Best away record in the EFL | Page 2 | Vital Football

Best away record in the EFL

I think "far less forgiving" is the wrong way of saying this. "Far more expectant" is more like it.

It isn't that we aren't forgiving. It is that we are expecting and when something doesn't happen we all groan. We are forgiving but it is natural to groan.

I also think that after all these years there are lots of older fans that have returned that remember year after year (bar the single season in the late 90s) of L2 football year after year and you can hear how desperate they are to go up.

It isn't so much anything to do with the actual team and players, more an internal and passionate desire for this to happen. Very vocal at times. There was a chap along the row from me at the Exeter game who was quite literally vocally kicking every single ball the whole match (was quite annoying to be honest) but this is what it is. A fanbase starved for years of success, where many have returned from all those years of being a "Rochdale" (ironically now the div above) year after year after year being in the fourth tier. They are desperate for it. Heart and Soul they want it to happen.

These aren't the groans of years gone by. the groans where we half expected thing not to happen anyway. These are groans because they actually expect something to happen. A very different beast and I suspect next season (if we go up) they will be replaced with last year's atmosphere again of not expecting it to happen and less expectant.
Agree 100%.
My last few home games I've been to have been a little... nervy. But I have a secret weapon - I always bring my nephew, who has never seen them lose.

My 2 Sons ironically had never seen them lose until the Cowleys came :)

They first voiced an interest in the last season of Moyes and we went to 4 games in that season which ended up in 2 wins and 2 draws.

I was more pointing out that most of those "groans" are from the older (35+) supporters. The ones that have seen so much 4th tier football. I suspect that many enjoyed immensely the success of winning the national league but (sub-consciously perhaps) see that as something that should have happened anyway to return to where they have virtually always known City to be........a fourth tier team.

We talk about groans but you quite nicely sum it up. The crowd is nervous. They want this soo bad. It isn't frustration so much, they are projecting. This is more about the fanbase than the team itself. We are top of the league, with not that many games to go, it is within our grasp and those supporters are going to project their nerves more and more each game (unless we are winning handsomely.)

There is going to be the explosion of all explosions of joy, pride and all sorts of other emotions IF we win this league. Even if we don't and still go up promoted this will eclipse the reaction to winning the NL and will eclipse the reaction to the late nineties promotion because this team* has a chance of staying in L1, should it get there.

*and by team I mean not just the players. I mean Lincoln City the team. From board, to managers, to facilities, to players, to a 9,000+ home crowd each week.

Dare to dream guys and forgive people their internal excitement pouring out. It isn't a bad thing. It is an internal safety valve that has been holding a lot of dreams in for decades and is about to be disabled (fingers crossed.)
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