The weather | Vital Football

The weather


Vital Reserves Team
Any else notice the similarities with the weather at the moment and 2007 in the lead up to that fateful tuseday and the deluge that happened that day for the flooding. Very long dry spell throughout the year, all the surrounding ground on the hills of Sheffield very dry and unable to soak up the water so it just runs of the surface instead, so the streams and rivers can't cope. We had a about a week of constant rain before that tuesday deluge, we are forcast at the moment for a similar number of days of rain for the rest of this week and into next, lets just hope we don't get that sudden weather rain bomb we did then on that monday night/tuesday morning in the next seven days.
Gee, I hope ths doesn't happen again...


Fortunately they were able to save all the Wednesdayites


(This came up in a Google search. Even Google knows who they are...)