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Saw something in the newspaper of a surgeon talking to Javed ‘explaining’ why he was refusing to be jabbed. According to the account he said he’d had the virus so said he already had antibodies and that the health risk for him was low. Now I’m sure he’s a lot cleverer than I am but I can’t see anything there that would give you a reason for refusing.

The reason I’d imagine for refusing is because he has the antibodies, he’s at minimal risk of passing it onto his vaccinated patients and at 0% risk of vaccine side effects by not having it. What reason can you think for him to have it? Hoping for a decent discussion - have so far been unable to on this thread.

Wonder if a few on this thread will now discount this doctor as another conspiracy nut?
The reason I’d imagine for refusing is because he has the antibodies, he’s at minimal risk of passing it onto his vaccinated patients and at 0% risk of vaccine side effects by not having it. What reason can you think for him to have it? Hoping for a decent discussion - have so far been unable to on this thread.

Wonder if a few on this thread will now discount this doctor as another conspiracy nut?
But that to me is not a reason to refuse? Yes he may not need it as much potentially but I’m still waiting for a reason to refuse I.e. it’s going to make him worse in some way.
But that to me is not a reason to refuse? Yes he may not need it as much potentially but I’m still waiting for a reason to refuse I.e. it’s going to make him worse in some way.

I suppose it’s the potential of the rare but known serious side effects of vaccine .. against how he considers his risk of serious Covid complications.
The reason I’d imagine for refusing is because he has the antibodies, he’s at minimal risk of passing it onto his vaccinated patients and at 0% risk of vaccine side effects by not having it. What reason can you think for him to have it? Hoping for a decent discussion - have so far been unable to on this thread.

Wonder if a few on this thread will now discount this doctor as another conspiracy nut?
But there are plenty of instances of repeat instances of covid, so he is a threat to his patients, and shows the arrogance selfishness of non/anti vaxxers, for a medical professional it's frankly shameful as the doctors I know would agree.

You say you're hoping for a decent discussion, but that requires 2 well balanced sides of opinion to discuss. There's ample evidence of hospital covid cases and deaths being predominantly unvaccinated. Death or a bit peaky for a day or two? Nothing to discuss.

Triple vaxxed, healthy and proud.
But there are plenty of instances of repeat instances of covid, so he is a threat to his patients, and shows the arrogance selfishness of non/anti vaxxers, for a medical professional it's frankly shameful as the doctors I know would agree.

You say you're hoping for a decent discussion, but that requires 2 well balanced sides of opinion to discuss. There's ample evidence of hospital covid cases and deaths being predominantly unvaccinated. Death or a bit peaky for a day or two? Nothing to discuss.

Triple vaxxed, healthy and proud.

I’m always receptive to other points of views and can absolutely see why people are keen on Covid vaccination.

My personal point of view is that if you want it and feel vulnerable have it. We already know it’s becoming milder.

I can even see why people think health care professionals should be made to be vaccinated, despite not agreeing with it.. what I can’t see is how people are ok with the covid being mandated, yet the flu jab being optional.

I also see the politicians making a complete mockery of things, plus some data manipulation (I.e. people admitted to hospital for other illnesses other than covid, but catching it in hospital and being noted as a Covid deand understand why that increases the reluctance to be jabbed.

The last paragraph shows some ignorance on your part.. the vaccine does come with more risks of just feeling a bit rough.. blood clots and myocarditis are know (rare) side effects, both have the potential to make you feel more than a bit rough.

I think if you look back on this thread their is one side guilty of not being open to discussion.

I’m not going to lie, I have had mixed feelings about me personally (initially, I was of the same view, thinking it’s absolutely selfish not to have it) having the vaccine but would never slate anyone from having it or not.

Then you have people saying doctors are the experts, but will dismiss a doctor with the opposing view.
There are rare serious side effects, the vaccine programme adjusted accordingly hence the AZ vaccine not being used for younger age groups. But I'll not be accused of ignorance thank you very much, thsts the province of the anti vaxxers who seem to revel in their wilful stupidity. The risks from the vaccine and the risks from covid are so disproportionate as to be fatuous.

I know medical professionals and they are all unanimous that the vaccines are essential and cannot understand fellow medics not seeing this.
The reason I’d imagine for refusing is because he has the antibodies, he’s at minimal risk of passing it onto his vaccinated patients and at 0% risk of vaccine side effects by not having it. What reason can you think for him to have it? Hoping for a decent discussion - have so far been unable to on this thread.

Wonder if a few on this thread will now discount this doctor as another conspiracy nut?

I think his NHS colleagues are busy denouncing him right now aren't they? "Anti-vaxxers dream" I believe the quote is
I think his NHS colleagues are busy denouncing him right now aren't they? "Anti-vaxxers dream" I believe the quote is

I’ve seen one article reporting this (although I’m sure there is more! Did they argue his points are just say he was wrong? I read a more balanced article suggesting he had some points (although his points were exaggerated and that 50% increase in protection is better than none).

On a side note, I was booked in for my 2nd vax today, arrived 5 mins early for my allocated time and off a night shift - only to be told it’s not open till later on and to come back later, despite being sent a reminder of my time - this sort of service will not help with the people hesitating getting the vaccine.
I’ve seen one article reporting this (although I’m sure there is more! Did they argue his points are just say he was wrong? I read a more balanced article suggesting he had some points (although his points were exaggerated and that 50% increase in protection is better than none).

On a side note, I was booked in for my 2nd vax today, arrived 5 mins early for my allocated time and off a night shift - only to be told it’s not open till later on and to come back later, despite being sent a reminder of my time - this sort of service will not help with the people hesitating getting the vaccine.

I think they just generally list their s**t at the stupidity of his risk analysis. Worrying about the risks of taking a vaccine as opposed to the risks of contracting covid and it becoming serious are incomparable levels of risk when compared to one another. It's not a rational argument based on any evidence of the risks involved at all.
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I think they just generally list their s**t at the stupidity of his risk analysis. Worrying about the risks of taking a vaccine as opposed to the risks of contracting covid and it becoming serious are incomparable levels of risk when compared to one another. It's not a rational argument based on any evidence of the risks involved at all.

Good read, would be interesting to see the breakdown of what “rank” of staffing and the vaccination % is, after reading 95% docs are vaccinated.
The reason I’d imagine for refusing is because he has the antibodies, he’s at minimal risk of passing it onto his vaccinated patients and at 0% risk of vaccine side effects by not having it. What reason can you think for him to have it? Hoping for a decent discussion - have so far been unable to on this thread.

Wonder if a few on this thread will now discount this doctor as another conspiracy nut?
Seemingly, yes, with justification.

The sad thing is, Even More Stupid Corbyn and his foil-hatted followers will have seized on this sort of thing and put our freedoms at risk as a result.
Well you've got the whole internet at your disposal, off you go and find out...

Not that interested 😜

Seemingly, yes, with justification.

The sad thing is, Even More Stupid Corbyn and his foil-hatted followers will have seized on this sort of thing and put our freedoms at risk as a result.

Hmm, I’m still opposed to mandatory vaccination (especially still as flu jab is optional.. appreciate flu and covid are different bea but that’s another story all together).

There is a piece in that text that also suggests mandatory vaccination isn’t as clear cut as made out to be and that if natural immunity can be proven it could be the way to go.

Misinformation and the ease at which is accessible and spreadable is worrying.
Not that interested 😜

Hmm, I’m still opposed to mandatory vaccination (especially still as flu jab is optional.. appreciate flu and covid are different bea but that’s another story all together).

There is a piece in that text that also suggests mandatory vaccination isn’t as clear cut as made out to be and that if natural immunity can be proven it could be the way to go.

Misinformation and the ease at which is accessible and spreadable is worrying.

Indeed, some of that misinformation is spread ridiculously easily, usually via social media posts that somehow think they are on the inside track to some massive conspiracy...
Not that interested 😜

Hmm, I’m still opposed to mandatory vaccination (especially still as flu jab is optional.. appreciate flu and covid are different bea but that’s another story all together).

There is a piece in that text that also suggests mandatory vaccination isn’t as clear cut as made out to be and that if natural immunity can be proven it could be the way to go.

Misinformation and the ease at which is accessible and spreadable is worrying.
Neither jab is mandatory, apart, in this country, from certain professions where it makes sense to maximise protection against covid. I'd love to make it mandatory, however, I'd advocate the intelligent libertarian's case (ie commentators like Claire Foges, as opposed to the headbanger Tories like Harper / CRG, et al who really fail to understand the true meaning of 'libertarian' ) that:-
1. The greatest current threat to our freedoms is a virus in pandemic state.
2. There are 2 known measures which restrict the spread of this virus:-
1. Shut everything down to slow its spread- which screws up life, the economy, pretty much everything else.
2. Have a safe, effective vaccine which is now available.
3. The greatest ongoing threat to our freedoms are those who refuse to have the vaccine despite it being safe for the vast, vast majority of those who have had it.

You could make vaccines compulsory, but that runs the risk of creating self identifying 'martyrs' (hello Piers, you stupid, dangerous dick). Or, in the only known instance where I agree with le Petit Bonaparte, you could 'piss off' the unvaccinated by constraining their access to, well, life, because they are a danger to themselves and, more pertinently, everyone else. Vaccine Passports ('Freedom Passes') to go/get into anywhere allow a voluntary element and the huge majority of us who are safely vaccinated can get on with our lives.

Omicron is relatively mild as an infection because we've vaccinated so many against covid which has mitigated its spread and virulence; be under no illusions that it's worst is confined to the unvaccinated, I know doctors who can vouch for that and their empirical evidence backed up by data and, um, facts. It's chances of becoming something more are inversely proportional to the number being vaccinated, like for seasonal flu - I have that too.

The unvaccinated are the barrier to freedom. Vaccines work. Stop arguing. Get vaccinated. Done me no harm, nor everybody who I know. Beats dying, whether it's me or the person I unknowingly infect. That last is the point the arrogant, selfish anti-vaxxers consistently fail to understand. There really is no viable argument against that, the voluntarily unvaccinated are a danger to us all.
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On the news, Fauci has just effectively described not being vaccinated as a suicide note. So not only are the unvaccinated impinging upon the freedom of us more enlightened vaccinated, but you're killing yourselves too. For all our sakes, get the vaccine.