Smoking ban | Vital Football

Smoking ban


Vital Football Legend
You may want to merge somewhere JF

They have finally voted it through I'm pleased to say, with some reservations.

As an ex smoker I'm damn glad my grandchildren generation are going to be smoke free.

Reservations: how is it going to work in say for example the cut off date is 31st December 2009 so anyone born after that date can't smoke or legally buy them.

I can see that causing major problems. So my reservations are more about how will it work.

Your thoughts
Smoking is a monster. Vile. And I embarrassingly used to smoke cigarettes on a night out.

I hate it. It killed 3 of my grandparents.

But. Because of the addiction aspect it needs to be phased out gradually and carefully.

But I am fully behind a smoke free country eventually.
I just wonder if something like this will drive more of a black market for it. It will be interesting to where it goes. The ultimate goal is like a prohibition and history says this sort of thing doesn’t work.
I just wonder if something like this will drive more of a black market for it. It will be interesting to where it goes. The ultimate goal is like a prohibition and history says this sort of thing doesn’t work.
Be interesting.

Cigarettes are a confusing one for me. Doesn't actually do anything to you. No buzz. No feel good factor really. No high. Just an addiction the body has like with sugar or food.

I had issues with stuff before but that was stuff that really got me twatted and gave me some escapism from my life.

Cigarettes just gets you standing outside for 5 minutes and satisfying the craving that just makes you stink.
How do they propose to replace the £10bn a year tax revenue from tobacco? Or are they suggesting this will pay for itself through a reduced burden on the NHS?

I’m sure there must be a fair few politicians involved with the major tobacco companies so I can’t see this ever being adopted. Maybe some watered down version.
How do they propose to replace the £10bn a year tax revenue from tobacco? Or are they suggesting this will pay for itself through a reduced burden on the NHS?

I’m sure there must be a fair few politicians involved with the major tobacco companies so I can’t see this ever being adopted. Maybe some watered down version.
Is Ken Clarke still in the house.🤣
How do they propose to replace the £10bn a year tax revenue from tobacco? Or are they suggesting this will pay for itself through a reduced burden on the NHS?

I’m sure there must be a fair few politicians involved with the major tobacco companies so I can’t see this ever being adopted. Maybe some watered down version.
Yep. Good point. I guess the cost of NHS treatment is now trumping what they get in tax.
If I was a new born though I would not want the temptation of tobacco.

Should be banned from all films in my opinion.
I like the theory of phasing it out like this, actually thought this could have been done years ago.

Be interesting to see how, and if, it works. But worth a try. Pure filth of a habit, that people then can't stop, same as Col says, I lost 3 grandparents to the habit (the con is they were all but told it was good for them back in those days)

It won't stop the most determined to get fags, but it might well stop a bigger % than if they kept things as they are now. That would be a win. Also about breaking the 'it is cool' cycle... I have nothing against those who choose to do it, but do struggle if anyone thinks it is cool...!
Yup, I'm a smoker as folks know.

I agree in principle with this, but I just don't see how it logistically works. Are we back to photo ID cards for 14 yr old's? Let alone the black market - what about the immediate wriggle room of friends old enough to buy, and simply pass on to others....that's long been a problem. What does this mean for vapes that are clearly marketed towards kids?

There were better ways to address this for me, and ways that avoid the need to wait 15 yrs before the NHS saw a benefit.
As said, to me, this could/should just push down the % of those who bother with cancer sticks, just a bit more.
I just can't see this working. Not really sure why the Tories are pushing it through either.
The whole thing is a smokescreen, forgive the pun, because they are unable to do anything about the real issues of the day because the Tory party and government are so divided. Never ever smoked and agree with a ban in publice spaces but this is just insane. Absolute gift to the smuggling trade.
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I gave up smoking for good 16 years ago on the 24th May.
I was going to give up on my 50th birthday but as all smokers know .....

I smoked for 44 years starting when I was 6 years old, seems like something where people would go mental these days but back in the mid 60's everyone smoked. :smoke:
I gave up smoking for good 16 years ago on the 24th May.
I was going to give up on my 50th birthday but as all smokers know .....

I smoked for 44 years starting when I was 6 years old, seems like something where people would go mental these days but back in the mid 60's everyone smoked. :smoke:

6 !.
Yeah back in the day you just took one out your mom or dads packet, I preferred dads cigarettes as they were tipped. Mom bless her use to smoke Park Drive without a tip which at best were a harsh smoke and you always a bit of tobacco on your tongue which used to taste vile.
Dad on the other hand always smoked Players No6 or No10 even at that age I preferred the smoother No6.

It was nothing to go to the shop and buy 5 Park Drive and a penny book of matches, the shop keeper always added "These are for your Mom or Dad" which we always said YES!

Around to the park and smoke them, the old penny book of matches were a chore if it was damp or raining but when the fags were gone you just lit one and let them all burn.

I suppose them Mom and Dad smoked so it was never an issue If us kids came in smelling of smoke.... everyone did.
You could never describe No 6 as smooth other than in comparison to Park Drive.

No6 were the go to fags when I first started buying them as a kid. 25p for 10. There was a small stall/shop at the top end of the High Street in Bromsgrove that would sell cigarettes individually. I can remember going to the market in Bromsgrove on a Saturday morning with my parents, making some excuse before racing the length of the high street to buy as many fags as I could afford.

Stopped smoking 23 years a go. Still use Nicorette gum constantly though.