Stevenage v Seasiders Match Thread | Page 4 | Vital Football

Stevenage v Seasiders Match Thread

The fact Stevenage have been in the play offs most of the season tells you everything you need to know about the “quality” of this division.

What a load of anti football, horrible fucking bell ends.

We barely laid a glove second half and can’t help but feel that is probably that now for our play off charge.

I’d have hooked CJ instead of Koussai as CJ wasn’t in the game at all.
Critchley simply hasn't a clue about team selection has he? No idea whatsoever.

As for the likes of Norburn and Ekpiteta - I've said it all along, they're total liabilities.

Oh well, maybe SS will see the light and appoint someone better next term because this joker won't take us up.

Still, we've got the Bristol Cup (or whatever it's called) to look forward to - haven't we Critchley?🤬
We were out playing them for the first 20 minutes looked like a proper footballing outfit, but after their captain had the injury we never got back into that rhythm and played against Stevenage's appalling tactics instead of imposing our game. Second half we just got worse and Critch reverted to type being unable to change things up to take control of the situation. Apart from throwing Marv up front after he deflected his second own goal in 2 games, maybe he thought he was our best chance of scoring?

Wish I had gone to bed instead of watching that drivel!!
Critchley simply hasn't a clue about team selection has he? No idea whatsoever.

As for the likes of Norburn and Ekpiteta - I've said it all along, they're total liabilities.

Oh well, maybe SS will see the light and appoint someone better next term because this joker won't take us up.

Still, we've got the Bristol Cup (or whatever it's called) to look forward to - haven't we Critchley?🤬

Sadler seems to be an idiot. How many bad managerial appointments now? How many times has he misread the mood of the room? He's out of touch and the atmosphere has turned sour. Bloomfield Road on a match day is back to when the Oystains were running (down) the place.

The feelgood factor and the optimism has drained away. Look at the home crowd for Bolton. People are fed up.
Sadler seems to be an idiot. How many bad managerial appointments now? How many times has he misread the mood of the room? He's out of touch and the atmosphere has turned sour. Bloomfield Road on a match day is back to when the Oystains were running (down) the place.

The feelgood factor and the optimism has drained away. Look at the home crowd for Bolton. People are fed up.
I honestly can't see any real progress tbh. Critchley is far too inconsistent to compete on this or any other level. These players are capable of much better imho. There was great support for what I thought was a very bad performance, what a waste of energy 😩and the little prick had the nerve to come over and applaud us. How long will it be before we all wake up to these clowns?
It seems that we don't take games by the scruff of the neck and we always get dragged down to the same poor standard of the opposition. I for one am sick of it. CJ should be dropped to the bench, he was clueless. Why didn't Dembele play from the off? Why wait so long to introduce him, especially with CJ being a passenger? The wrong man was subbed off when Dembele was eventually introduced. Stevenage were another of those also rand teams that we should have thumped away from home. Critchley, has to have serious words with the non-performers and pick a team of brave hearts who have the bottle and serious attacking intent. After 20 mins., it all fell apart and we succumbed to play hoof it football for the rest of the game, for which we paid the price in the 85th minute. The only outstanding players for me were Husband, Gabriel and Kouassi. I also have serious doubts about Norburn's abilities. Let us hope that our new intake of January players can make a difference.
Yet again, we had a referee that was sub-standard. :rant:
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Look, we've had poor managers/coaches in the past (think Worthington and Applegone to name but two!) but the main thing that pisses me off about Critchley is his inability to admit his mistakes. He's always ready to blame our players, the opposition players, the refs etc. But he NEVER owns up to his poor tactics, his poor team selection, his usually too late substitutions, his naivety about the opposition.....
I understand that ultimately it comes down to the 11 players on that 100yd long piece of grass, BUT they are having to play to his instructions and when things start going downhill he never seems to have a plan B! He's continually chosen the wrong team this season (he obviously has his favourites - Norburn, CJ, Carey...), the wrong set-up and the arrogance to believe that the errors have nothing to do with him!

When SS employed him again I couldn't believe it (after Applegone) and said at the time that that's our chance of returning to the Championship gone. I haven't changed my mind.
It seems that we don't take games by the scruff of the neck and we always get dragged down to the same poor standard of the opposition. I for one am sick of it. CJ should be dropped to the bench, he was clueless. Why didn't Dembele play from the off? Why wait so long to introduce him, especially with CJ being a passenger? The wrong man was subbed off when Dembele was eventually introduced. Stevenage were another of those also rand teams that we should have thumped away from home. Critchley, has to have serious words with the non-performers and pick a team of brave hearts who have the bottle and serious attacking intent. After 20 mins., it all fell apart and we succumbed to play hoof it football for the rest of the game, for which we paid the price in the 85th minute. The only outstanding players for me were Husband, Gabriel and Kouassi. I also have serious doubts about Norburn's abilities. Let us hope that our new intake of January players can make a difference.
Yet again, we had a referee that was sub-standard. :rant:

I 100% agree with yourself and @nodrogaty There seems to be a groundswell of discontentment amongst the faithful regarding your observations. Seemingly everyone can see it apart from the glorified PE teacher and his entourage of faceless, useless, feckless assistants and coaches.Never have I known a coach who is unable to effect positive change when needed.

