FA backs safe standin proposals | Vital Football

FA backs safe standin proposals

Rod Currie

Vital Football Legend
Accordin to a article on the Beeb website the F A are backin propsals for safe standin at grounds in't prem and championship.UTCB
We’ll be the last to get it along with the pigs thanks to our over cautious council pity they weren’t over cautious when it mattered
We discussed this at length during the fan forums I attended with the club and I think you lose 25% of the capacity in any area that’s converted that’s a big chunk off the kop we would be losing,would people be happy losing that much capacity ?
Accordin to a article on the Beeb website the F A are backin propsals for safe standin at grounds in't prem and championship.UTCB

Another waste of everyone’s time. Standing is for terraces which will never return for big clubs. The rest is just sentimental nonsense.
We’ll be the last to get it along with the pigs thanks to our over cautious council pity they weren’t over cautious when it mattered
We discussed this at length during the fan forums I attended with the club and I think you lose 25% of the capacity in any area that’s converted that’s a big chunk off the kop we would be losing,would people be happy losing that much capacity ?

That's the stupid unnecessary thing about it.

It's as a result of a huge over emphasis on the 'safe' bit when in reality there's nothing dangerous about standing.

The proposed standing bays are far too wide and this is why it's not a fully effective solution. But sadly it's the best we're going to get. It really is pathetic.
I'm a dedicated 'sitter' after too many years of standing during my youth.
If this comes in then there are a few points I want resolving:
1) What happens when the standing capacity is reached/broken?
2) I want to go to away games and actual sit so how will this be facilitated?
3) I don't want my seat price to increase to subsidise standing.

If these are solved then I back the scheme.

Sorry but at my age I need to look after myself.:taz:
Having been to nearly all of the away games over the past few years I can't remember sitting down for a game anywhere.
Whats the point of 'legalising it'
Having been to nearly all of the away games over the past few years I can't remember sitting down for a game anywhere.
Whats the point of 'legalising it'
Pedros, not sure what you mean by 'legalising' mate but I just want to sit at away games...that's why I don't go. If they solve standing they they could solve sitting or is it beyond the wit of man?
Nobody knows how many have to stand but would prefer to sit (at least during the boring bits) :please:
The sooner standing areas are introduced the better. Unless you’re medically unable or too old to stand sitting at football matches is not normal. It’s against the laws of nature. Currently we have sitting totalitarianism. Footballs become more sterile and overly managed over recent years, stewards every few yards, music when a goal is scored, adolescent girls waving flags as the team’s come out, an ego maniac with a mic on the pitch who doesn’t seem to know when to keep quiet.

That said I would never selfishly stand in front of seated fans, it’s the reason I always go at the back of the kop. Language less obscene, ( trust me ive been on the South Stand), atmosphere much better.
BPB, as long as you are willing to pay the ticket price then i hope you get your way on this but I'm sure you understand that 90 minutes is just too much for some of us oldies:surrender:.
BPB, as long as you are willing to pay the ticket price then i hope you get your way on this but I'm sure you understand that 90 minutes is just too much for some of us oldies:surrender:.

I have a back problem that means I can't stand for 90 minutes. That's for kids anyway. Loved being on the terraces when I was young and daft, but its not terraces, is it? Its just your usual seat with a handrail infront so you don't fall over.
Been standing in Germny for years, to be honest getting rid of standing was wrong after all it wasnt standing that caused a certain disaster but the state of the ground, amongst other things
Standing on the kop at BDTBL, especially for a night game is a memory that will stay with me for life.
When The Blades scored you could hear the roar at Manor Top.
What they should do is very simply designate standing areas in stadiums the way they are. Without even removing the seats. Maybe just install a rail.

Easy. Quick. Cheap. Flexible.

But........ naaaah.
As for our Kop, the fucking thing needs knocking down and building again. They did a horrendous job with it. The rake is terrible.
What they should do is very simply designate standing areas in stadiums the way they are. Without even removing the seats. Maybe just install a rail.

Easy. Quick. Cheap. Flexible.

But........ naaaah.
Install a rail I’ve got no leg room as it is the kop is a mare if you’re 6ft or taller :taz:
They could just give everyone a shoulder harness with a handle on the back. Just get the guy behind to hold onto you. Feck it, is there only me that can use a bit of brain..?