FA Cup - BST Proposal to Help Harriers & J4F: Gazette column | Vital Football

FA Cup - BST Proposal to Help Harriers & J4F: Gazette column


Vital Youth Team
November hits next week and with it the FA Cup first round proper. Blackpool’s was the last tie to be drawn and we have Kidderminster Harriers at home on Sunday November 6th.

The Harriers are an even older club than Blackpool but only reached the Football League for the first time in 2000 (becoming the only Worcestershire side ever to do so). Their hold on league football was a short one. After five seasons they slipped back into the Conference and today they play in the sixth-tier National League North along with AFC Fylde. They do have a reputation for causing upsets in the FA Cup!

Normally an away tie against EFL opposition would be a good source of revenue for a club like Kidderminster, with FA competition rules giving them up to 45% of the gate receipts. However, with so many Blackpool fans adopting the ethical boycott (for reasons that are well understood), the attendance at Bloomfield Road on 6th November will possibly be the lowest for decades.

Blackpool Supporters’ Trust is not proposing that fans should abandon the ethical boycott for this FA Cup game, but we are putting forward a different, creative solution that we hope will benefit both Kidderminster Harriers as a cash-strapped club and our own fans who are facing legal action from the owners.

We are suggesting that any fan boycotting the FA Cup match could make a donation via the BST website ‘donate’ button. If each supporter were to donate between £6 and £13 (£6 represents the percentage of the £13 ticket price that would normally go to Kidderminster), the Trust will gift the sum of all the £6 donations to Kidderminster Harriers to compensate them for the boycott and will forward any additional amounts to the independent Justice4Fans fund.

This proposal has the grateful support of Kidderminster Harriers (who are a supporter-owned club). It also provides an opportunity to quantify the reach of the ethical boycott: in simple terms, for each donation made, we have one person boycotting the club. You don’t even need to be a BST member to support this initiative – just log on to the website at www.blackpoolsupporterstrust.com then select ‘About The Trust’ and the ‘Donate’ option from the pull-down menu.

Also next week and just three days before that FA Cup game, another Oyston court case is scheduled to be heard. This one relates to an incident that occurred two years ago in October 2014, the night of a Championship game at home to Cardiff City. Oystons v Jeremy Smith, a lifelong Blackpool fan, is due to take place at the Civil and Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool on Thursday November 3rd. Mr Smith is being charged with defamation. His misdemeanour? On the day of the Cardiff game, Blackpool Gazette published an interview with Owen Oyston. Its front page had a large picture of the owner and a banner headline that read We Are Not Thieves. Jeremy Smith was handed the newspaper with the word Not already blacked out and he held it aloft at the game in silent protest.

Following on from last week’s call to the club to enter into meaningful dialogue with the Trust over the issue of litigation, BST’s chairman has written to Owen Oyston this week proposing a meeting without prejudice to discuss specifically the cases being brought by the owners as a result of the peaceful pitch protest in May 2015.

The Trust is clearly of the opinion that current and future litigation against supporters can only cause significant personal and financial distress to the fans concerned while also doing lasting damage to the good-standing of Blackpool Football Club – and that both eventualities are to be avoided if at all possible.
I am completely against this. it sends out a message that everything is fine. We are a club in crisis and whilst Bradford, Carlisle and all the other clubs turn up in their numbers then they too are as bad as our mushrooms. They are legitimising the evil regime. So much for fan solidarity, it smacks more of Eff you, we're all right. We've got enough of them in our own ranks.

If Kidderminster come away with a pitiful pay out then that sends our plight further afield. It's only like a bigger club drawing a tiny club away, it is a draw and that is what is called luck of the draw.

I see merit on both sides of the argument but lean towards the BST view which may in the longer term engender more support amongst the wider football community.

There was little evidence of anti Oystain protest on Saturday and very little sign of rapport between the players and the fans.
I presume that B.S.T. wish us to win this match after all they are a supporters club.......

Help our players and Kidderminster by cheering our lads on from within the ground and at the same time increase the away clubs take....
premier 1 - 30/10/2016 14:00

I presume that B.S.T. wish us to win this match after all they are a supporters club.......

Help our players and Kidderminster by cheering our lads on from within the ground and at the same time increase the away clubs take....

Get a large cooking pot. Fill it with boiling water. Season to taste. Place your head in pan and boil for an hour. Stuffing will be needed to fill the empty cavity where a brain should be. :tophat:
Kidderminster are doing well in the Conference North, next season it could be a League meeting between the 2 teams. I can imagine a situation like the Oldham game when they had the buckets at Bloomfield Road and many gave generously to help a struggling club and then not much later they scored a late, late goal against us and relegated us how their fans took such delight in that and infested our forums with nastiness.

A lovely thought then Bear that we are all part of a football fan brotherhood but the vast majority don't care and when your own don't either the battle is lost. grim I know but we will have to sit this one out until the last Oystain cockroach has been fumigated from our club.

Although I am a member of BST I am also against the collection for Kidderminster. I won't be going to this match or other home matches and I don't see why they should be treated differently from other teams that come to BR. If there was to be a collection at all I would prefer it went to local charities that have suffered by the boycott and reduced donations to the community trust.
You are a natural cynic Layton and your views are a useful and welcome corrective to those who tend the other way. Perhaps you have an alternative recipe for boiling Premier's head?
I must dmit after reading a little about their club I'm no longer as hardline, I hadn't realised it was a fan owned club and their Chairman is refusing to go in the board room. Still though we need to all suffer a little so that there is that sympathy/empathy to our plight.

Now as I'm a time served chef I can certainly suggest a few decent recipes for cooking a pig's head. The vacuous inner skull means cooking time is reduced considerably.

Have you read what the Kidderminster Chairman has said Prem? He has said he supports it, he is refusing to eat in the Directors box, will sit with his fans AND eat fish and chips in the car park to show his support to the struggle. More code than you'll ever show pal!
Prem, you really are the most antagonistic person I've ever had the displeasure to know. Do you get some perverse satisfaction of winding people up? :nope:
BobHatton - 30/10/2016 20:03

Prem, you really are the most antagonistic person I've ever had the displeasure to know. Do you get some perverse satisfaction of winding people up? :nope:

Bob, it s the only way he can get decent minded folk to reply to his posts! I'm surprised he's never come to harm. No doubt one of the type that throws a grenade in a room and runs away.