I'm convinced he is a narcissist in that he believes his own hype, his fist pumping is the need to feel admiration. It also shows traits of demonstrating his own self importance. The bunch of goons he surrounds himself with feed his ego. He needs underlings to make him appear special or important. Then there is the arrogance, nothing is ever his fault. And just to confirm it there's a lack of empathy. Very evident by the way he packed up and fecked off without a backwards glance when a better offer came.

I really think I've hit the nail on the head here. The players who constantly get picked are being interpersonally exploited for his own gain. In other words they are feeding his ego so they can stay in his circle and his team. Anyone who perhaps speaks their mind can get to feck! Yates, Dale, Dougall, Lyons?
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Blimey the natives are getting very restless and understandably so! I agree with everyone’s observations even though I’ve only been to BR twice this season (and both games were poor even though we won).

Why most of us can see what’s going on and yet
Critchley persists with the same old is baffling.

What grates is the inconsistency game to game and that is down to the manager. Be it tactics, selection, training or motivation.

I honestly don’t believe it was unreasonable to expect at least a playoff place this season. Bar 3 of 4 teams there is some absolute shite in this division. A good side wouldn’t lose/get anything in games at Burton, Port Vale & Cambridge. Good sides find a way even against bullies like Stevenage!

February was always going to be the defining month with the games coming up. It has started badly and nothing other than wins v Oxfraud next Saturday and then midweek at Cheltenham will do. However even if we do win both we all know what will happen next.

There are plenty of points to play for but you just can’t see us going on a good run to get into the top 6 based on what has gone before.

All very disappointing and frustrating 😡
Blimey the natives are getting very restless and understandably so! I agree with everyone’s observations even though I’ve only been to BR twice this season (and both games were poor even though we won).

Why most of us can see what’s going on and yet
Critchley persists with the same old is baffling.

What grates is the inconsistency game to game and that is down to the manager. Be it tactics, selection, training or motivation.

I honestly don’t believe it was unreasonable to expect at least a playoff place this season. Bar 3 of 4 teams there is some absolute shite in this division. A good side wouldn’t lose/get anything in games at Burton, Port Vale & Cambridge. Good sides find a way even against bullies like Stevenage!

February was always going to be the defining month with the games coming up. It has started badly and nothing other than wins v Oxfraud next Saturday and then midweek at Cheltenham will do. However even if we do win both we all know what will happen next.

There are plenty of points to play for but you just can’t see us going on a good run to get into the top 6 based on what has gone before.

All very disappointing and frustrating 😡

In reference to your very correct observation of everyone can see it except for the "narcissist." Any one of us could have written your excellent post. Every single point I'm sure all of us concur with.

There's a theme over on AVFTT that some of us disgruntled fans are showing signs of entitlement thinking that we deserve better. That is hogwash. Do you think Liverpool, City or Arsenal are "entitled" when they expect to beat Sheffield United or Luton? No. As just about everyone has pointed out, the opposition in L1 is largely shit, we have some very good players, we have great support, one of the highest playing budgets etc. Everything needed except for a decent coach who is able to best use the (relative) vast wealth of riches he has at his disposal.
In reference to your very correct observation of everyone can see it except for the "narcissist." Any one of us could have written your excellent post. Every single point I'm sure all of us concur with.

There's a theme over on AVFTT that some of us disgruntled fans are showing signs of entitlement thinking that we deserve better. That is hogwash. Do you think Liverpool, City or Arsenal are "entitled" when they expect to beat Sheffield United or Luton? No. As just about everyone has pointed out, the opposition in L1 is largely shit, we have some very good players, we have great support, one of the highest playing budgets etc. Everything needed except for a decent coach who is able to best use the (relative) vast wealth of riches he has at his disposal.
Absolutely @Layton_Seasider.

I read the comments on AVFTT and they beggar belief at times.

When we got back into the Championship and had a decent first season I honestly thought we would consolidate our place there. After ‘Snakey’ was lured away, it was a big mistake appointing Appleton. Relegation has set us back at least 2/3 seasons.

I’m sure Sadler knows this but clearly felt comfortable bringing Critchley back believing that he could repeat getting out of League 1.

