FAO TNMW or anyone playing 5 aside | Vital Football

FAO TNMW or anyone playing 5 aside

ukrocks0007 - 28/9/2013 11:21

Is there a TOTT 5 aside team or would there be any interest in forming one?

We've mentioned this in the past and there was a main sticking point.

People's ages.

Really we'd need an over 40 and a younger side for this to work in theory as some of us are on the wrong side of that milestone.

Personally im cattled at present but could at some point in the future get involved.
I'm sure you could get a squad of 10 of mixed ages and abilities to play amongst themselves on a regular basis. I have just jacked in 5 a side much to my dismay but our squads aree a right mix and from it, over the years, I have made some gret friendships and done some pretty madcap things on weekends away, as we take our footie skills on tour. Great stuff, wonderful for mind and body.
I love playing but with working offshore I can only play once a month which isn't enough for me. Sure we can get a mixed age team, I'm 34 and no spring chicken anymore.