Bacon sarnie anyone? | Vital Football

Bacon sarnie anyone?

Juan Mourep

Vital 1st Team Regular

Processed Meat Could Seriously Increase Your Risk Of Heart Failure, Scientists Warn

Ahh the classic bacon sandwich - it's exceptionally great the morning after the night before so we're not surprised it's one of the nations's favorite breakfasts.

But a new study has shown that the greasy treat could be doing some serious damage to our health. Darn it!

New research has shown that men who gorge on bacon, ham and sausages could be damaging their hearts and heading for an early grave.


A large study of more than 37,000 men found that processed meat significantly increases the risk of death from heart failure.

Those consuming the most - 75 grams per day or more - were twice as likely to die from heart failure than those who ate 25 grams or less.

Every extra 50 grams of processed meat, the equivalent of one or two slices of ham, increased heart failure risk by 8% and the chances of dying from the condition by 38%.

Last year a study of half a million people from 10 European countries concluded that diets high in processed meat raised the risk of heart disease, cancer and early death.

Processed meat has also been linked to an increased risk of bowel cancer.

More at the link.

Im not all that keen on meat. I could easily be a veggie really. Don't particularly like Chicken. Hate pork. Prefer red meat but its not good for you a lot so i don't eat it very often. If i ever have a Pizza or a sandwich, i never have meat versions.
Only have them rarely as a treat.

I do like a bacon sarnie every now and then though!
Everything causes heart disease and cancer. if you eat veggies the pesticides used will cause every cancer imaginable
There is nothing quite like a BLT (unless, perhaps, a cheese and pickle sambo....).
I wonder how the Germanic countries fare with heart disease. The likes of Germany, Holland, Austria and possibly Switzerland are sausage mad (pardon the pun), and suppose Italy has a high salami intake etc.
I have gone right off any processed meats now tbh, no way can i give up my once a week treat bacon tomato sarnie, i will take the risk tbh but processed meats like ham etc i don't have anymore, i prefer pre cooked chicken and pork tbh
colavfc - 14/6/2014 19:26

Everything causes heart disease and cancer.

No it doesn't

if you eat veggies the pesticides used will cause every cancer imaginable

"every cancer imaginable" New one on me, can you give me a link to that research?

Pesticides are nasty, supermarket veg are the worst, but IF you wash your veg or even peel, you remove most of the problem.

If you grow your own or have a good organic source and you wash them as you should anyway, Veg is fine :35:

Bikini Inspector - 14/6/2014 19:21

You have to die from something and heart failure from a bacon sarnie overdose is as good as anything.

Before you reach the heart attack stage you suffer the arteriosclerosis stage, quality of life is greatly reduced at this time, blood flow is reduced around the body, or in other words you'll have problems getting it up and keeping it there, so yes, you may as well be dead.

Personally I'd rather go having sex, or in the middle of a beast of a set, or any other way than doing an Elvis.

But if that's your choice.......

I just don't see the point in not enjoying your life whilst you are here. 70 happy years are better than 90 miserable ones, and I would be miserable if I took all the advice being dished out.

Surely, everything in moderation is the key, not wholesale abolition of everything that could potentially harm us?

I have a Bacon Sandwich, or sometimes a Full English, at the weekends. It's my treat, and I love it. I won't be changing any time soon.