Only in America... | Page 73 | Vital Football

Only in America...

That makes it alright then :ROFLMAO: :hmmm:

Not reading anything into it, simply as aforementioned observing that the footage speaks volumes about the absolutely wonderful quality of life and regular behaviour experienced in a number of 'blue' cities across the states.

Anyway, they only have themselves to blame. They voted for it (you know, things like defund the police, de criminalising shop lifting and the routine bailing of violent and dangerous criminals) and it is self inflicted. And they wonder why one of the cities (San Francisco I think from memory) is contemplating having to set up state run shops as retailers go 'f. this, we're outta here'. I'm talking about supermarkets for the basics of life btw, not Gucci outlets.

One way to get socialism in through the back door I guess. Enjoy queuing for your bread served from within an armour plated bunker.

This is the best of the lot. The funniest and most completely and utterly deranged. Bravo 👏
Another nine Target stores shutting in 'the usual' locations I see. Reasons cited as organised theft and inability to keep their staff safe. Is there any wonder that large swathes of blue cities are lawless, Hell hole ghettos.
This is the best of the lot. The funniest and most completely and utterly deranged. Bravo 👏
This one is still unbeatable, it's like copy pasta, has absolutely everything. So good!


  • Screenshot_20230929-112056_Chrome.jpg
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This one is still unbeatable, it's like copy pasta, has absolutely everything. So good!
Pleased to make you smile Rasen. I have every confidence in you that you are laughing with me and not at me :grinning: ;)

You will be delighted to be updated she moved onto beef a fortnight ago. That was a proper shocker as she had said definitely no mammals. I reckon it's only a matter of time now before she does cute fluffy ones like lamb.

Edit - As occasionally happens Rasen I'm delighted to say that you introduced me to a new concept today. I'd never heard of copy pasta but having read up on it, I can reassure you that these are all my own nonsensical ramblings version of the definition, as opposed to the cut and paste definition of the practice.
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Some would call this schadenfreude but I would say it is a little more serious than that. I see it more as a valuable learning exercise. 'You' wanted this, ''you' called for this and 'you' voted for this. Now deal with the consequences of your wishes and desires that 'you' have visited on 'yourselves'.

Next time 'you' go to a ballot box, other options will be available.
Americans in Britain.

If you want a laugh look at Americans visiting the UK outside of London. There are some really good ones like 9B4M and itsjps who offer really articulate and insightful content but there are some real idiots who think the A46 is a narrow track. Good job they don’t travel round my way.

Oh my, this could be car crash TV of the finest vintage. Might have to get the popcorn in with full toffee coating for this one.

The showers, "It's all coming back to me now" 😲 (Ashley Biden's diary for those not ITK)

Trump may well be misogynistic, but then there's Biden who may well be something far worse than that.
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Can we just agree that this US election is between the two worst possible candidates, but that Biden is less of a threat to the world, despite what might or might not be in his past. We are stuck with those two, and not having any say.
Can we just agree that this US election is between the two worst possible candidates, but that Biden is less of a threat to the world, despite what might or might not be in his past. We are stuck with those two, and not having any say.
Well I've certainly 'shaken my head' on here before about Trump and Biden being the 'best' the US can produce, so I can at least meet you half way.

The world a safer place under Biden though :unsure: Care to guess the last and only US President in eons, who didn't have a significant new conflict/war start on his watch.

Go on, have a guess. I'll give you a clue, the letters B.I.D.E.N. do not appear anywhere in his surname.

On what basis (both men have had a term so facts please), does Biden make the world a safer place than Trump?

On the Biden watch I'll just drop in Ukraine/Russia and the conflict involving the state of Israel and the self governing territory of Gaza as starters for 10 though, and for some bonus points quickly move onto Trump significantly defusing tensions with the nuclear state of North Korea when he was in office following their Singapore meet up.

And just for good measure I'll point out that it was Trump who negotiated the US withdrawal from Afghanistan before Biden delayed the Trump brokered initial date, and went onto right royally screw up the withdrawal costing many lives plus people left behind to whatever fate at the hands of the Taliban.
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Well I've certainly 'shaken my head' on here before about Trump and Biden being the 'best' the US can produce, so I can at least meet you half way.

The world a safer place under Biden though :unsure: Care to guess the last and only US President in eons, who didn't have a significant new conflict/war start on his watch.

Go on, have a guess. I'll give you a clue, the letters B.I.D.E.N. do not appear anywhere in his surname.

On what basis (both men have had a term so facts please), does Biden make the world a safer place than Trump?

On the Biden watch I'll just drop in Ukraine/Russia and the conflict involving the state of Israel and the self governing territory of Gaza as starters for 10 though, and for some bonus points quickly move onto Trump significantly defusing tensions with the nuclear state of North Korea when he was in office following their Singapore meet up.

And just for good measure I'll point out that it was Trump who negotiated the US withdrawal from Afghanistan before Biden delayed the Trump brokered initial date, and went onto right royally screw up the withdrawal costing many lives plus people left behind to whatever fate at the hands of the Taliban.
I assume you found Chamberlain's appeasement more to your palate than Churchill's resistance, then
I assume you found Chamberlain's appeasement more to your palate than Churchill's resistance, then
Horses for courses, but leaving your fogging aside, on what grounds do you assert that the world would be safer with Biden rather Trump?

