Tabloid gutter press | Vital Football

Tabloid gutter press


Vital Football Legend
I toyed with putting this in the Royal family thread. I changed my mind given the gutter level of alot (not all) harmful, lieing rubbish the media can print.

Whilst this includes a joint case with Harry I think it merits it own thread because of the others involved. Especially the fact that Doreen Lawrence is also part of this.

I was shocked, though not surprised when I read this, especially as it included Stephen Lawrence Mom, Doreen.

How far the Mail has fallen, as I don't remember it being the trash it is now. It appears from a quick look that it really started going downhill in this new century

I'm sure @mike_field will correct me on any of this if I'm wrong.

We all know what the tabloids are capable of. It was always connected The Sun and The Mirror years ago who were the trash journalism.

However the Mail and Express especially seem to have taken it to a whole new low level over the years.

Even the media like The Sun and The Mirror used to do some decent investigative journalism pre this century. They all seem to be nasty, vitriol these days