Will Smith! | Vital Football

Will Smith!

Not seen the crying later though, that spoils it!

Oh yes, just scrolled down. Fair enough what he says. There is a line in my humble.
They have history. So it was definitely designed to be hurtful and distasteful. She has a condition that is fair game piss take infront of billions . Don't think so.

Fair play to Smith.
They’re a weird couple. She cheats on him then drags him on her podcast where he sits there looking like he has PTSD whilst she explains the affair and low key blames him for it. I actually think he’s probably a victim of domestic abuse.

He also laughs at the joke before seeing his wife’s reaction LOL
Will Smith is a complete and utter tool. Violence is never the answer. He's supposed to be a role model.

Surprised at you to be honest. You slate players like Jack for being terrible role models but then applaud this?

He's a chunt. His behaviour was not only violent but its also all anyone is talking about today rather than the winners of the awards. I feel sorry for the winners that their moment has been overshadowed by a mentally derranged man.
There is a line in my humble.

Is there? I'd love to know where it is as people's level of offence differs so much.

I've laughed at jokes about cancer victims (Ricky Gervais), peados (Gervais, Carr, Skinner) the death of a girl who ate a sandwich (I was actually with you when I saw you laughing at this).... So why is alopecia so special?

I hate with a passion the way comedy is starting to be so censored. Someone, somewhere will always find a way to be offended no matter what's said, so it's getting to the point comedians can't say anything.
There's a lot more aggression in society these days. I think you should only resort to physical violence if your own personal safety is under threat or that of another person who is under serious threat and are not the aggressor in that situation.

Will Smith has very publicly had his masculinity systematically removed from him by his wife so I wonder if this was an attempt to publicly reclaim it.

Irregardless, I do not think it was right. It was the behaviour of a snowflake and to Deano's point I think we are slowly witnessing the death of comedy.
He obviously knows the personal side to what she has been through, it tripped a wire and he stuck up for his wife.

I like bad taste jokes, I make enough of them, but there is a time and a place and directing it straight at someone, at a ceremony that big, with that many eyes on it, was obviously designed to humiliate her.

Low blow, he deserved a slap... well, Will could have dealt with it better, gone up to Rock and told him to shut the fuck up or apologise.

But nothing wrong with a bitch slap, to a bitch and Rock was being a bitch.
Is there? I'd love to know where it is as people's level of offence differs so much.

I've laughed at jokes about cancer victims (Ricky Gervais), peados (Gervais, Carr, Skinner) the death of a girl who ate a sandwich (I was actually with you when I saw you laughing at this).... So why is alopecia so special?

I hate with a passion the way comedy is starting to be so censored. Someone, somewhere will always find a way to be offended no matter what's said, so it's getting to the point comedians can't say anything.

Thing is, if I was out on an evening and others started taking the piss out of me wobbling/hobbling/slurring ... I know full well you'd be there sticking up for me as would Phil. If you both did it, which to be fair you wouldn't because it would be a bit above and beyond, then ok really, as I know it comes from a good place.
Thing is, if I was out on an evening and others started taking the piss out of me wobbling/hobbling/slurring ... I know full well you'd be there sticking up for me as would Phil. If you both did it, which to be fair you wouldn't because it would be a bit above and beyond, then ok really, as I know it comes from a good place.

Interesting point of view, and yes I get it to an extent ... Still not sure I get how assaulting someone on stage can be justified / glorified though.

In your example those are pretty direct insults. I don't think Rock's joke was anything near as bad. Again using you as an example its equivalent of someone saying "blimey he's started drinking early", which I know irks you but deserved of a punch?

One way of looking at it is, if Smith hadn't reacted would anyone have woke up this morning saying "woooah did you hear that Chris rock joke last night, that was terrible".

No chance. It wouldn't even have been mentioned coz it just wasn't that bad or controversial.
I can't wait for Dave Chapelle's take on this. Will's acceptance speech shows he isn't right in the head, poor guy. I bet after Will laughed at the joke Jada whispered something in his ear to rile him up.
Interesting point of view, and yes I get it to an extent ... Still not sure I get how assaulting someone on stage can be justified / glorified though.

In your example those are pretty direct insults. I don't think Rock's joke was anything near as bad. Again using you as an example its equivalent of someone saying "blimey he's started drinking early", which I know irks you but deserved of a punch?

One way of looking at it is, if Smith hadn't reacted would anyone have woke up this morning saying "woooah did you hear that Chris rock joke last night, that was terrible".

No chance. It wouldn't even have been mentioned coz it just wasn't that bad or controversial.

He was taking the piss out of the guys wife, for having a condition. That is a form of assault really.

I'm fine with piss taking, (coming out of the Swansea game with Randy Stand, Voldermore, what's the score' ) etc but this obviously hit a nerve for her, and Smith wasn't standing for it.

Could he have handled it better? Sure. But I've flown off the handle a few times in life, once it dawned on him what had been said, I just think he saw the pain his wife had been through for however long it took to come to that decision to have to shave her head (not easy for the ladies) and wasn't having it.

She was belittled in front of a worldwide audience.
I thought the whole thing was staged at first, because no one watches or gives a toss about the Oscars anymore.

I guess Big Willie Style is in serious trouble then if he just assaulted a man live on television.
He was taking the piss out of the guys wife, for having a condition. That is a form of assault really.

It's also half of what award shows are about these days like it or not. The host always rips the piss out of the audience, and it is always someone's wife, husband, son, daughter, friend, colleague..... Not sure it gives anyone the right to strike out.