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Without sounding like Zakky. I can’t read it...

Perhaps they’re laying the ground work to pull out. One can but hope.
And who would step in then?The group people are talking about Royle/Ranson and Rowland are looking a dubious bet when the money man goes public and ststes that he has absolutely nothing to do with any bid!!As others have said be careful what you wish for!!
And who would step in then?The group people are talking about Royle/Ranson and Rowland are looking a dubious bet when the money man goes public and ststes that he has absolutely nothing to do with any bid!!As others have said be careful what you wish for!!
Took a long time for me an you to agree on any thing. But on this. We both think the same. If these Spanish pull out we are in big trouble.
And who would step in then?The group people are talking about Royle/Ranson and Rowland are looking a dubious bet when the money man goes public and ststes that he has absolutely nothing to do with any bid!!As others have said be careful what you wish for!!
No would not be Ranson and Co stage is set for Spaniards to get pissed off pull out rowland change his mind
Then sc get chance and get the club Lenegan gets stadium and everyone is happy Nandy done her job council state nothing do with them bobs your uncle fanny's your aunt and we are fucked
Time to put pressure on the EFL. The Supporters Club should start a radio and tv publicity about this unacceptable delay in the process. maybe our MP and local newspaper go also add their concerns.
Local mp always stated she prefers local owner
The Spanish are right it's being dragged out and for a reason
Lenegan has friends in efl so no matter what it's stitched up
Worrying that our local MP wants the supporters club to run the club which we know will see Lenagan get what he has wanted, the stadium.
This continuous delay may see the preferred bidder pull out and the administrators look to sell the assets bit by bit.
Short term, the council will run the stadium before signing it over to Lenagan in the best interest of the town.
Still think that Lenagan is using his contacts at the EFL to delay the outcome.
Nixon seems to think the exclusivity deadline is Friday. Krasner must not extend it, we cannot stay in this state of limbo indefinitely whilst the blood drains from us.

the problem is though, even if the EFL haven't yet approved the takeover, on what grounds can the administrators not extend it without incurring the legal/financial penalties that comes with that
On top of which, should the exclusivity be ended the running costs that the current preferred bidders have agreed to cover from 1st October are no longer covered & the administrators have to find that money from somewhere - and for all his bluster about building hospitals, schools & houses, even that Frampton wouldn't commit to paying those costs when asked directly
the problem is though, even if the EFL haven't yet approved the takeover, on what grounds can the administrators not extend it without incurring the legal/financial penalties that comes with that
On top of which, should the exclusivity be ended the running costs that the current preferred bidders have agreed to cover from 1st October are no longer covered & the administrators have to find that money from somewhere - and for all his bluster about building hospitals, schools & houses, even that Frampton wouldn't commit to paying those costs when asked directly

All depends on the contract details - but a deadline for exclusivity is just that, it wouldn’t necessarily trigger financial/legal penalties. You’re right to mention running costs the Spanish have agreed to fund, but that isn’t a hurdle that cannot be overcome by any new party via negotiation. Personally I don’t believe the monthly figures quoted by Krasner in any case. If the efl aren’t going to approve the Spanish, which is quite possible given what we know, then Krasner can’t just sit on his hands with his head in the sand whilst these debts mount. Bottom line is the efl need to provide clarity and have an authentic conversation with Krasner and the Spanish so an informed decision on extending exclusivity can be taken.
100 per cent agree with town green on this. We must out these EFL bastards and get them in the spotlight explaining their despicable treatment of this club. We have to get main stream media informed on what is happening. Get our plight back on the news and in the papers. The thing I cannot fathom is how the frig can the poxy EFL decide who is fit and proper when they themselves are not fit for purpose. After all this is over rules have to be changed and the same goes for administration. No other club must have to suffer at the hands of this pathetic excuse of an organisation.
All depends on the contract details - but a deadline for exclusivity is just that, it wouldn’t necessarily trigger financial/legal penalties. You’re right to mention running costs the Spanish have agreed to fund, but that isn’t a hurdle that cannot be overcome by any new party via negotiation. Personally I don’t believe the monthly figures quoted by Krasner in any case. If the efl aren’t going to approve the Spanish, which is quite possible given what we know, then Krasner can’t just sit on his hands with his head in the sand whilst these debts mount. Bottom line is the efl need to provide clarity and have an authentic conversation with Krasner and the Spanish so an informed decision on extending exclusivity can be taken.

I'd agree that the whole process needs some clarity but I'm not sure I agree with the idea that the EFL not going to approve the Spanish "is quite possible given what we know"
We don't know anything or at least I haven't heard anything that makes me think the rejection is imminent or possible
I also can't see buyers being overly keen to fund running costs from before they had their bid given preferred status - that's why the current group have agreed to cover it from October 1st as that was the day it was given that status. I don't think they'd have agreed to cover them from June 1st
I'm pretty certain that withdrawing exclusivity would incur penalties if it wasn't for reasons such as them not providing information in a timely manner or being unable to answer questions asked by the EFL, as no company is going to front up a 6 figure sum, go through all this rigmarole without insisting on safeguards to prevent it being whipped away from them coz an alleged better offer comes in. Ultimately though, neither of us know one way or the other.
Only time will tell & I feel that it's time that is rapidly running out
But they can't have exclusivity for ever. It is up to someone don't know who to force the EFL's hand and make a judgment either way. It would be good if the SC could sue the EFL for gross negligence in their inability to process this matter.
Even 'dye in the wool' Latics fans are getting to the point where
they have gone past caring anymore, as each day goes by without a future to look forward to, the fan base will dwindle to
2k or 3k, unless this mess is not sorted out quickly.

You can only test the patience of someone for so long,
before something 'snaps'.

If EFL want us back in Non-League Football,
they are going the right way about it.
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