by the fact you have no actual soup to have.
I know the soup must be somewhere in this place, but buggered if I could find it. I found some tinned mushrooms but unfortunately, I didn't want tinned mushrooms!
I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in two weeks. It was fine but I didn't sweat that much.

I went to the gym this morning and it was rough. I did exactly the same workout but I was sweating buckets and it was so much harder than yesterday.

Weird, eh?
I've bought several tins so that the great scandal of yesterday doesn't re-occur. Bet I find said soup from yesterday now!

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