Where it has gone pear shaped are fans’ expectations and when we see the same old excuses and mistakes being churned out week in, week out after yet another poor performance we get annoyed.

At no point should we or any other team feel a sense of entitlement to win a game. It’s 11 v 11 every week and sport can be very fickle as we all know.

The 2 Forest games recently showed what we can do. Even if we lose but give it a good go then most fans will see this and look forward to the next game. To then perform so poorly simply irks and very quickly the old moans come back.

I take some comfort that this season has been so much more enjoyable than last and, if we don’t make the playoffs, we should be in a better place next season. Hopefully of course!
Absolutely @Layton_Seasider.

I read the comments on AVFTT and they beggar belief at times.

When we got back into the Championship and had a decent first season I honestly thought we would consolidate our place there. After ‘Snakey’ was lured away, it was a big mistake appointing Appleton. Relegation has set us back at least 2/3 seasons.

I’m sure Sadler knows this but clearly felt comfortable bringing Critchley back believing that he could repeat getting out of League 1.

Where it has gone pear shaped are fans’ expectations and when we see the same old excuses and mistakes being churned out week in, week out after yet another poor performance we get annoyed.

At no point should we or any other team feel a sense of entitlement to win a game. It’s 11 v 11 every week and sport can be very fickle as we all know.

The 2 Forest games recently showed what we can do. Even if we lose but give it a good go then most fans will see this and look forward to the next game. To then perform so poorly simply irks and very quickly the old moans come back.

I take some comfort that this season has been so much more enjoyable than last and, if we don’t make the playoffs, we should be in a better place next season. Hopefully of course!
There's only hope that keeps us faithfull. I feel it will get worse before it gets better tbh.
There's only hope that keeps us faithfull. I feel it will get worse before it gets better tbh.

A lot of false dawns. Every time we get a statement win we lose the next game against dreadful opposition.

Putting a bit of blame at the player's feet: It is clear to see as a collective there aren't enough winners in the squad. Success in the last few years has been ground out with leaders, characters and individuals with a strong never say die attitude. League 1 is full of determined players who may not have the attributes to trouble a better side but you can count on them every single game to get stuck in and never let their heads drop.

Dembele, Hamilton, Ekpiteta, Morgan, Carey, Pennington, Grimshaw, Rhodes, Coulson, Beesley, Lyons are all confidence players. When things aren't going for them they disappear or make calamitous mistakes.

Joseph, Gabriel, Lavery, Kouassi are all grafters who I think might never be good enough beyond a few good games where they really look like they could be top class. Then for a few games they are not.

Virtue, Husband and Connolly are reliable journeymen who will do a job but rarely stand out most of the time.

Then we have Captain Chaos, Norburn. I've said enough about him over and over again. He seems to be captaining the side in a negative manner, playing in a negative system making the rest of the team negative, unhappy, hesitant? He's disruptive and not very good because of it.

Then we have Casey. Yeah he's all right! 🤪🤣 Going to be a top player. His only attribute that is lacking is his strength and physicality which will come very soon. He is confident, cool and competent and keeps going.

I agree entirely with Noddy, we will (I'm sure) finish the season in a bride's nighty style, up and down right until the season end. Sadly it's not enough.
What doesn't sit right with me is the dysfuntional powers that be, believe they are doing their best. It shouldn't take 5 years plus to get out of the 3rd division, if Sadler wants to keep throwing money at the snake just because he likes him then that's his fault. Hey ho, there are none so blind as those that won't see.
Blimey the natives are getting very restless and understandably so! I agree with everyone’s observations even though I’ve only been to BR twice this season (and both games were poor even though we won).

Why most of us can see what’s going on and yet
Critchley persists with the same old is baffling.

What grates is the inconsistency game to game and that is down to the manager. Be it tactics, selection, training or motivation.

I honestly don’t believe it was unreasonable to expect at least a playoff place this season. Bar 3 of 4 teams there is some absolute shite in this division. A good side wouldn’t lose/get anything in games at Burton, Port Vale & Cambridge. Good sides find a way even against bullies like Stevenage!

February was always going to be the defining month with the games coming up. It has started badly and nothing other than wins v Oxfraud next Saturday and then midweek at Cheltenham will do. However even if we do win both we all know what will happen next.

There are plenty of points to play for but you just can’t see us going on a good run to get into the top 6 based on what has gone before.

All very disappointing and frustrating 😡

These 3 sentences of yours, sums it all up for me Lakes.

Why most of us can see what’s going on and yet
Critchley persists with the same old is baffling.

What grates is the inconsistency game to game and that is down to the manager. Be it tactics, selection, training or motivation.

All very disappointing and frustrating 😡
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