I just saw an AA man in tears. | Vital Football

I just saw an AA man in tears.

I was on a website that asked me to provide a password with eight characters. So I put " Snow White and the seven dwarves".
I walked into a bar the other day and got a big black eye.

It was an iron bar.

(also K.Dodd I believe)
Tommy Cooper I think Keefy.

Another Cooper one:-

I went up into the attic with the wife the other day. Filthy, dirty and covered in cobwebs; but the kids like her.
Another Mr. Cooper.

I went to the opticians the other day and explained I was having trouble seeing long distances.

He took me outside the shop and said look up in the sky and tell me what you see.

I told him I could see the sun.

He said, well that's 93 million miles away, how much further do you want to see.
I got into a Taxi in Gillingham last night and said take me to the best brothel in town - the taxi driver turned round and said you are already in it.

Mike Reid RIP
I walked into a room and the curtains were drawn. Everything else was real, but the curtains were drawn.

T Cooper.

Genius. Saw a live show of his recorded for TV back in 1969. Spent one hour eventually performing just one trick. Somehow he made us laugh constantly by doing vitually nothing.
I can't stand innuendo. If I see one in a script I whip it out immediately.

Kenneth Williams
ME2blue - 16/11/2017 09:07

I can't stand innuendo. If I see one in a script I whip it out immediately.

Kenneth Williams

Infamy, infamy, they've all got it in for me. Possibly KW's most famous line matron.