The Great Predictor League Table 24/25 | Page 13 | Vital Football

The Great Predictor League Table 24/25

Matic the only one.....well done my friend!!!

99 - Gary
92 - 1882
84 - Greavsie , Pompey
82 - USAF
80 - TQ, Walt
78 - Total
77 - Niall, Darts
76 - Geof
75 - KL
74 - Love Totty
72 - Lijaboc, SJM
69 - Scott, 80
68 - SE
63 - Spesh, 54
62 - Rackney
61 - Sheringham, Nico
60 - Steve
58 - Matic
57 - Ex
53 - Critical
50 - Vinnie
36 - Sukhothai
23 - Sid
18 - Barnsley
8 - Stu
4 - Muttley
3 Swindon
0 - Hobo, Laughing Cock , Rovinella
Moore like it ….

Correct scores from Niall, Lijaboc, Critical and Walt z

We had 22 wins , 1 draw and 1 defeat .

Gary breaks the 100 point barrier .

102 - Gary
92- 1882
90- Walt
88- Pompey
87- Greavsie
86 - Niall, USAF
84- TQ
81 - Total
80- Darts , Lijaboc
77- LT
76- Geof
75- KL
74- Scott, 80
72 SJM, SE
66- Spesh , 54, Rackny
64- Nico, Steve
62- Matic , Critical.
61- Sheringham
57- Ex
54- Vinnie
36- Sukhothai
23- Sid
18 Barnsley
8- Stu
4- Muttley
3- Swindon
0- Hobo , LC , Rovinella

Thanks to all for taking part in.
We can all look forward to a mid week break now X2

What are we going to do with ourselves !

Take care , if I’ve made a fuck up , tough !

Let me know and I will put it right ….
Thanks everyone!!!!

102 - Gary
99 - Walt
92 - 1882
91 - Pomp, Greavsie
89 - Niall
86 - USAF
84 - TQ
81 - Total
80 - Darts , Lijaboc, LT
79 - Geof
78 - KL
77 - 80
76 - SE
75 - SJM
74 - Scott
69 - Rackny, 54
68 - Nico
66 - Spesh
65 - Sheringham
64 - Steve
62 - Matic , Critical
58 - Vinnie
57 - Ex
36 - Sukhothai
23 - Sid
18 - Barnsley
8 - Stu
4 - Muttley
3 - Swindon
0 - Hobo , LC , Rovinella
Thanks everyone!!!!

102 - Gary
99 - Walt
92 - 1882
91 - Pomp, Greavsie
89 - Niall
86 - USAF
84 - TQ
81 - Total
80 - Darts , Lijaboc, LT
79 - Geof
78 - KL
77 - 80
76 - SE
75 - SJM
74 - Scott
69 - Rackny, 54
68 - Nico
66 - Spesh
65 - Sheringham
64 - Steve
62 - Matic , Critical
58 - Vinnie
57 - Ex
36 - Sukhothai
23 - Sid
18 - Barnsley
8 - Stu
4 - Muttley
3 - Swindon
0 - Hobo , LC , Rovinella
Thanks buddy , great job
I forgot to put mine in for the Brentford game, but I wouldn't have guessed 0-2 or Sarr to score so...
So this was just about the most pointless post I’ve ever seen , in more ways than one !!!!!! :shrug::rofl: ,

Don’t forget the bindippers game Spesh ,,,,. We are in the verge of…….whatever Ange always delivers .
Barnsley was the only correct prediction,,well done to him , picked up 9 points .

We had :
5 wins ,
11 Draws and
15 defeats .

105- Gary
99 - Walt
95- 1882
91 - Pomp, Greavsie
89 - Niall
89 - USAF
87 - TQ
84 - Total
83 - Darts , Lijaboc, LT
79 - Geof
78 - KL
77 - 80, Scott
76 - SE
75 - SJM
69 - Rackny, 54
68 - Nico
66 - Spesh
65 - Sheringham,Matic
64 - Steve
62 -, Critical
60 ,-Ex
58 - Vinnie
39 - Sukhothai
27- Barnsley
26 - Sid
11 -Stu
4 - Muttley
3 - Swindon
0 - Hobo , LC , Rovinella

Thank you all for taking part , take care , on to Villa park where we will be able to count the ones who are still able to walk . Again .
Well a bit better performance than the mid-week....

Lijaboc has a perfect score today and Darts also had the right outcome.

109 - Gary
99 - Walt, 82
94 - Greavsie
93 - Lijaboc
92 - USAF, Darts
91 - Pomp, TQ2
89 - Niall
88 - Total
86 - Love Tott
81 - Scotty
79 - Geof
78 - KL
77 - 80
76 - SE
75 - SJM
69 - Rackny, 54, Sheringham, Matic
68 - Nico
67 - Critical, StevieP
66 - Spesh
63 - EX
58 - Vinnie
39 - Sukhothai
27 - Barnsley
26 - Sid
11 - Stu
4 - Muttley
3 - Swindon
0 - Hobo, LC, Rovinella