(N/G) When did you last ……… | Vital Football

(N/G) When did you last ………

Excellent nerd question. In common sight about 40 years ago in every visit to every pub. I make you right. Haven't seen one for years. Nearest is large plastic bins (giant wheelies) that every type of bottle is thrown in with accompanying cacophony of ear splitting noise.

Not a question for Wxgill as it isn't technical enough - I understood it.
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Nearly 50 years ago I had a temporary job (it went on quite a while) delivering soft drinks and some bottled beer to pubs. Almost all of it came in wooden crates of varying sizes and they would often be slid down a railed ramp into pub cellars. The driver would stand at the bottom and I would run to and fro throwing the crates down. Being even more of a thin streak of **** than now and having imbibed I was a little unsteady and on throwing a heavier crate down my ring caught on the crate. I arrived face first into the cellar causing a cut which required a visit to A & E and stitches. I am currently thinking of more romantic tales to explain the fading scar.