The Negative Thread | Page 21 | Vital Football

The Negative Thread

You are only a number Bully. I found that out. I had 5 weeks from work when I broke my jaw and cheek bone in 4 places playing football. I had only been back at work a week and I chopped a finger end off at work and had to stay off work another couple of weeks. I received a letter from work saying I had to see the manager for absenteeism😳
You are only a number Bully. I found that out. I had 5 weeks from work when I broke my jaw and cheek bone in 4 places playing football. I had only been back at work a week and I chopped a finger end off at work and had to stay off work another couple of weeks. I received a letter from work saying I had to see the manager for absenteeism😳
Work and work and work and work till you die
Cos there’s plenty more fish in the seas to fry

Paul Weller (Smithers Jones)
Quick update got a call from work I’ve been given 3months notice will have had my appeal by then so hopefully get it cleared up before if not at least I’ve got 3 month to sort myself out
I said shall I come in Fri then no come in and deliver some pkts 🫤 so done a couple of hrs off out now for a few jars
Have a good un 👍
Just seen this you should at least get a payoff depending on how long you worked there. I would be tempted to say to them that you will post your very negative experience on social media. Your employers do not need any more bad publicity. If you need some work I would look around for something part time. Lots of firms are looking for experienced part time staff as they cannot afford full time staff after Rachel Thieves business killing budget. Don’t give up on this though and fight your corner vigorously.
I hope it goes well.
Just seen this you should at least get a payoff depending on how long you worked there. I would be tempted to say to them that you will post your very negative experience on social media. Your employers do not need any more bad publicity. If you need some work I would look around for something part time. Lots of firms are looking for experienced part time staff as they cannot afford full time staff after Rachel Thieves business killing budget. Don’t give up on this though and fight your corner vigorously.
I hope it goes well.
17yrs m8 that’s half the problem they want rid of people on old contracts they want young uns on the new contracts don’t get paid as much don’t get door to door (junk mail) delivery supplements have to work Sundays for basic pay and sick pay is different too
17yrs m8 that’s half the problem they want rid of people on old contracts they want young uns on the new contracts don’t get paid as much don’t get door to door (junk mail) delivery supplements have to work Sundays for basic pay and sick pay is different too
Nearly 18 years I would be expecting £20,000. You could ask for that to go quietly and it would buy you some time to reassess.
Since the death of the country,s major industries, all done purposely and the birth of agency work, dismantling of trades unions, the lot and rights of the working man are now sadly piss poor. Sad times indeed!
Since the death of the country,s major industries, all done purposely and the birth of agency work, dismantling of trades unions, the lot and rights of the working man are now sadly piss poor. Sad times indeed!
Spot on Dave. Some will still put the blame anywhere except where it belongs. The post office and Royal Mail have become a car wreck since they were given away ( Privatised) by the then Con-Lib coalition. It’s yet another example of privatisation failure for workers
Spot on Dave. Some will still put the blame anywhere except where it belongs. The post office and Royal Mail have become a car wreck since they were given away ( Privatised) by the then Con-Lib coalition. It’s yet another example of privatisation failure for workers
RM went down the pan when it stopped experienced posties with managerial capabilities and thought management would be better if they recruited university graduates with qualifications in media studies and English.
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RM went down the pan when it stopped experienced posties with managerial possibilities and thought management would be better if they recruited university graduates with qualifications in media studies and English.
Same with A lot of Public Sector, having experience,nothing beats appointing as leaders those who have started at the bottom and had many years of learning on the job instead of appointing graduates who have had 3 years of learning how to be left wing agitators.
RM went down the pan when it stopped experienced posties with managerial possibilities and thought management would be better if they recruited university graduates with qualifications in media studies and English.
Like just about every other mid to large UK based company since the 90’s. Then what they find is the graduates have zero life skills and in some cases can’t even answer the phone properly without training, so they need around a year’s induction and training before they’re even up to speed on the basics. Meanwhile non graduates are expected to be up and running between one and three months. I saw it first hand at a FTSE 100 company that I worked for and also at a major bank where I was contracting. Contractors by the way got an health and safety video in the morning and the rest of the day sat with somebody and that was it. I was there for 9 months and 3 graduates who’d just started when I arrived were still on induction in the IT department when I left. I was contacted twice after I left and offered a permanent job there. I didn’t take it but I did wonder if the grads ever made the grade after all that time.
I also wonder how and why so many companies decided on a strategy of replacing with graduates long term employees who were over 50, many like me that had worked their way up through the ranks and knew the business inside out? Even more puzzling was how they kept on with the policy even when it obviously wasn’t working, in they case if my own firm, it lost over 40% of it’s customer base within 2 years of the ‘cull’ and was then sold to a rival. Those with a suspicious mind would wonder if that was the master plan all along. Downsize and sell us off, but we were a constantly profitable service within a struggling parent company so it would make no sense to me.
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Long gone the days of the apprenticeships served by school leavers and taught by experienced skilled blokes on the job. Young sprogs dropped a bollock or got caught f..kin about a good clip around the lug oyle sorted em out. The days of a young sprog being sent to the stores for a box of sky hooks or a long wait confined to history. A youngster began to learn life skills very quickly! An NCO in the army would tell some fresh faced young toff from Sandhurst, "Keep your mouth shut, observe and learn proper soldiering!
If it were possible to buy, sell or teach common sense you'd be a millionaire in seconds.Bliar started the dive towards getting idiots degrees with his aspiration to get 50% of school leavers to geet university degrees.
The result-loads of 'well educated' entitled numpties with no life skills, no idea how to conduct themeselves in social situations or how to manage their own lifes never mind oter people.

Industry, trade , production and nous out of the window but they can use a phone, do selfies and expect to survive, nay prosper by farting about on social media in its myriad forms.
Spot on! Including my own grand and great grankids apart from the two currently serving, they are shit hot with the all dancing, all singing techno stuff but doubtful they know one end of a sweeping brush to the other!