The Owners & CEO Thread | Vital Football

The Owners & CEO Thread

Probably not the time to say this but I think Purslow is very good at telling us what we want to hear, I bet he's never failed to get any job he's applied for.
Bit of a slimeball but he's our slimeball.
Oy caught the tale end but he is great isn't he? Half bond villain, half politician.

Bitch please, as if I wouldn't be involved in McGinns contract. Dopey cow.
Comes across as a shiny suit haircut and not much else to me - these guys are ten-a-penny when there's big moolah being splashed about.

Jury's out for a couple of years for me but time will tell.
Comes across as a shiny suit haircut and not much else to me - these guys are ten-a-penny when there's big moolah being splashed about.

Jury's out for a couple of years for me but time will tell.

After the years of false dawns, its reasonable to be sceptical Bonker. All anyone can do is hope that in a couple of years he and the owners are looked upon favourably.
Shiny suit and hair cut?
What utter bollocks.
We were insolvent 12 months ago.
We have owners who kept us afloat for the last 12 months.
Theres an old saying money talks and bullshit walks, well we've had the bullshit
Ellis was small time, we now embrace the next ten years with owners and management we could only dream of. Ooh and how strange that 30000 season tickets and a 7000 waiting list greet the new dawn with excitement and anticipation.
I was impressed by him tonight, really gave it to them straight and quite aggressive when challenged to be honest. When I've seen him before with the owners he seemed a bit of an arse-licker but tonight he was good, I don't think he'll be on sky again anytime soon