Another tricky one #impede, which having come out with another bold sweeping statement appears to yet again fall under the category of can't/won't back it up. Please do blow me out of the water factually, and if it just an opinion - on what do you base it?
Horses for courses, but leaving your fogging aside, on what grounds do you assert that the world would be safer with Biden rather Trump?

Another tricky one #impede, which having come out with another bold sweeping statement appears to yet again fall under the category of can't/won't back it up. Please do blow me out of the water factually, and if it just an opinion - on what do you base it?
1. He does not threaten the existence of Nato, which Trump has repeatedly done
2. He stands up tyrants, unlike Trump who sucks up to them - hence the Chamberlain reference
3. He is not a serial Islamaphobe
4. He does not provoke civil war which could lead to civil breakdown in the world's most nuclear state
5. He does not keep classified documents in his toilet
1. He does not threaten the existence of Nato, which Trump has repeatedly done
2. He stands up tyrants, unlike Trump who sucks up to them - hence the Chamberlain reference
3. He is not a serial Islamaphobe
4. He does not provoke civil war which could lead to civil breakdown in the world's most nuclear state
5. He does not keep classified documents in his toilet
1. No he doesn't. He wants to stop subsidising the slackers who aren't putting in their 2% of GDP.

2. You mean like Putin who started a war on Biden's watch and openly laughed in his face - as opposed to Trump who said Putin wouldn't invade on his watch, and didn't. BTW how much money has the Biden family received from the tyrant CCP :ROFLMAO: ;)

Yeah, Biden he really 'socked it' to Xi Jinping about the Islamist Uyghurs genocide in China. I thought you would be up in arms at Biden over that one :unsure:

3. Yawn, see my last observation at 2. above. You do know Biden gave the eulogy at the funeral of a KKK grand wizard or whatever title they go by. You do know that Biden was all in favour of keeping busing, so much so that his Veep Cameltoe, publicly called him out about how hurtful that was. You do know that Biden sees no issue in calling black African-American children by the pejorative term of 'roaches. In his own words he 'knows all about roaches'.

This all makes Biden less discriminatory than Trump how exactly - or is it OK for Biden to be a racist as black people are fair game whilst Islam/Trump is not? Some more of your infamous selective double standards here #impede :unsure::yes:

4. No idea what you're on about.

5. Seriously, you having a laugh. Did you miss the hoo hah about Biden improperly keeping (in his basement) and sharing classified documents from his time as VEEP......but wait for it, due to his cognitive incapacity would not be fit to stand trial as it would not be possible to prove intent :ROFLMAO:
You couldn't make it up. Mentally fit to be POTUS but lacks mental capacity to face a criminal trial :rofl:.

I'm afraid I still disagree with your opinion that Trump makes the world a more dangerous place than Biden and would draw you back to the facts as to what has happened in global conflicts, during office of the two respective men.
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I withdraw from interacting with somebody who is going down his usual conspiracy theory rabbit hole
Payments to Biden family and associates from foreign sources:

Biden on the Uyghurs and Xi Jinping (politifacts)

In a CNN town hall Feb. 16, host Anderson Cooper asked Biden whether he had spoken to Chinese President Xi Jinping about Uyghurs. As part of his answer, Biden said, "Culturally, there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow."

U.S. officials on both sides of the political divide generally haven’t minced words about China’s treatment of the Uyghurs. On his last day as President Donald Trump’s secretary of state, Mike Pompeo labeled the situation a "genocide" and a "crime against humanity." Biden’s own secretary of state, Tony Blinken, also used the term "genocide" in his confirmation hearing to describe the Uyghurs’ treatment.

So Biden’s comment about cultural norms struck some critics as too deferential to the Chinese regime.

The New York Post reported that Biden was "dismissing" the genocide of Uyghurs by using that phrase. In a speech to Republican lawmakers, former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster accused Biden of "bigotry masquerading as cultural sensitivity." On Fox Business, Pompeo said that Biden is "echoing Chinese propaganda."

Oh well, at least on his last day in office the Trump administration were very clear on the Chinese Uyghur genocide and crime against humanity. Bit of a strange stance for an Islamaphobe to take ;)

Biden refers to black kids as roaches:

Cameltoe on Biden and busing:

Biden eulogises KKK:

I've fact checked myself, at the time of his death Byrd had quit membership of the KKK. That's ok then :ROFLMAO:

Biden and mishandling/disclosing sensitive documents (Politifacts):

A special counsel investigating President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents concluded that no criminal charges were warranted. However, Robert Hur in his final report criticized Biden’s practices in handling sensitive documents, saying he had found evidence that Biden had "willfully retained and disclosed classified materials" as a private citizen after he served as vice president.

In a 388-page report, the special counsel also dwelled on Biden’s lapses in memory, writing that "Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

Which conspiracy did I miss #impede :yes::unsure: