v Ross Co . | Page 2 | Vital Football

v Ross Co .

Fine performance that on a luckier day would have produced a lot more Celtic goals. The problem with that penalty we didn't get was that Gollum was facing in the wrong direction... :emoticon:95

Commons was superb and you couldn't have asked for any more from Stokes. Delighted to see him bag a brace!

Gollum is aptly named, the slimy lowlife that he was today.

Brown was fantastic, so was Commons. I though Stokes was also great. If given the chance, I think Stokes will really shine as our feature forward.

What going on at the hunnery is as amazing as it is funny. Only those hateful, angry mobsters would fight over such meager scraps. Oh my aching sides. :emoticon:03 At this point, ten in a row might be conservative. :emoticon:04 :emoticon:43 :emoticon:41
Didn't actually know what competition that lot were playing in today but I'm glad it was the LC as it deprives them of much needed revenue as they look to redress their unsustainable outlay and I find it more than strange that the big hoose hasn't been used more with that in mind ..... the fact that they will only use the big hoose once in pre season ( noocastle tuesday ) must surely be cross referenced to the assertion that they are struggling to secure a relevent safety certificate for the cesspit otherwise it would have seen several bigot fests to date and when you factor in the stories of contractors abandoning work due to non payment it leads you to wonder exactly how solvent they actually are ? it also strikes me that the verbal exchange between stake bake and charlie bhoy before and after their exit to the quality tradesmen of Forfar can only lead to all out civil war if we're not witnessing that already ..... this vexes me awfully as it ultimately signals the end for one of them and as CB is tied in till December it maybe that pep mc coist is ready to walk the walk he said he wouldn't walk ..... well to hell with that ...!!! I'm still desperately trying to come to terms with the loss of Paddy & couldn't even contemplate the loss of another legend so soon .......wheres Craigy Bhoy ? :emoticon:59
Sorry, been busy cookin, eating and rolling about laughing.

WB paints a picture that Salvador Dali could only manage if he swallowed 20 tins of paint and then skittered them back oot his arse on to a canvas.

Good news - because of Chuckles utter panic and desperation last year in giving fat Sally/steakbake/pieman a whopping salary and bumper contract (not to mention a shed load of free shares) the useless ***** canny afford to sack Super Sally McCoist - hence McCoist' s outburst at Chuckles after Forfar had humped and dumped them this afternoon.

Win-win situation for us because the hilarity and mentalness is guaranteed to continue for a while yet...well, until they've all killed each other and their new club off.

I recommend dancing lessons, for we'll soon have two graves to dance and pish on. :emoticon:14
At some point, we need the huns back in the way that every good drama needs a villain. And they are as repellent as villains get. In short, I enjoy beating them more than watching them beat themselves. That said, their own drama has many scenes to play and it is immensely entertaining.

I mean, first Craigy Whyte's tax advisor is a porn star, complete in a Joker costume with vixens on the cover of the Sun. The liquidation, then third division, now the civil war and Forfar. They were humped by a guy named Swankie! :emoticon:14 What's next? A boardroom battle, Fat Sally's lament. Tom Grisham couldnt have made this up if he smoked a dime bag and ate a few shrooms. :emoticon:19 :emoticon:19 :emoticon:03 :emoticon:03 :emoticon:59 :emoticon:59 :emoticon:59
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