Denouement | Vital Football


Old Poolie

Vital Squad Member
Have Pools reached the end?
Latest comments from the Club and Trust in respect of "takeover " would suggest that they are unable to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. This next week could be worrying for all Poolies!
Don’t think anyone knows how it will all unravel and not sure all will be explained, least not in the public domain.

Careful what you wish for, the grass isn’t always greener as we have found out before, sometimes it’s just a big muddy field painted green.

Maybe Raj wants to make a fist of it to prove to himself, maybe he is a bit reluctant to let go, maybe the time will come when he just wants shot of the thing, who knows?

We are moving forward, on the field, to paraphrase Loughlin ’pools have improved the squad by moving certain individuals on’. Parkes is also an improvement on what we’ve got and we still seem to be looking.

It seems steady at the mo, uncharted waters may rock the boat, who knows?
I'm not one of those desperate to see Raj go, I know he's made mistakes - who hasn't - but I think he has been generally good for the Club.
There are perhaps some clues as to the future contained in the recent interviews with Lennie Lawrence and Kevin Phillips (they seem to imply he is staying), but I might be reading too much into their comments.

Hoping for a positive result tonight, but the weather might prove too influential!
"I'm not one of those desperate to see Raj go,"
I doubt that many of those desperate to see Raj go have ever had a thought that has progressed beyond knee-jerk reaction phase. If they've covered any distance toward a Raj-alternative solution, they rarely tell us about it.
After today's statements from the Club and Trust it is a certainty that negotiations are over without an agreement for Ownership transfer being agreed.
Not sure how Pools go forward from here, but the Club have made several recent signings and recruited a "goalkeeping coach"; which would suggest Raj is still willing to bankroll, albeit for now.
Hopefully, the Trust accepts the situation and doesn't become bitter and commence a "campaign " to undermine the current situation of Raj's Ownership.

Going forward, I've a feeling (Spidey Senses working overtime) that something has changed, behind the scenes,to make Raj less keen on selling up.