Oystains Blackening the Club's Reputation Again | Vital Football

Oystains Blackening the Club's Reputation Again


Vital Football Hero
Well done again vermin family, another black day for the club.

Google Blackpool Football Club and the vast majority of searches are negative publicity that is plain embarrassing to a proud club. Rapey claims to have supported the club since he was minus 55 years old but has once again damaged the reputation of our club more than any other.

How can he continue to justify the ruination of the club he purports to "support" whilst they are alienating fans, ruining the lives of these same fans and turning their customer and fanbase against them?

I don't think that I am alone in that I actually hate Blackpool Football Club now. From a diehard fan to a hater, job well done Rapey!

The latest ridiculous press release asking for more money from fans is just plain greed and despicable cynicism beyond belief. Of course it will be beyond old selfish chops Premier! :tophat: