Toxic Masculinity - Danny Dyer | Page 2 | Vital Football

Toxic Masculinity - Danny Dyer

Damn there were some dumb fucking questions in that thing. Is money important to me? Yes. Is quality stuff important to me? Yes. Would I steal $1m if I'd never be caught? 100%. Does someone who doesn't standup for themselves look weak? 9/10 yes!


Also anger as an emotion is not inherently bad. I do think its strange how they chose to position some of this.


Yup the money and deceit stuff is totally irrelevant to the topic that is being apparently explored. I'd say that was proved true by Kef's test run at it, as there is no way you don't come out of that test without being 'guilty' to some degree unless you completely lie.

As I remember it, I'm assuming you got 0% homo because you discounted the 'mocking' - I fully included my football insults for that one lol as I knew it would score me.
Yup the money and deceit stuff is totally irrelevant to the topic that is being apparently explored. I'd say that was proved true by Kef's test run at it, as there is no way you don't come out of that test without being 'guilty' to some degree unless you completely lie.

As I remember it, I'm assuming you got 0% homo because you discounted the 'mocking' - I fully included my football insults for that one lol as I knew it would score me.
If we are all around ISH the same age.

Let's be totally honest.

Who didn't say, 'thats gay' at school.
If we are all around ISH the same age.

Let's be totally honest.

Who didn't say, 'thats gay' at school.

45 mate.

That's gay was regular, as was pussy, faggot, limp wristed and so on. I used the same for girls - it was a word - like you **** (was I being homo is calling girls 'pricks'?).

It's in intention and meaning, I've never felt insulted when I was called gay - but I absolutely understand why someone who was gay would take it as an insult. It's that line.

On this topic, it's not toxic - but it can be very harmful even if unintended and I am aware some out there would be harmful by default - but again you can't generalise here.

Fuck me, I've got gay kid lol
Yup the money and deceit stuff is totally irrelevant to the topic that is being apparently explored. I'd say that was proved true by Kef's test run at it, as there is no way you don't come out of that test without being 'guilty' to some degree unless you completely lie.

As I remember it, I'm assuming you got 0% homo because you discounted the 'mocking' - I fully included my football insults for that one lol as I knew it would score me.

If we are all around ISH the same age.

Let's be totally honest.

Who didn't say, 'thats gay' at school.
I thought I replied to Mike:

I've been scolded by the missus a few times for saying certain things. And obviously, in my youth I definitely said stuff too. I suppose I do have that little joke lurking in the back of my mind from time to time even now.

In general, my missus would score "bad" on this too because she believes some of the stuff for sure. I also think 80-90% of women would say a man being physically taunted who doesn't fight back is weak. I know my missus would say it. Are we the last generations to be told to fight back if someone hits you? I'll tell my kids to do that.

There are some things in this that just aren't toxic but I guess they're using it as a way to gauge your overall views. I think that's bollocks tho, I wouldn't cheat on the missus if she never found out for example but yes I'd absolutely steal $1m if nobody found out. Again tho most of us probably assumed we'd steal from a bank and not a single person. Context always matters IMO.
Me and my group of friends still say all the bad things because we're too old to be re-programmed now, but if there was someone else there none of those things would be said, nobody wants to genuinely insult or hurt someone.

As for the fighting back thing, I can't wrap my head around the alternative? Just stand there and take it and then talk about your feelings after?

There's only so much you can try to change as far as masculine traits go.
I thought I replied to Mike:

I've been scolded by the missus a few times for saying certain things. And obviously, in my youth I definitely said stuff too. I suppose I do have that little joke lurking in the back of my mind from time to time even now.

In general, my missus would score "bad" on this too because she believes some of the stuff for sure. I also think 80-90% of women would say a man being physically taunted who doesn't fight back is weak. I know my missus would say it. Are we the last generations to be told to fight back if someone hits you? I'll tell my kids to do that.

There are some things in this that just aren't toxic but I guess they're using it as a way to gauge your overall views. I think that's bollocks tho, I wouldn't cheat on the missus if she never found out for example but yes I'd absolutely steal $1m if nobody found out. Again tho most of us probably assumed we'd steal from a bank and not a single person. Context always matters IMO.
Sorry lads, I'm the odd one out here. I absolutely wouldn't steal a million pounds found out or not. If it's not mine I don't want it 😞
Not if nobody finds out tho :ROFLMAO: this might be one of those "the way we understand the question".
The way we understand the question also comes into what I would think of someone that walks away if getting pushed around. It's not a yes or no question. I've seen one or two lads over the years get goaded into a punch up they were only going to get battered in, and they walked away. They weren't fighters, they just didn't have it in them, and I didn't think any the less of them for doing that. Me personally I find it very difficult to walk away, even though given my size it would be the sensible thing to do. Tom Pettys "I won't back down" springs to mind.
The way we understand the question also comes into what I would think of someone that walks away if getting pushed around. It's not a yes or no question. I've seen one or two lads over the years get goaded into a punch up they were only going to get battered in, and they walked away. They weren't fighters, they just didn't have it in them, and I didn't think any the less of them for doing that. Me personally I find it very difficult to walk away, even though given my size it would be the sensible thing to do. Tom Pettys "I won't back down" springs to mind.
That is a good point too, if one scumbag hits you and there's a group of them you're not weak for doing nothing. I suppose depending on the size of the person it depends too. If Brock Lesner hit me I'd have to walk away even tho I am 6'4. That man would tear me to shreds.

So yeah only a handful of those Q's are actual yes/no's like you say.
Ahh, now we're getting away from the original survey.

Which is one of the massive problems with basic surveys like this that lean on assumption, but then supposedly inform the world.

It doesn't account for nuance or real life circumstances. A question can be interpreted a thousand different ways by 100 different people - ie the theft question, I jumped to the likes of Trump and Hedge Funds who prey on others.

If I jumped to 'self made' having worked all hours under the sun to get established, I know I would've answered differently.

The duality applies to lots of the questions, sometimes it is better to walk away for a variety of reasons (not least the argument). Other times backing down isn't an option because it actually counts.

It's not a catch all, but the questions imply a 'bloke' will 100% go to violence or advantage without any mitigation.
This probably isnt the right place for this. It’s as much race relations as this maddening desire to go back to women in the kitchen.

So this dude basically hates women and wants them to get back in their kitchens. Amazingly his mom is like some sort of academic or highly recognized person for her achievements. Yet this man is like, nah fuck that she should have been at home looking after the home.

Anyway I’m sure Colin Kapernick got both barrels by a few folks here regarding his stance on police. After all this is where the “taking the knee” thing came from. Kapernick got banned for his opinion and actions yet this dude is getting away with it. And he’s an absolute nobody. Unreal scenes.

Obviously not suggesting we eject this lad into the sun but the double standards in our societies is disappointing to say the least.

When people start talking about things like toxic masculinity, I'm reminded of Yuri Bezmenov talking about Russia's plan to demoralise the West.

They have done a great job exploiting the internet to set women against men, black against white, young against old, poor against rich and any other divisions they can find.
When people start talking about things like toxic masculinity, I'm reminded of Yuri Bezmenov talking about Russia's plan to demoralise the West.

They have done a great job exploiting the internet to set women against men, black against white, young against old, poor against rich and any other divisions they can find.

Villans and Bluenoses?

Not too surprisingly, I'm less toxic than average. If I'd taken a similar test 20 years back, it would have been a different story.

I'm toxic as fuck. I took the £1m. Nobody was looking.

I would also try to get rid of a dodgy banknote if I had been given one in change. I wouldn't buy counterfeit money and try to pass it off as genuine. Not the same thing though, is it?

For a lot of those questions, I found it hard to get a decisive answer since the circumstances were vague but it's all a set up to tell you that you are toxic so I leaned into a bit.