Recent content by Harold the Barrel

  1. H

    Surely dead man walking

    In that case you've called us both Grip. Exiled is 100% not me. I posted as The Chet 1 hour ago roughly. It's called having a dinner. We are only allowed work phones past a certain point in the premises. But look on the bright side. It saved you having reply to the reasons I gave for not...
  2. H

    Surely dead man walking

    Not in the slightest. You actually accused me, in this ID, of being Grip and I told you you'd got mixed up with wrong poster. You obviously read what you want. I'm sure you haven't noticed, but this name is used during working hours. The Chet, in the main is used away from working hours. I...
  3. H

    Surely dead man walking

    Not at all. I explained as much when I first set up this ID.
  4. H

    Surely dead man walking

    moonay I know. I 've explained in another post a couple that when I post under this name. When I use my own phone I post as The Chet. I can't use my original ID on my work phone.
  5. H

    Surely dead man walking

    Maybe I should be flattered that you notice my every post. I actually just think it's a pretty sad state of affairs that you do. You bawled us happy clappers out. I;'ve justified your sad existence by giving you my reply and reasons. If you don't want to take notice of them that's up to you...
  6. H

    Idiotic things our club seems to do

    So you kept quiet so as not to upset Cook on his reward? How magnanimous of you.. When Cook was offered the extension his stock was high and he was being linked with other jobs. People were saying then that we should prevent him leaving. So they did.
  7. H

    Idiotic things our club seems to do

    His shot stopping. And if you're going to point to last night as an attempt to disprove it then you'll find that every goalkeeper that ever played the game is shit.
  8. H

    Idiotic things our club seems to do

    Did you think it was mad at the time? I don't recall you posting to say so.
  9. H

    Idiotic things our club seems to do

    I would say neither are shit. They just both have weak areas but are pretty strong in others. Walton in particular has enough time ahead of him to learn to correct his weaknesses.
  10. H

    Idiotic things our club seems to do

    What a desperate post!
  11. H

    Idiotic things our club seems to do

    Because even backup keepers need contracts. If we stay in this League I expect us to bring in another keeper above Jones. If we drop then I think Jones will be first choice.
  12. H

    Idiotic things our club seems to do

    Why didn't you post that yesterday morning? Could it be because Walton hadn't really done anything wrong since being recalled? Now everybody is an expert after last night and knew it all along.
  13. H


    Yes you're right, because I'm sure they don't already know.
  14. H

    Surely dead man walking

    On what basis? Expand for a change.
  15. H

    Every picture tells a story

    One thing I did notice last night after Walton had skied a clearance was Fox making a beeline for him and having a proper go at him, only to be intercepted by Gibson and steered away.