A-Z Of Shipping | Vital Football

A-Z Of Shipping


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This can be anything to do with ships or boats or anything that floats on the water - real or pretend!

A African Queen - there actually was a steamer of this name and was used in the Katharine Hepburn film.
B BANANA BOAT song (Day O) - Harry Belafonte UK hit in 1956. When we were kids , we loved the animation version which featured Speedy Gonzalez and Bugs Bunny (clip on YouTube). "You're too loud, man!"
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Remember listening to that on Children's Favourites!

C Canoe - never been on one - not far enough from the water for me!
D DESTROYER - A class of warship... or DOGGER BANK - a North Sea area featured on the BBC Radio Shipping forecast (worth checking the forecast when on holiday at Scarboro' or Bridlington). Important for fishiing, and more recently off-shore oilfields, windfarms , etc.
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F FRIGATE - type of warship... or from the Shipping Forecast - the area previously known as FINISTERRE is now called FITZROY, apparently
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G GOLDEN HIND - captained and sailed around the world by Sir Francis Drake. There is a modern replica, moored in Brixham harbour (been on it)
I ICEBREAKERS - Ships used to clear ice from shipping lanes , usually in polar regions. The first one was used in Bruges, Belgium in 1392 to clear the town moat!
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K KAYAK - small , narrow watercraft , which is usually propelled by a double-bladed paddle. Word originates from Greenland.
O ONEDIN LINE - Popular 1970's tv series about a fictional shipping company based in Liverpool in the 1860's. Lots of footage of sailing ships in it. The theme tune was a UK hit single too.
Q Q-BOATS - Heavily armed decoy "merchant" ships. Disguise ued to lure submarines to the surface. First used in WW1.
T - Titanic

One of the violinists from the Titanic is buried in Colne Cemetery , Lancashire