"I'm going to be a part of it...." !!!! | Vital Football

"I'm going to be a part of it...." !!!!


Vital Youth Team
Not sure if there's any Imps on here stateside, but I have just booked a 4 night stay in New York City in October. It will be my first time in the US and can't wait!!!!

Any tips\suggestions\advice gratefully received!
Not sure if there's any Imps on here stateside, but I have just booked a 4 night stay in New York City in October. It will be my first time in the US and can't wait!!!!

Any tips\suggestions\advice gratefully received!

Very little to add, have a great time.

Tipping is a big thing over there, everyone and their dog gets tipped and usually quite a lot. Remember to factor that into the price of drinks / meals etc.

Sales tax is not on the published price of items in shops. You have to add that on in your head when evaluating a purchase and how much it is.